The problem is both sides don’t pretty much want the things on your list…otherwise they would have happened.
I think the problem is that both sides are right. On the one hand, illegal immigration is a bad thing for just about everyone – it is bad for the illegals (who get treated like slave labor), bad for employers trying to comply with the law (who cannot compete), bad for native born workers. And we need to get better control of our borders, lest someone slips in with a dirty bomb.
But we cannot pretend that these folks are not here now. To deport however many are here illegally is impossible.
The solution I think is to do pretty much what both sides want:
- Build a real border fence
- Provide amnesty (with appropriate penalties so that we do not give a benefit to those broke the law, over those who came legally)
- Establish an immigrant worker program that allows the federal government to track immigrants, keep out trouble makers, and ensure taxes etc are being paid by employers and workers.
- Crack down on employers who violate the programs.
- Provide incentives for immigrant workers to stay and become citizens.