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No prob Annunciata!! šŸ˜ƒ

I just wanted to add a comment about the last paragraph posted by Tru:
All this is Catholic inflexibility and inflexible Catholicity in the practice of that pure love which constitutes sovereign charity. The Saints are the types of this unswerving and sovereign fidelity to God, the heroes of charity and religion. Because in our times there are so few true inflexibles in the love of God, so also are there few uncompromisers in the order of charity. Liberal charity is condescending, affectionate, even tender in appearance, but at bottom it is an essential contempt for the true good of men, of the supreme interests of truth and (ultimately) of God Himself. It is human self-love, usurping the throne of the Most High and demanding that worship which belongs to God alone.ā€
I repeat: I agree with that 100%. But there has to be a balance of Truth and Charity in regard to all our fellow folks. Just like the pharisees ended up faulting with putting the ā€œletter of the Lawā€ over the ā€œspirit of the Lawā€, itā€™s also possible to emphasize Truth to the point of it becoming an issue of pride, not love. You could take the last sentence and a half and substitute thusly:
[not saying you were to the point of anti-charity. bear with the wording, you know what I mean]

but at bottom Truth delivered with anti-Charity is an essential contempt for the true good of men, of the supreme interests of truth [because it actually undermines it] and (ultimately) of God Himself. It is human self-love, usurping the throne of the Most High and demanding that worship which belongs to God alone.ā€

Dear shannon,

You have 54 postsā€¦ so I presume you have not been around as long or as often as some of us. As a relative newcomer or without the full knowledge of what has taken place in the last few months, your impressions are less credible than if you have been here all along. I will not go into details, because, that would be against "charityā€. But the simple fact that I am still willing to converse with some of these people is an act of charity. Wordā€™s contributions have not been what you would call beneficial for anyone, least for himself. I have always responded to Word with fairness and with patience. But the fact remains, as a Protestant he should not be counseling Catholics. This is a Catholic board and not an ecumenical board. Obviously Protestants are welcome, but they must respect Catholic doctrine, should not attack Catholics, should not involve themselves in disputes between Catholics nor be the cause of such. God bless.
Dear Tru,
One of the qualities I love and appreciate most; is direct honesty.

So I will hang around, I will read, and I will continue to ignore some battles and pick others.
Peace to you.*
Maybe someone here can help me out. I recently reviewed these forums ( and elsewhere) for information on the Charismatic Movement, along with ā€œspeaking (or praying) in toungesā€.

In all of these forums I see the speaking/praying in tongues discussed but I canā€™t find any instance of someone, who has this gift, describing the sensation or the personal experience from within.

Things Iā€™d like to know are:
When one is prayiong tongues is one aware of the sounds/words one is expressing?
Do the sounds being made make sense to the individual making them? In other words is there self-translating?
Does one feel completey overtaken, or is it more of a feeling of a changed mood?

The only experience I have of listening to someone speaking in tongues is from a radio broadcast where (I think) Ken Copeland and some other Pentecostal is having a ā€œconversationā€ in which they appear to be communicating and understanding one another. There is a lot of laughter between them as if they are telling each other jokes in another language. I must admit here that I founf that particular experience to be artificial. It seemed totally non-sensical and disturbing.

Iā€™d welcome any (name removed by moderator)ut that could give me a greater understanding of this.
Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I have been praying in tongues for 20 years. It is a prayer language. I know how it works at least in intercessory prayer for others. The Lord gives me the words and I can speak them into the world and that gives God the authority to do in this world whatever the words say. I do not need to know the meaning. Soon I or the person I am praying for experiencing the result of the words of prayer in tongues. This is the work of God and always something good. Godā€™s will is done in this way. Sometimes I translate my own words. Sometimes I praise the Lord in tongues and sing in tongues. It is an easy way to pray. I also pray the rosary, which is similar. You see when you pray the rosary you say the same words over and over nad meditate on the mysteries. Your mind is not on your words as such. So it is in tongues, my heart is thinking about God but my mind is speaking mysteries only He knows. Please people donā€™t be so ignorant about this. Iā€™ll talk to you about it more if you askā€¦cottonwoodptl
Hi, I have been praying in tongues for 20 years. It is a prayer language. I know how it works at least in intercessory prayer for others. The Lord gives me the words and I can speak them into the world and that gives God the authority to do in this world whatever the words say. I do not need to know the meaning. Soon I or the person I am praying for experiencing the result of the words of prayer in tongues. This is the work of God and always something good. Godā€™s will is done in this way. Sometimes I translate my own words. Sometimes I praise the Lord in tongues and sing in tongues. It is an easy way to pray. I also pray the rosary, which is similar. You see when you pray the rosary you say the same words over and over nad meditate on the mysteries. Your mind is not on your words as such. So it is in tongues, my heart is thinking about God but my mind is speaking mysteries only He knows. Please people donā€™t be so ignorant about this. Iā€™ll talk to you about it more if you askā€¦cottonwoodptl
Have you ever do tongue in front of fellow believers without someone with the give of interpretation?
shannon e said:
Yes shannon, I have. What you wrote I cannot disagree with either. I suppose it all depends on the application or how it would fit a particular situation. For what it is worth, my experience and/or impression was not the same as yours. God bless.
The charity in this thread has reduced to the point of closure.

Thank you for your participation.
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