There is one true religion, the love of God. It is a mutilation and mischaracterization to suggest that God has not revealed to and through Judeo-Christianity His embrace of all, all, who respond to Him in love. The Old Testament says that God will accept the pure-hearted sacrifice of the pagan, and the New Testament says those who know God only through His creation will be saved.
God revealed Himself from Adam onward, and all cultures originally shared monotheism, like Ptah of the Egyptians and Shang-Ti of the Chinese. All cultures engage in marriage, the first sacrament instituted in Genesis Ch. 2. Cultures universally share a story of the Great Flood, involving God’s displeasure, animals, man’s salvation, and a mountain landing. Cultures universally have a standard of modesty, the nakedness clothed of the Genesis Fall.
Prophecy of Messiah is so ancient that it is preserved in the “Gospel of the Stars” elucidated by D. James Kennedy, with theology deftly drawn in the names of stars and constellations, the Leo of the Tribe of Judah, and the Virgo. China’s emperor saw a strange star and asked the sages what it was. They looked it up, finding the ancient prophecy of the coming Savior.
There is a universality of belief in an afterlife, and even moderns record near-death experiences that show the continuation of consciousness. One example is the dead man who was floating outside his hospital room and when re-animated, said there was a sneaker on a high ledge. Not visible from the street, the sneaker was found where stated.
Shared morals and an afterlife were revealed universally from the beginning, not imposed by some wily dictator. Non-Jewish prophecy was given universally is fulfilled in Jesus Christ along with the three-hundred plus Jewish prophecies, including Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem.
What was also prophesied was the grand self-delusion of intellectuals, who have not the love of the truth, and would be given cause to believe a lie. Daniel’s prophecy of Antichrist is also imminent, one who adores, not the God of his fathers, but the god of Force, God reduced to a force of nature. Fulfilled prophecy proves there is an eternal, provident God. “May the Lord enlighten the eyes of our hearts.”
Daniel also prophecies that “Contact” will occur. Heaven will be breached, doubtless by godless physicists, and the Archangel Michael will incinerate them as not entering in by the Way, the Truth and the Life which is Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The atheist’s satanic disdain of man’s relations with others and with the Creator, a disdain indulged in by those who ironically makes man the measure of all things, has resulted in the greatest genocidal slaughter in the history of the world, that of the twentieth century. Atheism leads to “death and cursing.”
This withering elitism voices itself in the patronizing contempt of atheists for those of faith who are reduced to idiots and mere cultural automatons. Atheist Allen Dershowitz decries the American guarantee of inalienable rights as deriving from God, and wants them to be reconstituted as deriving from man. Dershowitz recently came out in favor of torture. Here is where atheist contempt inexorably leads.
To reiterate, those of any faith who know and love the Lord, and love His children, their fellows as brothers, are following the Great Command to love as given from the first. The fullness of this faith is revealed in Christ’s Church founded on Peter the Rock to men endued with divine power and authority to teach and discipline. Keep asking, seeking, knocking. All Catholic parishes offer free instruction and welcome inquiry.