The “Error of my thinking” was NOT believing in a Creator.
God opened my heart and eyes to the intense beauty and complexity of creation. Through MY reasoning ability (however limited they may be), I finally saw for the first time how complex and organized all of creation was. NOT a random coming together of life forms and non life forms.
For me, it finally came down to just one question. How did the planet start? Even if you were to believe in the Big Bang theroy, which I still have not ruled out in my own thinking, then the question that begs to be asked is…“WHERE DID THE GASES COME FROM TO CREATE THE BLAST”? Answer?..A Creator-----GOD!!
I can articulate better with the verbal language then with the written, so my thoughts and opinions are not always presented in a clear and concise manner. But ya kinda get the idea.
God opened my heart and eyes to the intense beauty and complexity of creation. Through MY reasoning ability (however limited they may be), I finally saw for the first time how complex and organized all of creation was. NOT a random coming together of life forms and non life forms.
For me, it finally came down to just one question. How did the planet start? Even if you were to believe in the Big Bang theroy, which I still have not ruled out in my own thinking, then the question that begs to be asked is…“WHERE DID THE GASES COME FROM TO CREATE THE BLAST”? Answer?..A Creator-----GOD!!
I can articulate better with the verbal language then with the written, so my thoughts and opinions are not always presented in a clear and concise manner. But ya kinda get the idea.