Why do you think so, Grace Angel?
Holly is only saying what a lot of folks think.
What is YOUR vision of a perfect society?
Is there a way that you can persuade Holly without criticizing hers?
I dont have a vision of a perfect society. That is God’s domain. However, first of all I have answer Holly today in another post, and secondly just because a lot of other people think something doesnt automatically make it correct.
Giving out condoms and assuring the user that all will be safe because of this piece of latex is lying to them and helping the spread further of this and other sexually transmitted diseases.
At the most basic level you lie to that human person who may not not better and that person trusts that you/medical person knows better.
We will never contain HIV/AIDS virus until we can convince the population that chastity/fidelity actually work. And this will take many generations.
As an example, if beginning today, the whole of humanity would take on board chastity/fidelity (in their state in life), discarded, pills, vaccinations, condoms etc, we would still need two -three generations before humanity would be freed from this sourge.
Do I hope for a cure. I do hope, but I cannot see it in the forseeable future because the virus appears to mutate.
Do I see this as a result of the sexual revolution. ABSOLUTELY. Will it be contained without containing the sexual revolution. NO.
Sorry Karianne, you asked for my “vision” this is as best as I can do.
God Bless
Grace Angel.