I disagree that immigrants rely on social services solely, or even primarily because they can’t afford to do otherwise. That might be true sometimes, but I think it’s much more complex than that.
I do work for a company that has decent wages and a very good health insurance plan. It is rare to find an “Anglo” who does not carry the group health and the disability insurance. It is rare to find a Hispanic doing the same job at the same wage who carries either. It does cost money to have the benefits, but it’s not out of reach at all. What I have seen time and again is groups of Hispanics, one of whom will have a group card, but a number of them will use the same card. I have seen many claim a work injury where there was no work injury so it would be paid for by workers’ compensation instead of the group health they don’t have. I even asked one, one time, who did that and was caught doing it, why in the world he didn’t have health insurance since it was available to him. He replied “because I didn’t know I would get hurt”. He wasn’t even embarrassed, and acted as if it was the dumbest question he ever heard.
I have also seen different Hispanics use the same Medicaid card; people who have jobs and could afford health insurance, using the card of one of them who is not employed. Doctors around here often have a tough time knowing who has what medical history because of that. I have seen medical records, supposedly of one person, with three or four different patient signatures; all the same name. I have seen physicians write that, e.g., a pregnant woman appearing to be in her thirties has an ID that says she’s sixty, or a person appearing to be in his late fifties come in with an ID that says he’s twenty-five. A healthcare provider can’t throw somebody out of his office because of that. He would be sued the next day. I suppose native-born Americans do that some, but I have never seen it.
I’m not saying it’s conscious theft, exactly. I think it’s something else. So many of them come from countries that have a kind of vague socialist orientation, but insufficient resources with which to make it a political reality. I think a lot of them bring that orientation with them into a country that has the resources, but not the orientation or the political reality. I think a lot of them think it’s “owed” to them, as a matter of social justice, and are not troubled by having to go through various strategems to make it happen.
If anyone does not think abuse is widespread, he simply does not know what he’s talking about. And it’s wrong to say they do it because they can’t afford to do otherwise. I don’t doubt that there are some illegals who do not earn a living wage. I have known a few, though most illegals I have known do just fine. But around here, immigrant industrial workers earn just the same as everyone else does. They just don’t pay for the benefits everybody else has to pay for to protect himself or his family. And they’re not a bit ashamed of it either. They consider it just being smart.
I am not saying every last one is like that, but it is so pervasive that I would have to say it’s the majority. And, since others are paying for it, I say it’s wrong and should be stopped.
Finally, all of this talk of “penalizing employers of illegals” as a panacea is misguided. Certainly, some employers knowingly hire illegals. But I have never seen an illegal (and I have seen plenty) who did not have a pretty good set of forged ID cards. It is illegal for an employer to question the identity or status of a job applicant whose identification, on its face, appears to be regular, whatever doubts the employer might have. Doing so would be “discriminatory.”