If that’s British irony, I love it!!! You are right on the money here. I was wondering why I felt severely outnumbered here.Just to clarify a little, I never came across Radical traditionalists until I dropped in Catholic discussion forums. Then I found they dominated the forums! I am sure there are many various forms of Catholics that post but I find, still, the Latin only Traditionalists dominate. Even if they do not dominate in terms of number, they do in terms of power and setting the tone. I think less radical, less canon law obsessive types tend to give up after a while and wander off. I know I did!
Example: I found what I thought was a moderate Catholic discussion forum (after finding masses of super-Traditionalist ones.) But, bit by bit the radical “No Salvation outside the Church” ‘Traditionalists’ came to dominate more and more. I had one discussion with a super-Latin only, everyone except me and my mate Derek (and his pet tortoise ‘Tommy’) is a heretic and wet Vatican II liberal. He really was the most extreme, obsessive, Radical Traditionalist on the board bar none! He literally advocated, in one discussion I had with him, the laity turn up to Mass, say nothing, do nothing, leave and behave as sheep; “Lest they take away from the elevation of the priest.” I gave up in disgust with him! I dropped in a week later just out of ‘road crash’ curiousity. He had been made one of the moderators.
Nuff said.
Real Catholics don’t argue over the fine points of canon law and the encyplical ‘Vesper Manderina’ by Pope Pius MCCXII from 1341 which states, “No-one may be saved who wears a ginger toupee.” Well, not on a daily basis anyway. They go off and do things. Example: Last night I was at a meeting of my community in which we gave personal sharing, we prayed over one another (oh no, how Protestant!!) and prepared for our next evangelism outreach. One girl who was a visitor loved it and it solidified her resolved to join us fully. Last night confirmed (again) for me that forums are largely a distraction from real Christian living. I am sure that many non-radical Traditionalists post on these forums but I find the ‘super-pious’ (“cold is God’s way of telling us to burn more Protestants!”) have the loudest voices on ANY English speaking Catholic forums and, thus, without knowing this, people who come in from the outside can get the wrong idea. (I mean, I don’t know any Catholics outside of forums who even use the word ‘Pious!’ Holy, yes. Reverent, yes. Pious??!!!)
Forums can be useful but you’ve got to bear in mind that they tend to attract obsessive’s. I also know form bitter experience there is no persuading the super-radical-Traditionalist-Fenneite types. It’s a bit like trying to persuade James White. I used to try and then realised how much time I wasting. If certain Catholics won’t hear the Vatican, the Pope or the catachism they won’t hear you. I’m not trying to be ‘mean’ I’m just trying to make sure people take their forum experiences, shall we say, in context. Yeah, I am being a bit British ironic but I am making a serious point that the ‘flavour’ of theology exposed on Catholic forums is not representative of Catholicism worldwide. There’s a reason for that other than the rest of the world are all limp wrested liberals.
I say, if you want to know the faith, read the Catachism and the apologists - Scott Hahn, Dave Armstrong, Gary Hoge, etc, etc.
Oh, sorry, they’re liberals. I forgot.
Have fun! Carry on!
Well said!!! :clapping: :yup: