To all of you that think Michael Moore is a big fat stupid Jerk

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Most of what he says in his films is rather tame.

In Baltimore Maryland one small nieghborhood has 200 Cameras? What for? Walmart, and Big shavers and probably hundreds of products, maybe even car tires have tracking chips… One city, here Baltimore has 50,000 boarded up houses.

The G0v3rnm3nt is putting up hundreds of signs with secret codes in the US and in your nieghborhood. Blue and white signs, with pictures of trains for train stations, golf courese, computer information centers and arrows pointing God knows where. So when it starts going down. You will know where to go to get shiped. Some of you people need to wake up and smell the eagle droppings. You know who you are. Get out of the mansion and the $50,000 SUV and smell the coffee. You are straying from the good shepard.

When you go out in the world tommorow. Take the Bag off your face and have a nice look around.

Terrorists are the least of our worries.
What are you talking about?

PS: Do you know they have an improved, upgrade to the TinFoilHat, but made of transparent plastic wrap, to avoid being tracked by radar?
Do you have more credit cards in your wallet than Dollar bills. If so you may need to step off and rethink your life. %40 of all purchases are non cash.
Do you have more credit cards in your wallet than Dollar bills. If so you may need to step off and rethink your life. %40 of all purchases are non cash.
I don’t see the problem here. I use my credit card almost exclusively because I want the frequent flyer miles, but I pay off my balance every month. I think credit cards are convenient. If you get into debt, that is another story and a big problem. A person can go into debt without credit cards.
I think he’s refering to them being able to track your purchases with the heavy use of credit cards, but as to the rest of it,huh???

Linda H.
I’m only getting information about Michael Moore from a distance.
His film “Fahrenheit 911” was on TV here recently and,unfortunately,i forgot it was on.So,it is not even taped.
I’ll have to wait a while longer before deciding if this guy really is
a Communist or his critics are just Fascists.
I’m only getting information about Michael Moore from a distance.
His film “Fahrenheit 911” was on TV here recently and,unfortunately,i forgot it was on.So,it is not even taped.
I’ll have to wait a while longer before deciding if this guy really is
a Communist or his critics are just Fascists.
It’s well worth watching Jock! Trouble with Mr. Moore is he is blatently politically biased, which is a shame because if he wasn’t, more people might pay attention to some very good points he makes!
Do you have more credit cards in your wallet than Dollar bills. If so you may need to step off and rethink your life. %40 of all purchases are non cash.
Which is a little like saying I should stop eating carrots because 40% of people eat carrots. Logic, if you please.

The government is capable of doing almost nothing well, it is capable of agreeing with itself on even LESS, and it’s hard for TWO people to keep a secret (unless one of them is dead), let alone thousands!

But, Bill, if this is all true, get off this forum quickly–they’re about to find out you ratted on them.

Peace, really.
Whoa Nellie!
  • Tracking credit card purchases: That actually PROTECTS you when your card is STOLEN! They look at your buying trends and if something is out of the ordinary, they catch it. Personnally I don’t use a traditional credit card unless it is an emergency. I prefer to use a debit card rather than write checks or carry a lot of cash.
  • Cameras in public places are GOOD. I do not object to being surveiled in public. It would seem to me that the people who most object to being observed in public are those who wish to be allowed the “right” of not being caught when doing something wrong. May I remind us all that one of these cameras helped catch a murdering rapist in Florida when he abducted a girl near a car wash.
  • BIll_A why not write to Michael Moore or some other celeb elite like Alec Baldwin and ask them buy a bunch of those houses and rehab them with the tax refunds they don’t want. Then they give them to people who need them. Maybe Mike Moore can sell his limo?

Cameras in public places are GOOD. I do not object to being surveiled in public. It would seem to me that the people who most object to being observed in public are those who wish to be allowed the “right” of not being caught when doing something wrong.​

Actually the thought of someone watching my every move in public is intrusive and has nothing to do with my doing anything wrong. It’s called privacy. Something we are missing in this country lately.​

May I remind us all that one of these cameras helped catch a murdering rapist in Florida when he abducted a girl near a car was​

It’s a shame the state of Florida and other states can’t keep those with a history of sexual assault locked up as was the situation in this case. It seems these camaras are an excuse for the gov’t to screw up and provide us with a false sense of security. The obvious problem in the abduction was this man had a CRIMINAL HISTORY OF SEXUAL assault and should have been in jail.
Actually the thought of someone watching my every move in public is intrusive and has nothing to do with my doing anything wrong. It’s called privacy. Something we are missing in this country lately.
The operative word is PUBLIC. If you are in the privacy of your home or other private place then indeed cameras are intrusive. If you CHOOSE to enter the public sphere, what difference is there if someone sees you through a camera lens or someone sees you walking down the street, shopping, buying a hambuger? You can’t have an expectation of privacy in public. That’s what the word public means.

And no I am not advocating the Big Brother method but cameras for example in parking garages, banks, ATMs, etc are appropriate IMO.
It’s a shame the state of Florida and other states can’t keep those with a history of sexual assault locked up as was the situation in this case. It seems these camaras are an excuse for the gov’t to screw up and provide us with a false sense of security. The obvious problem in the abduction was this man had a CRIMINAL HISTORY OF SEXUAL assault and should have been in jail.
True and the judge who let him out was pressured to resign. It’s the lack of judgment on part of judges that created this problem. The cameras frankly were not to protect against assault but to catch someone engaged in property crime. A property owner does have the right to protect his property.

Lisa N
Its a violation of the 4rth amednment. Its the same as putting a person on every corner and paying them to watch you!
Its a violation of the 4rth amednment. Its the same as putting a person on every corner and paying them to watch you!
You mean the traffic cops? 😉

By the way, that isn’t a violation of the 4th amendment.
Yes it is, In olden times people were paid by governments to infiltrater nieghborhoods and spy on people. The FOunding fathers new this and put it in the constitution. CCTV has been overlooked but it is the exact same thing. The assumption is, you must be guilty and so you must be watched.
Yes it is, In olden times people were paid by governments to infiltrater nieghborhoods and spy on people. The FOunding fathers new this and put it in the constitution. CCTV has been overlooked but it is the exact same thing. The assumption is, you must be guilty and so you must be watched.
Read the 4th amendment. Unless you are reading more into it than it actually says, you are off track. There is nothing unconstitutional about a police man (or a police camera) on every street corner.

If you don’t like that, you can petition to change the constitution. But don’t pretend it says something it doesn’t.
It’s well worth watching Jock! Trouble with Mr. Moore is he is blatently politically biased, which is a shame because if he wasn’t, more people might pay attention to some very good points he makes!
Not until he learns to shave, push himself away from the table, clean up his act…and join the real world.
I think it is a shame that Churches are increasingly adding security cameras. No longer can one be alone with God. It’s more like “me and you and some priest or who knows who”.
Not until he learns to shave, push himself away from the table, clean up his act…and join the real world.
There was a time when M.Moore was thought of as a political saterist…now I see him as an angry man full of the end justifies the means…his MOCK a menty which is so bad …the truth is so distorted that it is not recognizable…One of the bad things about it is there will be people who will see it and not even check out the things in it to see if they are true. I think some want to believe what is in the fake documentary …will they believe it…the predictable bunch will.
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