Are you suggesting there is no such thing as a bogus or bad study?
There are VERY non-intellectual studies out there, about pretty much any topic.
To stay in the race realm, which is where the left wing largely operates these days… a bogus, bad, and non-intellectual study would be to take a small portion of people producing massive numbers in a group and then spreading the blame on that entire group. So, 50% of the homicides in America are committed by blacks, that’s a tragic statistical fact. However, there’s a small group within the entire black community that is doing all of this killing. Inner city, young, male, gang-related crime, most against each other. Now, the media and BLM oddly doesn’t seem to care about these deaths, even though they fit the criteria of being black, and even though it’s happening at an infinitely higher rate than any police brutality deaths. Just this past weekend, a one year old, two three year olds, a five year old, AND a nine year old were all part of over 20 victims killed in Chicago… again… just this past weekend! That’s 20 George Floyds, and hundreds of years more life stolen, mostly in violent criminal behavior and murder. Yet, oddly… no outrage at Chicago, and the mob still grieves for George Floyd. Can you answer why that is?
Anyways, to get back on track… it would be dishonest and a bad, unintelligent “study” to say that all black people cause 50% of homicides in America. There’s a small extremely violent pocket of blacks that kills a LOT of people. As I remarked earlier, our mainstream society and black culture measurably ignores it because they seem to take the data personally. The data itself becomes “racist” or “insensitive”, which is sad for honest debate and a rather comical claim. All the deaths won’t go away no matter how offended one is by hearing it, and those families I’m sure understand…
The sad truth is that when there’s such a massive violent cell in your culture, it’s going to rub off on you. It happens with Muslims and terrorism, it happens with white people and school shootings. However, 50% of homicides and very high numbers in other areas is going to be a HEAVY weight dragging any culture down. Negative stereotypes are formed, and it’s a tag team effort to get an unwarranted stereotype off a culture’s back. If the numbers continue to be so high, it becomes difficult when they’re ignored and then we fall into the finger pointing that we see today. The truth is, Nobody is special, there’s no need to convince races to see who can be the most hypersensitive. We all have our different cultures, which have positive and negative aspects, with differing family structures and combinations of values. It’s true diversity.