Too many threads about sex

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Consider also there is very little to discuss on the sinfulness of stealing or killing. We all pretty much agree that bumping someone off or breaking into their house to steal their stereo is a bad thing. THere is a lot to discuss about what constitutes adultery or whether homosexuality is sinful. Since this is a discussion list the topics chosen are those that stimulate discussion
LIsa N
Much of our religion alludes to sex. Like the Easter candle “impregnating” the baptismal water.
The first time I heard something like this I was surprised to say the least. It was a short article by a priest describing his seminary introduction to that ritual. The professor (a priest probably) was asked about it and he responded, “oh, that erotic rite.” Erotic? Say what? I get it now but I was stunned when I first read that.

How about the entire book of Song of Songs?
StratusRose said:
Much of our religion alludes to sex. Like the Easter candle “impregnating” the baptismal water. When a man and a woman marry, come together to make one flesh. (A child.) That’s all I can think of for now, can someone add to this?

Yes, that is because faith is all about relationship, and God created us as sexual beings; so naturally many of the sacramental, symbols, and actual encounters and expressions of faith will allude/allegory our human sexuality.
I could be wrong, but to me it seems what kev7 is saying here is more why are we so obsessed with ourselves, and our own pleasures rathar than thinking about others.

I also think this way. Some people get so upset about different issues concerning themselves. Instead of being self centered, we should be more God or world centered. It seems a lot of time wasted, that could be used for many more important issues. To sit and worry about these little things, takes us away from centering ourselves on God and his plan for us.
Yes, we are far too focused on sex and I think this behavior is dangerous. There are many people who just don’t accept the church because of its views on sex. Until people first accept the truth of Christ you can’t convince them of your position regarding sexual issues.

I also think that the more the church gets caught up with the semantics of these issues the more it will become caught up in a quagmire of public rejection. Most people in the world are slaves to their desires. If you tell them that what they desire is wrong they will reject you and they won’t even listen to the word of Christ.

The church has to promote the idea that people who talk about sex are obsessed with it.
The reason I say this is that when you truly accept Christ in your heart these issues won’t bother you. You will see them for the distractions that they are.

The more we worry about it the more it shows that the teachings of the church have not settled into our hearts. This behavior makes us all look bad. It makes it look like the church is divided. It fosters the notion that it is ok to be a catholic and disagree with some of the teachings of Christ.

Sex has divided people in the church and I think the discussion regarding these issues has to be stopped in some way. There is nothing to argue about. You either believe in the truth or you don’t. The church needs to simply say that when you have Christ in your heart you will understand.

I will say to everyone on this board that the moment you start a thread about sex you are showing weakness in your faith. The question you should be asking is, “how do I open my heart to Christ”. You should not be looking for answers before you look for Christ.
Yes, that is because faith is all about relationship, and God created us as sexual beings; so naturally many of the sacramental, symbols, and actual encounters and expressions of faith will allude/allegory our human sexuality.
The people of christ are not sexual beings. Your statment is a false notion that has been promoted by the modern secular humanists.

Sex is a means to create life in this world. Just like everything in this world, it has many temptations that we must resist if we are to have christ in our hearts.

You can’t have christ in your heart and claim that you are a sexual being.

If you don’t agree then explain to me how your sexual organs will lead you to christ?

I guess I will just follow the feeling in my pants and say to God. Yes lord I am a sexual being and thank you for this feeling in my pants. I know it will lead me to you lord. oh… thank you for making me a sexual being.
Lisa N:
Consider also there is very little to discuss on the sinfulness of stealing or killing. We all pretty much agree that bumping someone off or breaking into their house to steal their stereo is a bad thing. THere is a lot to discuss about what constitutes adultery or whether homosexuality is sinful. Since this is a discussion list the topics chosen are those that stimulate discussion
LIsa N
My point is that there really isn’t that much to talk about. If you have christ in your heart you will view these issues just like the other sins (stealing, killing). You will not be worried about them. There is right and there is wrong. The greater your faith in christ is the more you will know what is right and wrong. You won’t need to be debating. Your faith will be strong and you will be focused on the work that christ has for you.

The greatest sin is when you fail to do the good that you know you should do. If you are always worried about sexual issues then your focus won’t be on the work that christ has given you.
You can’t have christ in your heart and claim that you are a sexual being.

If you don’t agree then explain to me how your sexual organs will lead you to christ?
How will your arms lead you to Christ? How will your mind? By putting them to their proper use as intended by God. So to, the proper use of sexual organs lead you to Christ. Marriage is a sacrament and the appropriate practice of sex in a marriage is blessed and a blessing.
The more important issues I was referring to, would be topics such as how can we help the people who are starving in third world countries, . :o
Then you might want to discuss the World Bank, unfair trade deals forced on third world nations, the wests desire for oil at all costs, our sole form of interest in third world nations being cheap labour for multinationals… But let’s not go there eh, might get in the way of the all-knowing self righteouse “God wants me to look after number one” theories common on the hard right. Horrah for John Bolton.
Is it not strange that there are so many threads on this site regarding sexual issues? It isn’t just this site either, there are many other sites that look similar.

It is clear to me that the number one issue on peoples mind today is sex.

When you stop to consider all the other important issues it just does seem right that most people are focused on sexual issues.
Good call when you said that: “…it just does seem right that most people are focused on sexual issues…” Glad to see that there are others here who are not completely puritanical.
I know I like it and focus on it a lot. Maybe if I ever get married, I’ll chill out about it a little bit… Of course, marriage would involve confining myself to only one lady, so I’ll probably stay single for the rest of my life!

Peace (and a winking leer!)
Hmm…maybe the reason for the sheer number of threads is a little more basic?

There is a lot of redundancy to the postings, I’ve noticed. A person may have a burning question about NFP, for instance, finally get up the nerve to register here & post his or her question, but forgets to do a “search” to see if it’s already been asked. So there’s thread #312 about NFP.

That’s fine with me, by the way, but if we eliminated all duplicate threads, I’ll bet the number of posts about “sex” in proportion to everything else discussed, isn’t that great.

As for why “sex” is a popular topic: where would you feel more comfortable researching these things? In person w/ someone you know, or anonymously online (w/proper documentation, of course!)😉
I’ve noticed that when I first came on this forum I’m like wow! these people have ‘that’ on their mind do they? let alone the sticky thread saying that u people have to be careful on what you post cause this forum is viewed by young people Gee did the moderator really needed to say that on a catholic forum? honestly!

Sex is a big topic i’ve noticed, look at all the songs out! too many on love! and sex! and you look at the music clips itd full of women in revealing clothing and people pashing etc. and love.

And in t.v series alone like the O.C etc.

Its just too much in the end! Sex this! sex that! blah blah blah blah

What really annoys me is I would say something or something is said or written and people start thinking of things in a sick way.

Eg. once my friend hurt her knee she said “owwww I banged me knee on the seat” everyone laughed at her.

kev7 said:
**The people of christ are not sexual beings. Your statment is a false notion that has been promoted by the modern secular humanists. **

Sex is a means to create life in this world. Just like everything in this world, it has many temptations that we must resist if we are to have christ in our hearts.

You can’t have christ in your heart and claim that you are a sexual being.

If you don’t agree then explain to me how your sexual organs will lead you to christ?

I guess I will just follow the feeling in my pants and say to God. Yes lord I am a sexual being and thank you for this feeling in my pants. I know it will lead me to you lord. oh… thank you for making me a sexual being.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church disagrees with your statement that “The people of christ are not sexual beings.”:

Sexuality******affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.” (CCC 2332)

Sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman. In marriage the physical intimacy of the spouses becomes a sign and pledge of spiritual communion. Marriage bonds between baptized persons are sanctified by the sacrament.” (CCC 2360)

Sexuality, by means of which man and woman give themselves to one another through the acts which are proper and exclusive to spouses, is not something simply biological, but concerns the innermost being of the human person as such. It is realized in a truly human way only if **it is an integral part of the love **by which a man and woman commit themselves totally to one another until death.” (CCC 2361)

This is what I mean when I say that God made us as sexual beings. After all, God made us “male” and “female”. Then, the first thing that God encountered in our first parents after the Fall in the Garden was the fig leaf covering the shame of their no longer pure and chaste thoughts about their sexuality.

I agree whole-heartedly with you that as newborn creatures in Christ we need to order our sexuality in a way that is pleasing to Him and proper for our vocation in life. Depending where someone is at, this may take on a greater focus. I believe that as Christians we need to engage and take the fight to those in this fallen world presenting a distorted view and use of human sexuality. But how can we do this is we ourselves are not first clear on the role, purpose and meaning of sexuality in our relationships as Catholics? (Hence, the inundation of threads regarding sexual issues as sincere folks come to a greater understanding and appreciation for the gift of our human sexuality).
But let’s not go there eh, might get in the way of the all-knowing self righteouse “God wants me to look after number one” theories common on the hard right. Horrah for John Bolton.
Being a fan of the so-called hard-right, being at an ultra-conservative college (chaired by WF Buckley, Victor Davis Hanson, etc.) and having many friends in the same category, I have never heard any of them espousing such things (expect perhaps an Ayn Rand enthusiast, in which case they probably don’t believe in God.) This sweeping mischaracterization is little different than suggesting Catholics worship Ra.

Is it not strange that there are so many threads on this site regarding sexual issues? It isn’t just this site either, there are many other sites that look similar.

It is clear to me that the number one issue on peoples mind today is sex.

When you stop to consider all the other important issues it just does seem right that most people are focused on sexual issues.
I completely agree with your observation. The CA forum has a very disproportionate amount of vitriol and passion for sex-oriented issues.

There is a broad range of sin out there, but sex-sin is #1 it seems. You don’t see a lot of threads about “pride”, which I think is maybe the worst sin there is. I think it’s easier to point fingers at abortionists and homosexuals, because there are few of those folks here. Meanwhile, we’re all guilty of pride. That’s harder to talk about.

I completely agree with your observation. The CA forum has a very disproportionate amount of vitriol and passion for sex-oriented issues.

There is a broad range of sin out there, but sex-sin is #1 it seems. You don’t see a lot of threads about “pride”, which I think is maybe the worst sin there is. I think it’s easier to point fingers at abortionists and homosexuals, because there are few of those folks here. Meanwhile, we’re all guilty of pride. That’s harder to talk about.

How about the sin of materialism, hedonism; desiring and seeking to satisfy our wants beyond our legitimate needs? That underlying, subtle sense of entitlement to a certain level/standard/style of living, that many of the rest of the planet don’t even approach. I believe that I am guilty of this everyday. A very subtle sin that I believe most of our culture has bought into. However, I agree with the saying that pride is at the root of all evil. Still, in our sex saturated society (a symptom of spiritual malady IMHO), the tempter has plenty to work with in distracting and snagging Christians.
Isn’t it funny how secular society accuses the church of not realizing that sex is a beautiful, natural thing? Ironicly, after drilling that point into our heads, society does its best to make sex as un-natural as possible (contraception, abortion, etc.).

It’s one of those many situations where the world has got it backwords. It’s the church, not society, which realizes the true beauty of sexuality.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
  • Dan
If you don’t think the Church and Catholics are engrossed with sexual issues you can’t be following the news or reading posts on this forum. If you deleted all mention of sex on these fora, the volume would drop precipitately.

Read the newspapers. The most common things mentioned in connection with the Church all have to do with sex: abortion, contraception, homosexuality, gay marriage. Most recently words frequently seen in the papers next to Catholic Church is “sex abuse.”

Spain just made a big splash by legalizing same sex marriage.

According to the press, the Church has paid over a billion dollars to settle sex abuse cases and there is no end in sight.

Think about it. What issue even remotely compares to sex in discussions about the Church? Nothing else has half the attraction or interest.

There are not too many threads. These fora are for discussion of issues people are interested in. Those interests should not be repressed.
Too much sex, all the same, and everyone, including The Catholic Church ignores all the other evils–violence, greed, revenge, cowardice, fortune and fame and so forth. They all act like sex was Public Enemy No. 1.:mad:
There is a broad range of sin out there, but sex-sin is #1 it seems.
Are there any prominent interest groups trying to normalize non-sexual sins? Any prominent groups strongly agitating for the Church to stop preaching against wrath or sloth?

This is a Catholic apologetics site. The World is crazed with sex. Catholics need to know how to defend Catholic beliefs against those who are are trying to normalize perversity.

We will continue to defend all elements of the faith. We’re not tired of doing so, it’s no trouble at all.
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