To combat racism, try reviving the black family

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We weep for when a black man is unjustly killed by a specific race of officer, we stop the entire nation, blame that nation, and demand it’s entire culture change… but when a white or hispanic person is unjustly killed, it’s local news… if that. They aren’t worth our time. Their families don’t matter as much as George Floyd’s.
There are numerous studies that show Black people are more targetted based on their race. The reason the cases you’re mentioning don’t garner this response is because everyone knows poor Whites are not getting racially profiled by the police.
Making up for past racism with racism against whites is a horrible way to go, but that’s what’s happening.
I don’t know what racism you think is being perpetrated against White people on behalf of Black people. Could you give me examples?
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What “extra hurdles” are you referring to?

If you’re referring to the theory of “White Privilege”, it’s quite honestly a reprehensible thing to say rhetorically. To target an entire ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless to the innocence or guilt of the individual, is the most racist thing in our modern culture today.

But, by all means, what are these “hurdles”. What laws hold different standards for blacks than whites? The only ones I can think of are in blacks favor. Affirmative action, quota systems for government programs and school admissions, school scholarships… all selectively discriminatory against other races.

Please, the floor is yours.
You don’t sound like someone interested in intellectual discourse. I’m sure there are studies that say what you claim, but I know of plenty of studies that would disprove what you’re attempting to say.
No one is stopping you from bringing studies to the attention of people interested in this topic. And what logic says studies are contrary to “intellectual discourse”? Talk about irony.
Sorry, I won’t do your homework for you. Copy and paste your points concisely for me to read like a normal person. I do the same to others who I am debating with. Just pasting links and expecting the other person to try to find what you’re talking about is lazy, and silly.
That is a list of all (or most) studies done on systemic racism in the criminal justice system. You asked a question. I assumed you were genuinely interested in the information. Your posts are already hostile. What do you hope to achieve here?

Thankfully, I don’t need to do “homework” that hundreds of researchers have already done. I just need to read.

As for a summary:
-Police target Black people disproportionately in stop, search, and arrests despite White people being more likely to be caught with contraband upon search.
-Black people are not charged similarly or offered similar plea bargains as White people with similar offences.
-Black people are excluded from juries in crazy unfair ways.
-Black people are given harsher sentences for similar offences as Whites.
-Black people are disproportionately convinced to plead guilty when innocent due to a host of problems they perceive in proving their innocence.
-Black people are exonnerated for wrongful convictions at almost twice the rate (or 50%, not sure) as Whites, using later evidence, pointing to many wrongful convictions of Blacks in that country.

That’s not even everything! If you were in anyway genuinely interested in this topic, you’d want to educate yourself.
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Making up for past racism with racism against whites is a horrible way to go, but that’s what’s happening.
I don’t know what racism you think is being perpetrated against White people on behalf of Black people. Could you give me examples?
Still waiting for these examples.
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They weakened the black family unit with government stipends like welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamps and WIC.
That is the conservative talking point, I know, but there is no proof of it.
Leftists will blame it on “racism” and ignore the statistical realities.
While conservatives will blame it on government programs, without proof.
Making up for past racism with racism against whites is a horrible way to go, but that’s what’s happening.
…but no one is going that way.
If you’re referring to the theory of “White Privilege”, it’s quite honestly a reprehensible thing to say rhetorically. To target an entire ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless to the innocence or guilt of the individual,
No, the phrase “white privilege” does not carry any implication of guilt. It just a statement of fact. It allows for the strong possibility that those enjoying white privilege are doing so totally without knowledge or responsibility for that privilege.
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Read Thomas Sowell. He provides overwhelming evidence and silences the left instantly. He is irrefutable in this area.
No thanks. If you are unwilling to make the least effort to present his argument, I am not going to bother searching him out and trying to figure out where he “silences the left.”
No thanks. If you are unwilling to make the least effort to present his argument, I am not going to bother searching him out and trying to figure out where he “silences the left.”
Read his book, “Discrimination and Disparities”. He is Black so you can be reassured it is not some racist white author who hates blacks. Read that book. He provides evidence from studies in overwhelming quantities and silences the arguments. I do not say that lightly that he silences the argument. Just read the book and inform yourself.
No thanks. If you are unwilling to make the least effort to present his argument, I am not going to bother searching him out and trying to figure out where he “silences the left.”
Read his book, “Discrimination and Disparities”. He is Black so you can be reassured it is not some racist white author who hates blacks. Read that book. He provides evidence from studies in overwhelming quantities and silences the arguments. I do not say that lightly that he silences the argument. Just read the book and inform yourself.
No thanks. If you want to present a brief summary of his argument, please do so, but no one is going to go and get a book that you recommend and read it just because you say so.
They weakened the black family unit with government stipends like welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamps and WIC.
That is the conservative talking point, I know, but there is no proof of it.
You made this comment of there being no proof.

Thomas Sowell has a Phd in economics and is black so there is no bias. Welfare, government programs, etc. all that stuff and more. He sites study after study. We are talking irrefutable facts. This book will give you a clear idea of the big picture.
Thomas Sowell … is black so there is no bias.
If being black means Sowell can’t possibly be biased against blacks, well, I am white so there is no possibility of me being biased against whites, and I say he is wrong.

Here’s an idea: If you want so badly to have Sowell’s argument presented, but are unwilling to do so yourself, why don’t you call him up and ask him to sign on to Catholic Answers and come here and present his arguments himself?
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If being black means Sowell can’t possibly be biased against blacks, well, I am white so there is no possibility of me being biased against whites, and I say he is wrong.

I am trying to help you here not argue. You posted that there was no proof. Do not take offense here, but that is a very ignorant statement. There is proof, there is a mountain of evidence. I shared an author and book that is very thorough. It is short book too and gives one the facts in a way to see the big picture of things. You can ignore it, but the facts do not change. I offered it in friendly manner. But when you say there is no proof of governmental programs hurting blacks, that is completely false and shows you are ignorant to the facts. The truth is quite the opposite of what you stated. So read the book or not, but when you make statements out of ignorance, you will be called on it.

God bless.

I am trying to help you here not argue.
That is very considerate of you. But arguing in a civil and respectful manner like we are doing here is a noble activity since the time of Plato. There are even high school classes that teach how to do it well. It is how opposing viewpoints are compared and evaluated. Your point of view is best served by presenting the best argument you can to support it. Patronizing others with accusations of ignorance does not help your case.
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That is very considerate of you. But arguing in a civil and respectful manner like we are doing here is a noble activity since the time of Plato. There are even high school classes that teach how to do it well. It is how opposing viewpoints are compared and evaluated. Your point of view is best served by presenting the best argument you can to support it. Patronizing others with accusations of ignorance does not help your case.
Read about the “Move to Opportunity” program and then pair it with all the empirical studies done and you will learn. Or don’t. It doesn’t change the facts of the reality. But when you say there is no proof, it is you who come across uninformed on the topic.

I understand that you just cannot accept these facts because they will completely crush the entire foundation of this whole “systemic racism” idea that all this fuss is over. People like myself will always refute these arguments, no matter how much chaos there is in the streets because it is all predicated on a lie.
Please do not email me Leaf. Keep it in the thread.

I have read studies on opposing views on this topic and one must weigh all the evidence to discern what is true because both cannot be true.

I suggested an author who sites numerous empirical studies on these very things you say have no proof. These are studies that are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. It is irrefutable. We are not talking opinions or surveys here. We are talking about numerous studies published in credible journals. So look into or don’t. You are just not going to get away with saying there is no proof of government programs hurting blacks because that is completely false.
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The government (Democrats) instead did the opposite. They weakened the black family unit with government stipends like welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamps and WIC. A Daddy was no longer needed because “Big Daddy” government was there to fill the void. Thanks liberals.
Talk about looking at things backwards. It seems you think that fathers look at the benefits a woman can get if he leaves and simply does so. Whereas most people see a broken family and think ‘this woman needs help’.

Hey, here’s an idea to get everything back the way you want…simply take away all welfare and food stamps! That’s bound to result in stable families!

If you want to blame the Democrats then go back to the failure of the GI Bill. Some might argue that that was the start of the problem. Denying African Americans equity in the housing market and denying them a decent education.
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Are you suggesting there is no such thing as a bogus or bad study?

There are VERY non-intellectual studies out there, about pretty much any topic.

To stay in the race realm, which is where the left wing largely operates these days… a bogus, bad, and non-intellectual study would be to take a small portion of people producing massive numbers in a group and then spreading the blame on that entire group. So, 50% of the homicides in America are committed by blacks, that’s a tragic statistical fact. However, there’s a small group within the entire black community that is doing all of this killing. Inner city, young, male, gang-related crime, most against each other. Now, the media and BLM oddly doesn’t seem to care about these deaths, even though they fit the criteria of being black, and even though it’s happening at an infinitely higher rate than any police brutality deaths. Just this past weekend, a one year old, two three year olds, a five year old, AND a nine year old were all part of over 20 victims killed in Chicago… again… just this past weekend! That’s 20 George Floyds, and hundreds of years more life stolen, mostly in violent criminal behavior and murder. Yet, oddly… no outrage at Chicago, and the mob still grieves for George Floyd. Can you answer why that is?

Anyways, to get back on track… it would be dishonest and a bad, unintelligent “study” to say that all black people cause 50% of homicides in America. There’s a small extremely violent pocket of blacks that kills a LOT of people. As I remarked earlier, our mainstream society and black culture measurably ignores it because they seem to take the data personally. The data itself becomes “racist” or “insensitive”, which is sad for honest debate and a rather comical claim. All the deaths won’t go away no matter how offended one is by hearing it, and those families I’m sure understand…

The sad truth is that when there’s such a massive violent cell in your culture, it’s going to rub off on you. It happens with Muslims and terrorism, it happens with white people and school shootings. However, 50% of homicides and very high numbers in other areas is going to be a HEAVY weight dragging any culture down. Negative stereotypes are formed, and it’s a tag team effort to get an unwarranted stereotype off a culture’s back. If the numbers continue to be so high, it becomes difficult when they’re ignored and then we fall into the finger pointing that we see today. The truth is, Nobody is special, there’s no need to convince races to see who can be the most hypersensitive. We all have our different cultures, which have positive and negative aspects, with differing family structures and combinations of values. It’s true diversity.
There’s a strong correlation of when the New Deal was passed and when struggles in the black community happened, and you can point to what it did and see why it happened. It has been bathed in leftist history as a good thing… but my goodness.

The flagship of the New Deal did many things:

It supported industrial cartels which caused wages to soar above market levels, thus those who weren’t trained with proper work skills immediately were devastated. Some 500,000 blacks lost their jobs instantly.

These unskilled, unemployed blacks had nowhere to go, and the New Deal ensured they’d be screwed. FDR tripled federal taxes between 1933 and 1940, and put Social Security taxes on payrolls so businesses had less money, thus, less hiring occurred.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act in the New Deal had the intent of helping farmers by cutting farm production and forcing up food prices. But the drop in production meant less work for thousands of poor black sharecroppers, and blacks were among the 100 million consumers forced to pay higher food prices.

The Wagner Act of the New Deal harmed blacks by making labor union monopolies legal. It raised the number of the currently employed “insiders” who could build a moat and keep new outsiders out. After the union negotiated higher wages, they were less likely to hire outsiders. By giving these labor unions the monopoly power to exclusively represent employees in a work place, it by design excluded blacks, , since the dominant unions, made up of Democrats then and still today, discriminated against blacks.

FDR also spent most of his infrastructure budget from the New Deal on western and eastern states, as he knew he had blacks in the bag as far as votes and took them for granted.

This New Deal ensured a crippling effect on the black race in America. It’s hard for me to believe that FDR and his Democrat minions didn’t know exactly what they were doing. It was horrible government programs with devastating results that is oddly praised by those on the left as a good thing via pseudo history. Instead of taking the time to see these awful realities, the new generation just points the finger at white people for actively holding them down as we live today. That’s not what’s happening. The problem is, the black race largely was conned and abused by the Democrat party at an astronomical extent in the 1930’s, putting in motion the wheels that would keep these disenfranchised people barely able to make it only thanks to the government nipple.

And, yet they still remain faithful to the Democrat party and its racist history like an abused woman apologizing for her abusive husband.
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