I think it is reasonable to be concerned about girls that young wearing makeup. I personally don’t care for make-up. I frankly think that much of its use is vanity and I plan to be very careful with my daughter and let her know that she is not only acceptable to go out in public without makeup, but she is beautiful, very beautiful in her natural state. That being said, I think it is important to note that people wear makeup with a myriad of motivations. I don’t think I would allow a child younger than high school to wear makeup to school, however, I think wearing it to appropriate occasions such as a party or dance would be okay. The concern for me wouldn’t be so much that my daughter wanted to wear makeup, but WHY she wanted to wear it. Does she like a certain style of dress that includes it? Okay. Does she want to use it to stand out? meh. all right. Does she like the artistic aspect of it? I can dig it. Does she think she needs to wear it to fit in? Mama radar is perking up. Does she obsess over little imperfections like a pimple? Not cool. Does she feel like she needs to “cover up” her features so she blends in? Yikes! Does she feel uncomfortable in public without it? Double yikes!