It seems this preposterous argument is going beyond the ridiculous.
Yes, you’re correct. Anthropologists and historians have settled the issue of where people migrated to inititally. It has long ago been established that indigenous peoples came here and were the first to settle here and made this their homeland. The point is that they are still here, though not quite as many, and they continue to make this their homeland.
Apparently by your reckoning residents of Mexico with even a trace of indigenous background can claim Siberia as their homeland if they want to. So what?
So what? They can claim that we had the same origins and that that as the first people to settle this land are the first Americans. They didn’t take this land from another peoples and never left since the European arrival. Consequently, they are not foreigners or immigrants. They are the first Americans.
If we go back far enough we are all related and thus everyone in the world can claim everywhere in the world as their homeland if they want to. Again, so what?
“So what?” You just made the argument that they have every right to be here…
I am not familiar with anything in the Bible or in anthropology that empowers Ituyu or anyone else to decide the historical point at which we start considering genetic heritage to determine claims of “homeland” and then to forsake everything before that point. Be that the earliest migration from Siberia to the Americas or any other point in human history.
Get your hands on a history book. There is really no need to revise or deny the history of migratory patterns of early man.
Mankind has evolved with socio-political structures and thus no one born as a citizen in one country has any legitimate claim to rights, status, privileges, or considerations in any other country other than the laws provide for in that other country. He or she can unilaterally call anywhere their genetic homeland but that does not count for anything.
Well but our country does provide anyone within our borders, legal or not, certain rights. And, it counts for proving that they were the first Americans in this their homeland and that they took this land from nobody.
Everyone traveling from the country of his or her native citizenship will be considered a foreigner in every other country, for better or for worse. So what? They are subject to secular immigration laws and are not free to ignore international borders. If they travel to the other country illegally then they are subject to the penalties for such behavior.
That’s not true. First Nations along our northern border can have dual citizenship and can go back and forth from Canada and the US. First Nations in Canada have a participation role in the politcal process. First Nations are also recognized as the first founders of Canada. It’s ironic that the British learned from Americans the value of peaceful negotiations and instead of participating in a genocide of their indigenous they made treaties with them and gave them a voice.
I never said anything about animal rights, just behavior. We all have free will and hopefully a sense of right and wrong. We are expected to control our behavior accordingly. My political realities are that illegal immigrants break the law and are subject to punishment.
It’s the same thing. Animals have the right to cross our borders and people who come here to work don’t have that same right.