These studies about murders you mention are the favorite of conservatives. They are also included in that list of studies you did not want to read; i.e.; unlike conservatives do on this issue, it’s not cherrypicked but comprehensive, giving the biggest, best picture of the situation. They are also from all over the country, some are country-wide.Are you suggesting there is no such thing as a bogus or bad study?
There are VERY non-intellectual studies out there, about pretty much any topic.
To stay in the race realm, which is where the left wing largely operates these days… a bogus, bad, and non-intellectual study would be to take a small portion of people producing massive numbers in a group and then spreading the blame on that entire group. So, 50% of the homicides in America are committed by blacks, that’s a tragic statistical fact. However, there’s a small group within the entire black community that is doing all of this killing. Inner city, young, male, gang-related crime, most against each other. Now, the media and BLM oddly doesn’t seem to care about these deaths, even though they fit the criteria of being black, and even though it’s happening at an infinitely higher rate than any police brutality deaths.
That’s also something the studies indicates about how little Black lives matter. You should really read them! Not only do the police not respond the same way when the victim of a crime is Black, it is reflected in sentencing as well. Very few people get the death penalty for killing a Black person. Hardly any White person ever gets the death penalty for killing a black person. Almost all people on death row are Black people who killed White people, especially White women, and a few White people who killed White people. This system doesn’t care as much for Black victims or Black innocents. That’s why we say “Black lives matter.”Now, the media and BLM oddly doesn’t seem to care about these deaths, even though they fit the criteria of being black, and even though it’s happening at an infinitely higher rate than any police brutality deaths.
And the race of perpetrators isn’t as big a point as the conservatives make it out to be; crimes are committed against whoever is around the criminal; So 81% of White victims have White assailants, and 89% of Black victims have Black assailants. All this tell you is that criminals attack whoever is around them.
Lastly, I really do want examples of the racism you earlier claimed was perpetrated against White people on behalf of Black people. If you mispoke, you should withdraw it rather than just ignore it.
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