Tolle 2

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I think it is new age and the best source for that is it is not a Catholic source but this lady was in the new age…and tells how she escaped. Check this website out…it is worthwhile and educational.
“*Why do you believe your beliefs are any different? Or do you have direct knowledge of reality? *” I can’t speak for the others on this thread, but the Truth pointed to by them is predicated on an experiencible state of Conscious Awareness that is in fact pointed to by statements attributed to Jesus. I have experienced that state, and tried mightily to get a reasonable exegesis of my experience from any Church source whatsoever. I got everything from “It was your hormones” to “You were hallucinating” to Have faith in the teachings of the Church." I was in an existential crisis and I got nothing useful. Friends who have had the same or similar experiences have reported the same, or tried, as someone here on CAF, to unsuccessfully cram their insight into doctrine. I have no doubt whatsoever that person will psychologically pay for that mistake, as they are already evidencing a split in their rational mind.

It took me years to stabilize, and it was my extreme great fortune to meet one of the living proponents of a pure form of Advaita. He knew my dilemma and without even me asking was able to delineate my experience and even points I had myself not noticed. I was welcomed into a Way of Understanding that is, as I have said, over 5000 years old, and is more true to fact than any other system I have been able to discover. For me that proof of this is in its practicality. When one thing includes the other, and the other doesn’t include the One, the more inclusive is at a more fundamental level of Reality. I not only now have a far more inclusive basic operating system, but also understand how Catholicism got the way it is today. And all anyone on here who is agreeing with Tolle is doing is asking the faithful to enhance their understanding of themselves as an image and likeness of God in this word, what that means, and how it works. That cannot be done without the kind of self inquiry described above, and it is NOT a faith system as you ascribe to One. It is a method for discovering Truth as yourSelf as that Image which is now veiled by beliefs of every sort, including your religion.

So, Tonyrey, when you say “*Why do you believe your beliefs are any different? Or do you have direct knowledge of reality? *” I for myself, not for the others, reply that I have directly experienced a mode of Understanding that is not in the ordinary realm of subject/object thinking, which realm is the only place that religion and pointing can take place. I guarantee you when you die you will not be judged on the name and practice of your religion. You will ask yourself in the most dispassionate way that you cannot now imagine “Did I Love?” and “What did I Learn?” One, Tulle, I, and others are simply reaffirming that Tolle amongst many others we have named, are pointing to a Way of acting that will result in happy answers to those question, if I may put it in those terms.

We are all in the Sea of Conscious Awareness, but some are adrift, T-rey. Many are so asleep that they do not realize that they are asleep, and their snoring sounds to us like arguments against themselves.

And for 17’s suggestion, sure, go ahead. But “New Age” is a corruption of what we are talking about, as are the current forms of the Abrahamic religions.
Let me just begin by saying that I’ve been away from ‘Holy Mother Church’ for almost 2 decades.

Been into ‘New Agey’ type stuff starting from the ‘Blavatsky’ Theosophy beginnings to ParaPsychology, Silo, TM, White Witchcraft/Prosperity Gospel, Tibetan Buddhism, ‘Eck,’ “In Tune with the Infinite,” to reading about the ‘Ascended Masters’…
why I’ve even met Neil Donald Walsh himself, and his words were 'Wow, like real far out man, where has this guy been all my life…!!!.. ad absurdumb…

I say that quite contently because I was never a ‘good chela,’ quite a lazy but eclectic reader. I am glad I did not get into any of these (deeply) or I’d’ve doomed myself and never would’ve come back to Catholicism.

Bottomline, all through this convoluted journey, there was always an ‘inner voice’ (my conscience ?) that silently spoke to me…plus the prayers/rosaries/Masses/Eucharists offered in my behalf by my dear most patient & loving parents, I drifted from this imprecise/nebulous ‘hippie’ morass of 'transcendental (Tollean?) thoughts and spiritually got tired of all this wondering/wandering…& stopped…I trusted…

…so only by God’s Grace, not deserving at all, …I came back to the Catholicism of my birth, and have never looked back. I can tell you, I AM TRULY HOME !!!

Alas, this thread brings back all those ‘heavy’ (transcendental?) thoughts, and all I knew then was that, at that time in my ‘spiritual childhood,’ I needed to get rid of my ‘Catholic guilt’ so that I could justify (dig this!) my ‘serial fornication’ (read: get on the bones of all my many beautiful soul-mates) and I couldn’t do that with all my ‘Catholic baggage.’

Good to state that in my ‘20/20 vision’ now, I will not plead the usual … that I’ve experimented and explored all these esoteric wonders of my youth, and have learned and transcended all the negatives of my evolving path towards true consciousness and blah blah blah, yada, yada, yada…nope, I just needed the sex laced with grass, + the ‘transcendental drama’ of all this New Age gobbledygook !!! FULL STOP…

Sorry (Tollean) guys, been there and done that, and though there is still a part of me that wonders/revels in your ‘beautiful transcendent & metaphysical’ words, … NAH no thanks, not putting you down mind you, but now I know that in all my ‘searching for the green grass’ on the other side…I’ve found the “Pearl of Great Price” and I didn’t have to reason my way into knowing Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and His Catholic Church, He was there all the time !!! In the Holy Eucharist !!!

Guys, allow me to boldly proclaim,
Rest assure that on the other side of all your wanderings, if indeed you are honest seekers of the Truth, keep at it and not to be surprised that on the other end is the YHWH “I AM THAT AM,” the Adonai Elohim of the Old Testament, … that “Hound of Heaven” I now fondly call/pray to, in the Spanish of my (true) childhood, “Papa Dios.”

Cheers and God bless always,

Live Jesus in our Hearts, FOREVER.

**+In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, AMEN + **
Wow. Unbelievable. Nothing like a good rant gone to waste by having it fly over the heads of the intended audience.

And “escape” from the “New Age?” It’s not Alcatraz, for cryin’ out loud. Such drama. Such nonsense.

Anything beyond the point of The One that Detales has so wonderfully elaborated on, anything at all, in fact, is nothing more then interpreted interpretations reinterpreted.

Ya’ll may now go back to your ritual-infused snooze.
Been away for a couple of days, and I see this thread is still alive. For someone who doesn’t believe in truth, One, you seem very sure of your own opinions.
Yeah…really! Reminds me of all the new agers in my are that preach that there is no such thing as truth because it is relative and that there are NO absolutes.Thats right after they ran outside and put a “war is not the answer” sign in their yard. That sounds pretty darn absolute to me! They contradict themselves and cannot even see it. Oh well…we are all in need of prayer. Amen!
Been away for a couple of days, and I see this thread is still alive. For someone who doesn’t believe in truth, One, you seem very sure of your own opinions.
Where’d you get that? I said “Truth exists.” Is there a problem.

I said something about beliefs.
Right, right. I read your post again. You said truth exists, but no beliefs are true. How is that possible?
Aquinas may have seen his own inadequacy in the Light of revelation, but what he did not say was that God was within the self. Even in the quote mentioned before he still maintained that “God” and “me” were distinct.

What many Catholics may be alarmed by is how far this type of esoteric/eclecticism/ Jungian psychobabble has infiltrated into the Church (which was Jung’s goal).

Of course, I will be accused of being unenlightened by referring to it as psychobabble, but that is a refutation of the premise of eclecticism and itself an unenlighened engagement in dualism. If all is one and dualism is only an outer layer of expressing what can only be understood within the self, then why is Tolle, or anyone else for that matter, writing books and giving lectures in order to express to others (or are they?) what is only a dogmatic declaration that his listeners can’t know Truth outside of their own Self? Which is it? An apple or an orange? Cyanide or vitamin C? Tolle, Eckhart, Jung, Chopra or my Self?

If evil and good are mere forms of the One reality underneath the facade of myths and stories, then Tolle’s story/method/tradition/myth (5,000 years old indeed. Older) is just as mythical as any other, in which case we may summarily reject it too as wholly inadequate.

Tolle is like the “enlightened” Buddhists who reject all material comforts, while checking their investment portfolios.

Rubbish . . .

P.S. One need not be intelligent or “awake” to understand eclecticism. One need only be profoundly confused to accept it.
I for myself, not for the others, reply that I have directly experienced a mode of Understanding that is not in the ordinary realm of subject/object thinking, which realm is the only place that religion and pointing can take place.
Any person who sincerely seeks the truth and is motivated by love experiences a mode of understanding that is not of this world. God has no favourites. He forgives us to the exact extent that we forgive others. He loves us to the exact extent that we love others. No one has privileged access to divine wisdom. We develop in understanding in exact proportion to our efforts to discover and follow the way to happiness - the purpose for which we are created…
I guarantee you when you die you will not be judged on the name and practice of your religion.
We shall not be judged at all! We shall receive exactly what we deserve because there is cosmic justice in an existence created by God.
You will ask yourself in the most dispassionate way that you cannot now imagine “Did I Love?” and “What did I Learn?”
I shall not need to ask anything. In the light of God’s love I shall clearly understand to what extent I have succeeded and failed to love Him, others and myself.
One, Tulle, I, and others are simply reaffirming that Tolle amongst many others we have named, are pointing to a Way of acting that will result in happy answers to those questions, if I may put it in those terms.
If you are following the Way of Love given to us by Jesus you are already in the Kingdom of Heaven…which He established on this earth.
Oh and by the way, Detales. You cited Zeitgeist the movie and Tom Harpur in one of your posts. Are you serious? Zeitgeist was the worst piece of trash I’ve ever seen. I’m surprised someone as obviously intelligent as you appear to be would get taken in by it. Tom Harpur is at least a bit more scholarly, but many of his main sources for The Pagan Christ have been discredited, particularly Alfred Boyd Kuhn, on whom he relies heavily for his thesis.
tscotom, the only thing that ever did and still do keep you from home is your thoughts. You always already are home. It is a matter of education to see how that is. You have simply and naturally been all this time at your accepted level of understanding. Nothing wrong with that; it is as it should be. But it ought to be clear that we are not talking about the things that you labeled or named. from your dismissal of them you only thought you were there, but clearly weren’t. If I went to a lecture on astrophysics, I could say I was there, and even say it was not for me, and go back to my advanced algebra and be happy there. It does not mean that the astrophysics course was wrong or irrelevant. It was only so for me. The laws of astrophysics still operate despite my not needing them for my personal venues, and those who live in that thought field pertinent to astrophysics certainly are dealing with the truth manifested at their level of comprehension.

In that regard, it is difficult to make statements on CAF about many things of extreme and foundational importance to some. I often go so far as to check on someone’s personal profile as to who they are and what they are about. Often the only qualification posted there is “Catholic” and maybe a location. I don’t know if I’m talking to a precocious pre-teen or a retired professor. That is why I tried to post as much about myself as possible on my profile, though I suspect that little of it shows when I opt to check it. At least I tried.

I have often stated that I feel that not only is this way not for many, but have in some cases recommended against it. It can, as evident in a few cases on here, appear to be too controversial at best and disturbing at worst. In any case, it is plain that few have thoroughly read and reasoned on what was actually said by One, myself, and a few others. That is usual and expected.

I also do not disagree with much of what many on here say. I only see it from a different dimension. I assure you that that dimension exists and is not gobbledygook. It is the source of clarification of much that is contentious between Catholics an other religionists. But it is not about religion per se. It only seems so on here, because this is a Catholic forum. It is about the nature of belief and its foundation on an incomplete state of awareness called subject/object or relative awareness. This awareness is not the foundational state of the human. Those who proceed only from that state are capable and do make the kinds of statements that mistake some posts on here for “new age” drivel. I agree that there is such a thing as "new age"drivel, but at least One and Tull are speaking of something entirely different. It may look similar to you who have not experienced something beyond s/o awareness.

That is why I am continually advocating deep introspection and self inquiry. That is the ordinary and time honored way of arriving at the state that allows direct perception of the Principle that we speak of here. There are other, less savory ways. But self inquiry has worked for all of recorded history, even for the Saints.

One is, as far as I can see, not sure of his opinions, but confident, as I am, in proved methodology. That is why I don’t like to argue about these things on here, because they are primarily proved by impersonal discovery of the nature of what is called by you “The Image and Likeness of God.” And unlike Jewells17’s claim, it is anything but relative and is often called “the Path of the Absolute” or “The Path of Ultimate Responsibility.” It is often also called “The Path of the Lonely Ones,” and it is pretty clear from its unpopularity why. That is sad, to me, because these are times when we are in need of being on the same page about much that is awry in the realm of every arena of belief, not just religion. And yes, God IS the Absolute, but how is that in our experience? By faith, or by knowledge? And please, don’t say that they are the same.

Truth IS and is incapable of division into parts. But because of the nature of the mind and its function of dividing, we make distinctions. In the smallness of our experience, and lack of introspection, we come to conclusions that are not complete. These are “beliefs” or “let’s life as if this was true.” That brings with it groups of people invested in the same consensus paradigm. That is how Truth IS and beliefs about it are rampant. And until one can experience that state of conscious awareness behind and supportive of the mortal human mind, this will not be appreciated in anywhere near its fullness.

And Aquinas was right. God and me are distinct. Me is the acquired programing “I” uses in form to navigate according to the contingencies of my world as person grows in knowledge, love, and wisdom.

Similarly to the psychiatrist being the most hated person in the hospital by the patients, it does not surprise me that you, Padrig, said what you did in your post 52. Go look behind the veil of your propositions and see if you do not come into agreement with Zeitgeist. I only discovered that recently, having held to what I have stated above as a practical and functioning mode for some 30+ years. Calling things names that you don’t like proves nothing to yourself. If you don’t like the movie, or Harpur, or Kuhn, that is irrelevant to your own situation. Look at yourself. Look constantly at what you call “I” and question about it.

Our life span here is short. We have at hand thousands of years of writings and reports to collate. But we have always had the method, even in the Bible, of “Be still, and know that I AM God.” It just means “Gnothi Seauton.” like the Greeks and everyone else o f Knowledge before and after have said. Just because English is inadequate to Eastern tongues and they therefor couldn’t translate it adequately, doesn’t’ mean it is wrong in its essence. Vamos a ver. (Let’s go see.) Or do you prefer prettily packaged processed food devoid of nutrition?

That was just my ‘rantwser’ to this thread. Just that.

I do like the ‘tolle’ tone of your earlier posts, engaging, very serene and focused although, of late,
you’ve seem to have ‘lost your centre.’ Certain negative words have been elicited
and w/ a totally different demeanor.

Has some other being taken over you One ??

You did say you couldn’t linger on in this thread for whatever reason, and then
now your ‘Gemini’ twin has spewed his/her rant of my “RANT.”

Hmmm, quite curious… 😉

Anyway, this is a Catholic forum and all you Tollean types have taken it’s toll on this.
Might I remind you of a forum/thread ‘TROLL.’ He/she is one who purposely comes into a forum and tries to upset it with unnecessary controversy in order to ‘flame’ (incite) others.

Do remember that the original Tolle thread was closed, for what reason ??? and to me I’ve gained all the knowledge I need about Eck Tolle , if you are still the same “One” then, you’ve tried make your point about the ‘compatibility of Tolle and Catholicism’ & my RANT has apparently hit home and that was the effect intended.

Sir, I’ve met both “One” types before, …have been there and done that, I’ve moved on, and may I suggest you do likewise as you suggested earlier.

Thankfully, I’m done in this thread.

Best of luck in your journey and do discern and listen to that ‘little voice.’ 🙂

PS: Detales, my dear departed Dad told me once, (surely paraphrasing some other great mind)
“Hijo (Son), don’t leave your mind so open that nothing stays in.” It took me almost 2 decades to come back home to Truth (Catholicism), I hope and pray that y’all will take less time. CHEERS 👍
P.S. One need not be intelligent or “awake” to understand eclecticism. One need only be profoundly confused to accept it.
What would be your definition of eclecticism? You said it has a premise but did not state that premise.
Has some other being taken over you One ??

You did say you couldn’t linger on in this thread for whatever reason, and then
now your ‘Gemini’ twin has spewed his/her rant of my “RANT.”
Nice ad hominem, dude. That sort of thing is exactly why the other thread was locked.

At least my “rant” had something of substance to it, while your is merely some lame attack based on your misconception and misinterpretations.

The post I wrote was generated from two factors: First, I was sick and tired of the knee-jerk reactions to much of anything that doesn’t fit within the narrow boundaries of Catholic doctrine and thinking, and I’m agitated because I’m tending an ailing family member in ICU (since you seem to need to know.)

As for the split personality assessment, of course! Why do we need to behave in only way way or another. Is it the good and evil thing again? Everything black and white for you? I can discuss things rationally or express great joy, or, when my frustration level over myopic thinking reaches a head, I can express anger and disgust.

*Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then, I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.) * – Whitman

So, do you actually have anything useful to contribute to the thread, or will you just continue on with ad hominem attacks and accusations of “trolls”, all while professing some path of superiority because you “have been there and done that?” You will likely determine the direction this thread takes from here.

As for the other pending question from Padraig (and to add some actual meat back into the thread), beliefs are not Truth, and cannot possibly be. If one goes back to re-read some of Detales’ posts, both here and elsewhere, he is pointing to the heart of the issue: Truth exists, and can be experienced only by direct apprehension – doing the work for yourself, if you would. Everything else is a story laid over that Truth, and is a distillation of that Knowledge the moment it leaves one’s mouth, as Thomas Aquinas realized for himself. So, as we’ve been saying all along, neither Tolle, nor Jesus, nor Detales, nor I, nor Buddha, nor … anyone… can do anything more than point to Truth, and anything that is not that direct apprehension of Truth constitutes belief.

The reason I’m shocked is that so many people can’t seem to see this for themselves, but hey, what should I expect? We’re human, and we have to leave room for that.

Am sorry for your pain, One. Rest assure there was no conscious effort on my part re: ad hominem attacks, not sure how those go really…

If it is any consolation to you, I assisted in the care of my Dad and then my Mom till they
passed on and although painful and challenging, I approached it as ‘giving back’ to those
who nurtured and took care of me as a child. Circle closed, experiences learned, cherished and passed on.

Focusing on those who might come across this thread that might still be ‘searching’ and as I was, weak in my Catholic faith, …
I can only share in this (Catholic) forum, and “…boast of what I have (found) in Christ Jesus.” It is liberating, I don’t have to be search for the meaning of life anymore, for now I must learn everything about my (Catholic) faith, our (Roman Catholic) Church, and imbibe in the Grace of the Sacraments.

May you find the Truth that is only in Christ Jesus*.

*the most Glorious to unravel
You’ve found your truth, and that is good.

FWIW, I’m no longer searching, and yet I’m not part of the Catholic church.

Go figure. I suppose “the Lord works in mysterious ways.” will educate everyone about the roots of this stuff and it isn’t Catholic friendly. Don’t let anybody talk you out of totally reading this website…mostly click on the personal story of Marcia. It is her website…she is not Catholic but has been there an done that and is honest. Check it out…it is so worth it.

I’m sorry I missed your question until now. I should have been more clear. The premise I refer to is not the attempt to reconcile the best aspects of varying philosophies. All great thinkers try (or should try) to seek out the best thoughts. I also do not mean merely the artistic chic which patchworks various styles into some private theme.

I mean eclecticism as the philosophy that blends similarities between philosophies into vagueries, and exclusive claims into mere shadows that mean something other than what their proponents actually said. It isn’t a philosophy. It’s a metaphor trying to sound profound by offering up gibberish. It is a delusion of grandeur, so to speak. It’s authors are not Masters or Avatars. They are devils spreading the doctrine of hell. Tolle is merely deluded.

I mean nothing personal by being gruff. I am simply convinced, narrow-minded and unapologetically dogmatic (and a darn good dancer;)). I am sure my unelightened dogmatism would warrant me confinement to the realms of mere simpleton drones in eclecticist circles of “Self” were I wrong (and I’m not). It is, however, much preferable to the 9th circle of hell.:hey_bud:

All my best . . .
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