Too many abortions posts in this forum

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This isn’t the “Things that are Evil” forum. It’s the “Culture of Life” forum. I have always assumed that means celebrating and promoting life at all its stages. I never knew disparaging homosexuals was part of that Culture.
Well things that violate the Culture of Life tend to be evil, right?

And hopefully we disparage homosexual acts, not homosexuals. The acts are intrinsically evil. The people are suffering from a cross and should be supported in love to deal with that cross. Some may eventually free themselves from it through the grace of Christ. Some may have to reconcile themselves to a life of celibacy, if they cannot be freed from homosexual inclinations. But the act has been and always will be intrinsically evil. And to pretend otherwise is to ignore our brother in sin and will come back to us ten fold.
Well things that violate the Culture of Life tend to be evil, right?

And hopefully we disparage homosexual acts, not homosexuals. The acts are intrinsically evil. The people are suffering from a cross and should be supported in love to deal with that cross. Some may eventually free themselves from it through the grace of Christ. Some may have to reconcile themselves to a life of celibacy, if they cannot be freed from homosexual inclinations. But the act has been and always will be intrinsically evil. And to pretend otherwise is to ignore our brother in sin and will come back to us ten fold.
But whatever the morality of homosexuality, it’s not a “Culture of Life” issue, if that term is to mean anything.
You know, this thread has raised a thought to me. I used to be a staunch Republican, for business reasons, and tolerated their prolife position. (this was before I dealt with the denial and received forgiveness/healing for my own abortions) Then I was on board with all their stances. But having worked for a company who hired many people at minimum wage ($5.15/hr for pete’s sake) and after 10 years of work had people making just $6-$6.50) with no health insurance or retirement at all. Basically our company benefited from the govt benefits paid to these people, so the shareholders could enrich their own pockets. Now I’m an accountant, and all for free enterprise, but it is obvious that not all business owners have the welfare of their employess in mind.

Similarly I used to be pro capital punishment. But now I agree with the Church’s position, which in addition to being Christian, is just plain sensible.

In any event, I have come to realize that on many positions I agree more with Dems than Rep, but to me Pro Life trumps them all. So Norbert is right, there is more to a Culture of Life than just abortion and our attack on the cuture of death should be many pronged. But each abortion is the single greatest attack, and cummulatively they are the most massive offront to the Culture of Life (not to mention the aggregate effect of 43 million abortions on the economy and Social Security!!)

Just thinking out loud
Why are there so many abortion posts in the “Culture of Life” forum? If we really desire a Culture of Life, shouldn’t we care about all the living, not just the fetuses? Why no posts on the humanitarian crisis in Darfur? Why no uproar about that execution in Connecticut last week? What about health care for the elderly? Nutrition for poor kids? Etc. The “Culture of Life” is a noble idea, but I think it obviously has to involve promoting life at every part of the spectrum, and it doesn’t seem like anyone cares about life past the embryonic stage. And why are all these “Democrats are sinners” and “Rainbow Sashers are going to hell” posts on this forum?
If you would take the time to ask yourself how many innocent babies have been murdered (40 million) and continue to be murdered (1.5 million/year) versus how many capital executions (a relative handful per year), you might understand why some people think abortion should have a higher priority. The genocide in Darfur is certainly horrible and also a much more serious issue than the number of capital executions, but still pales in comparison to baby killing in America. But don’t blame the people on this forum. Blame the major media for their failure to keep these injustices at the forefront. It’s their job.
But whatever the morality of homosexuality, it’s not a “Culture of Life” issue, if that term is to mean anything.
Hmm. To me it is, though I don’t know that the Church necessarily defines it that way. After all the sexual union is the keystone or lynchpin of that which begets life on earth, particularly life created in the Image and Likeness of God. So anything which attacks the sexual union as defined and created by God, attacks life.

I would go back to Humanae Vitae and contraception and all that the acceptance of contraception lead to,. How much of what you would consider Culture of LIfe issues come directly from the acceptance of contraception and the consequences predicted by Pope Paul VI.

To me anything which attacks the sexual union is intrisically bound up into the Culture of Life.
norbert homosexual activity and activism IS a culture of life issue. For one, homosexual acts by definition can never create life. They are ALWAYS life denying. The turn the gift of sexuality as life creator into a transitory pleasure whereby body parts are rubbed together, without any potential for life. Further homosexual activity spreads fatal diseases and the radical activism to permit this activity unfettered by public health concerns has proved deadly.

So tell me what is life affirming about homosexual activity?

Lisa N
Totally agree, Lisa. My mom is on the executive board of the local hospital. During an executive meeting, one member, a lawyer, was questioning something to do with HMO’s and provider reimbursement, in a way that was indicating he thought docs made more than enough, thank you. A doctor on the board pointed out that he gets $300 per year per patient, whether he sees them once or every day of the year. So based on the average number of visits he only makes $X per visit (cant remember the amount but it was ridiculously low)

He looked at the lawyer and said “How much do you make per hour?” Well that completely burst the lawyers bubble, since his charge to attend the meeting was more than the doc gets the entire year for one patient.

The system now is completely insane.
This reminds me of a discussion we had about when we would institute ‘managed law’ since there is now ‘managed’ care. Lawyers of course would not broach such a possibility. Further one of the greatest increases in the costs of running a medical practice are malpractice premiums. Many obgyns and neurosurgeons are literally priced out of the market, particularly because a good portion of the ob/gyn practice tends to be Medicaid which is the lowest payer. Shoot Medicaid makes Medicare look pretty good…you get about 25 cents on the dollar instead of 15cents.

Our docs also work at a Catholic hospital. If it were not for all of the fundraising, foundation activity, bequests and donations the hospital would have long since gone under. They cannot pay their bills with the low level of reimbursement allowed.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
This reminds me of a discussion we had about when we would institute ‘managed law’ since there is now ‘managed’ care. Lawyers of course would not broach such a possibility. Further one of the greatest increases in the costs of running a medical practice are malpractice premiums the result of our litigious society and too many lawyers trolling for clients. Many obgyns and neurosurgeons are literally priced out of the market, particularly because a good portion of the ob/gyn practice tends to be Medicaid which is the lowest payer. Shoot Medicaid makes Medicare look pretty good…you get about 25 cents on the dollar instead of 15cents.

Our docs also work at a Catholic hospital. If it were not for all of the fundraising, foundation activity, bequests and donations the hospital would have long since gone under. They cannot pay their bills with the low level of reimbursement allowed.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
This reminds me of a discussion we had about when we would institute ‘managed law’ since there is now ‘managed’ care. Lawyers of course would not broach such a possibility. Further one of the greatest increases in the costs of running a medical practice are malpractice premiums. Many obgyns and neurosurgeons are literally priced out of the market, particularly because a good portion of the ob/gyn practice tends to be Medicaid which is the lowest payer. Shoot Medicaid makes Medicare look pretty good…you get about 25 cents on the dollar instead of 15cents.

Our docs also work at a Catholic hospital. If it were not for all of the fundraising, foundation activity, bequests and donations the hospital would have long since gone under. They cannot pay their bills with the low level of reimbursement allowed.

Lisa N
One thing that seems a little ridiculous to me…why do doctors have to bill insurance companies? Why can’t each patient do that? That seems like a more efficient way to go. The doctor sends his bill directly to the patient. He/She doesn’t have to worry about all the different insurance plans of all the different patients and the complicated billing nightmare that must be. Let each patient bill their own insurance company. I don’t mind the doctor doing that for me. But it seems like an unnecessary expense for the doctor.
Re: Too many abortions posts in this forum NO WAY!

I have been thinkin’ there are way too many masturbation threads. Can’t the moderator put a limit on them? Geesh!
Lisa N:
norbert homosexual activity and activism IS a culture of life issue. For one, homosexual acts by definition can never create life. They are ALWAYS life denying. The turn the gift of sexuality as life creator into a transitory pleasure whereby body parts are rubbed together, without any potential for life. Further homosexual activity spreads fatal diseases and the radical activism to permit this activity unfettered by public health concerns has proved deadly.

So tell me what is life affirming about homosexual activity?

Lisa N
I thought the Culture of Life was about promoting and respecting life and ensuring the well-being of all. I don’t see how two dudes kissing should be considered part of the Culture of Death, but maybe these labels don’t mean anything.
I thought the Culture of Life was about promoting and respecting life and ensuring the well-being of all. I don’t see how two dudes kissing should be considered part of the Culture of Death, but maybe these labels don’t mean anything.
They do more than just kiss. That’s why they have a lower life expectancy than the general population. And that’s why it’s a life issue.
Lisa N:
Further one of the greatest increases in the costs of running a medical practice are malpractice premiums. Many obgyns and neurosurgeons are literally priced out of the market
My mom was a nurse and office manager for an ob/gyn. Once she actually had to take a pay cut because the malpractice insurance premium went up so much. Tort reform is the other component I usually add to my suggestions above.
One thing that seems a little ridiculous to me…why do doctors have to bill insurance companies? Why can’t each patient do that? That seems like a more efficient way to go. The doctor sends his bill directly to the patient. He/She doesn’t have to worry about all the different insurance plans of all the different patients and the complicated billing nightmare that must be. Let each patient bill their own insurance company. I don’t mind the doctor doing that for me. But it seems like an unnecessary expense for the doctor.
Actually it is much more efficient for the offices to do the billings. Just think of how complicated they are, how many average Americans would mess it up, get payment denied or delayed, and then even when they get payment forget to forward it or spend it on something else or wind up in some kind of cash crunch. The hassel of billing is way offset by faster and increased collections of A/R
Actually it is much more efficient for the offices to do the billings. Just think of how complicated they are, how many average Americans would mess it up, get payment denied or delayed, and then even when they get payment forget to forward it or spend it on something else or wind up in some kind of cash crunch. The hassel of billing is way offset by faster and increased collections of A/R
I’m glad to hear it. I have to admit that procrastination was my problem in filing insurance claims in the past. FWIW, I assumed the insurance company would forward payment to the doctor.
I don’t understand where you are coming from with the nutrition for poor children issue. I know that, at least around where I am from, there are programs addressing that issue.Can you elaborate?

What execution? Are you refering to the serial killer?
Norbert, would you please answer my questions? You brought up some good points, but how can anyone expand if you don’t answer the questions?

Also, what about illegal immigration? Is that a Culture of Life issue to you? Or to anyone else, as a matter of fact. I have a hard time with that one and could use some info and opinions.
Why are there so many abortion posts in the “Culture of Life” forum? If we really desire a Culture of Life, shouldn’t we care about all the living, not just the fetuses? Why no posts on the humanitarian crisis in Darfur? Why no uproar about that execution in Connecticut last week? What about health care for the elderly? Nutrition for poor kids? Etc. The “Culture of Life” is a noble idea, but I think it obviously has to involve promoting life at every part of the spectrum, and it doesn’t seem like anyone cares about life past the embryonic stage. And why are all these “Democrats are sinners” and “Rainbow Sashers are going to hell” posts on this forum?
Love your ideas for future posts. I’ll read and respond.

I think the issue that hits most of us first are those least able to defend themselves. The unborn.

God Bless,
One thing that seems a little ridiculous to me…why do doctors have to bill insurance companies? Why can’t each patient do that? That seems like a more efficient way to go. The doctor sends his bill directly to the patient. He/She doesn’t have to worry about all the different insurance plans of all the different patients and the complicated billing nightmare that must be. Let each patient bill their own insurance company. I don’t mind the doctor doing that for me. But it seems like an unnecessary expense for the doctor.
We wish. I assure you we would NEVER get paid if we depended on the patients to do their own billing! Unfortunately this is very heavily regulated and overly complex. The wrong number in the wrong box will have your bill rejected. Plus now due to HIPAA rules bills must be sent electronically. You can’t just drop the old HCFA 1500 in the mail. Most patients don’t have access to the kind of expensive software that allows medical billing.

Lisa N
Re: Too many abortions posts in this forum NO WAY!

I have been thinkin’ there are way too many masturbation threads. Can’t the moderator put a limit on them? Geesh!
:amen: good GRIEF you are right. I suspect some of them are just to get a response. But while they are at it, I hope the mods tell these people how to SPELL THE WORD. It is not “masterbater” which to me sounds like a kind of mixer.

Lisa N
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