Torture always wrong?

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How do you know the story is real?
**The point is it doesn’t matter. The fact that 1 or 2 very outrageous events MIGHT occur is no basis for carving out exceptions. There are plenty of ways of taking care of the person who kills or harms someone to obtain what later is determined to be essential information to stop a blood bath of some sort. **
Not according to the Catechism. It is always a grave moral wrong. The Catechism even terms it “blasphemous” in some cases.

Claiming that a grave moral wrong is sometimes necessary is reverting to situational ethics - something that the Catholic Church rejects categorically.

Frankly, I am shocked that Americans are even engaging in this conversation. We used to know that torture was a great and hideous moral evil. It was something that only the bad guys did.
That indeed was my exact reaction. There are several strange threads on this forum right now that I think are meant only to start up arguments. I cannot conceive of a Catholic actually questioning whether the USCCB is being too “liberal” in rejecting torture. Apparently some of the bad guys are now us.
**The point is it doesn’t matter. The fact that 1 or 2 very outrageous events MIGHT occur is no basis for carving out exceptions. There are plenty of ways of taking care of the person who kills or harms someone to obtain what later is determined to be essential information to stop a blood bath of some sort. **
Waterboarding being the most harmless and perhaps most effective method of obtaining the information to stop a bloodbath
That indeed was my exact reaction. There are several strange threads on this forum right now that I think are meant only to start up arguments. I cannot conceive of a Catholic actually questioning whether the USCCB is being too “liberal” in rejecting torture. Apparently some of the bad guys are now us.
Actually no one is arguing it was wrong for the USCCB to reject torture- we’re arguing that the United States is not engaged in it.
The problem is many people define torture so loosely that even imprisoning somebody can be considered torture.
**So this constitutes a “problem” ? Gosh what torturing can’t we do that you feel should be done, because our definitions are too loose? **

I do not believe the waterboarding is torture.
Yeah, neither do Bush, Chaney Rummie, Gonzales…I think they all agree with you. They claim to be Christians too. Why I repeat would you want a “looser” definition?

During the Middle Ages the church allowed "torture’ as long as it was only applied once and did not put life or limb at risk. I know that they have since tightened their definition on this

**Then it is of no import at all is it? Yes the Church engaged in a horrid horrid thing. It’s only defense may be that such were the times, torture was inflicted most everywhere. That’s a poor defense but it at least explains it. How would you explain returning to a “looser” definition? A move forward for humanity? **

but that I do not believe waterboarding falls under their prohibition. You are welcome to have your own opinion but your opinion on what constitutes torture is no more binding on Catholics than mine.
I’d suggest you write directly to the USCCB and see what they say. I’m sure you would concede they have a firmer handle on church teaching than we can have .
Waterboarding being the most harmless and perhaps most effective method of obtaining the information to stop a bloodbath

**No you see, its about torturing someone hoping that they can tell you something that would stop a “bloodbath” in the future. That is quite a bit different. And as I said, in the one case in a million times it actually happens there are plenty of devices to absolve the inflictor short of giving him a license before hand which only encourages its use. **

Actually no one is arguing it was wrong for the USCCB to reject torture- we’re arguing that the United States is not engaged in it.
**I can’t imagine we are talking about that. It’s clear the US has done so, and there is no evidence they have not, excepting of course bushies protestations to the contrary which no one would bet a nickel on. **
No one was tortured at GITMO.
**US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN ** 06.24.2005, 11:37 AM

*GENEVA (AFX) - Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said.

The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on on condition of anonymity. *
**US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN ** 06.24.2005, 11:37 AM

*GENEVA (AFX) - Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said.

The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on on condition of anonymity. *
Yes. And why destroy the video tapes of prisoners being interrogated?
Obviously, people were being tortured, despite the desperate attempts here by some to cover this up.
**I can’t imagine we are talking about that. It’s clear the US has done so, and there is no evidence they have not, excepting of course bushies protestations to the contrary which no one would bet a nickel on. **
Hating Bush is not a sufficient basis for believing the U.S. engages in torture. Nor have you, or anyone else in here drawn a bright line as to what torture is and what it isn’t.

My problem in this discussion is that some seem to define it so widely (implicitly, though none has attempted to define it directly) that it would prevent the authorities from applying any kind of unpleasantness at all to some murderous person, no matter what. I think that’s a cultural, not a moral stance.

It seems to me innocent lives are worth protecting. Genocide, if that’s what might be attempted one of these times (Well, I guess it is attempted regularly against Jews, but most of the Western moralists don’t seem to care.) And it seems to me, when innocent lives are in the balance, it’s way oversensitive to object to, say, sleep deprivation or even waterboarding, in order to save those lives.

Abu Ghraib was out of order. No question about it. The worst part of it was that it appears to have been useless, as well as just silly. But if putting panties on the heads of half the male population of Iraq would have saved one beheading or one murder of children, I would be for it. I value those innocent lives more than I value the stupid pride of those jihadists that were locked up there. Remember, those people were not in uniform and were caught in conflicts.

I am simply awestruck that some people in here seem to be saying they would spare the panties and let the innocents die. It takes my breath away. Do you hold human life so cheaply?

And world opinion? A U.N. that would put Cuba and Libya on the Human Rights commission, is worthy of no consideration or respect. This a lot like the Cold War, where all these righteous people could purchase a smug feeling of virtue by condemning U.S. weaponry while sitting secure under the umbrella of that very weaponry. I feel the same way about all this “world is against us” stuff. First of all, the world is not against us. There are lots of nations with presence in Iraq, for example, besides the U.S., and lots more supporters who are afraid to be out in the open about it. And there are lots of people in the world who are for us. And, of course, the whole world knows who the real torturers of the world are. I’m sure Castro, the Chinese, North Korean and Russian oligarchs (not to mention every Muslim nation on earth) got a good laugh over the childish antics at Abu Ghraib, and the discomfort of the U.S. over all the moral posturing of the commentators who sit comfortably protected by the U.S. armed forces. Those folks REALLY torture, but none of those who are so quick to condemn the U.S. go after the real torturers of the world. No, that could be dangerous. Safer to get into a high moral dudgeon about sleep deprivation and panties on the head.

I’m sorry, but to me, that’s all just gaining a sense of moral superiority on the cheap.
It seems to me innocent lives are worth protecting.
I don’t think anyone here would argue otherwise, Ridgerunner. Stop poisoning the well with your implication that they would.
I am simply awestruck that some people in here seem to be saying they would spare the panties and let the innocents die. It takes my breath away. Do you hold human life so cheaply?
Here you are again using prejudicial language. I could just as well ask, “Do you hold God in such low regard that you would violate His commandments just to save a human life?” We cannot do evil so that good may result. If there’s a debate to be had here, it’s on whether inflicting pain on prisoners in possession of information necessary for the prevention of evil is morally wrong, and which ways of inflicting that pain are morally wrong. There can be no debate about this fundamental rule of Christian morality.

**US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN ** 06.24.2005, 11:37 AM

… a UN source said. **Is this the same U.N. that says Zionism is racism and puts Cuba on the Human Rights Commission? Is this the same U.N. that sits idly by while genocide goes on in Darfur? And we’re supposed to believe the U.N. about anything? **

The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on on condition of anonymity.
** Ah! An ANONYMOUS source at the untrustworthy U.N. Iranian, perhaps? And did this anonymous source describe the torture that the U.S. allegedly “confessed” to? **
**US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN **06.24.2005, 11:37 AM

*GENEVA (AFX) - Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said. *

*The acknowledgement was made in a report submitted to the UN Committee against Torture, said a member of the ten-person panel, speaking on on condition of anonymity. *
There is no statment form the US there What we have is the usual suspects saying the United States is going to make such a statement. Of course you haven’t provided a copy of the statement the US allegedly made so we dont know if they use the word torture or not. The US has admitted using waterboarding which the UN claims is torture but which the US claims is perfectly acceptable as does evidently the Senate. Waterboarding has been an interrogation technique since at least 1952 for both the United States military and fo rU S intelligence agencies. Accordingly it has been allowed by every administration since Eisenhower. So tell me why has it become an issue now?
I don’t think anyone here would argue otherwise, Ridgerunner. Stop poisoning the well with your implication that they would.** Well, then maybe it’s time that you define what you consider “torture”? Tell me precisely what you would, and would not allow in order to save innocent lives.**

Here you are again using prejudicial language. I could just as well ask, “Do you hold God in such low regard that you would violate His commandments just to save a human life?” We cannot do evil so that good may result. If there’s a debate to be had here, it’s on whether inflicting pain on prisoners in possession of information necessary for the prevention of evil is morally wrong, and which ways of inflicting that pain are morally wrong. There can be no debate about this fundamental rule of Christian morality. ** Ask all you like. But before you do, please define “torture”, and tell me why things fitting within that description are “evil”. If you wish, you can also tell me what, fitting the description, the U.S. does. I’ll make it easy to start. I hold that maiming suspects is “torture” and is “evil”. I hold that starving people to death are both things. I hold that beheading live people fits both categories. Let’s make a bright line here.**

I don’t think anyone here would argue otherwise, Ridgerunner. Stop poisoning the well with your implication that they would.

Here you are again using prejudicial language. I could just as well ask, “Do you hold God in such low regard that you would violate His commandments just to save a human life?” We cannot do evil so that good may result. If there’s a debate to be had here, it’s on whether inflicting pain on prisoners in possession of information necessary for the prevention of evil is morally wrong, and which ways of inflicting that pain are morally wrong. There can be no debate about this fundamental rule of Christian morality.

From the Cathecism
**2308 **All citizens and all governments are obliged to work for the avoidance of war.

However, "as long as the danger of war persists and there is no international authority with the necessary competence and power, governments cannot be denied the right of lawful self-defense, once all peace efforts have failed.

Those who were waterboarded had information crucial to the ddefense of the citizens of the US. Self defense is allowed so i see no confilct with Christian Morality.
Yes. And why destroy the video tapes of prisoners being interrogated?
Obviously, people were being tortured, despite the desperate attempts here by some to cover this up.
To people like you from setting up a kangaroo court to try these people to score political points.
I have read over the USCCB document of November 14, 2007 “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”. It seems to me the the US Bishops may have introduced new doctrine that is not in the Catechism.

In paragraphs 23 and 64, the Bishops indicate that the use of torture is always wrong. At times they site the Catechism no 2297 which says:

“Torture which uses physical or moral violence to extract confessions, punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.”

In 2297 it does not say that torture is prohibited even to prevent a future attack against the innocent. To the contrary, in no 2267 the Catechism states:

"If, instead, bloodless means are sufficient to defend against the aggressor and to protect the safety of persons, public authority should limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person. "

While 2267 is specifically referring to capital punishment, wouldn’t it also apply to preventing attack and allow bloodless torture in some cases?

It seems like the Bishops may have said something new that is not in the Catechism. Is that how other see it?
Torture and capital punishment/war are not the same thing. Note that the Catechism does not say that capital punishment is contrary to the dignity of the human person, only that bloodless means are more in keeping with human dignity. Torture is far more radically contrary to the dignity of the human person than capital punishment is, because it uses the human person as a means to an end. Capital punishment treats the person’s free will with respect.

Note that extracting confessions is explicitly named as one of the reasons for torture, and explicitly condemned.

Nobody seems to want to define “torture” or draw that line between “torture” and “merely displeasing”. Maybe those who like to condemn the U.S. for “torturing” folks include “merely displeasing” within “torture”. Who knows?
There is no statment form the US there What we have is the usual suspects saying the United States is going to make such a statement. Of course you haven’t provided a copy of the statement the US allegedly made so we dont know if they use the word torture or not. The US has admitted using waterboarding which the UN claims is torture but which the US claims is perfectly acceptable as does evidently the Senate. Waterboarding has been an interrogation technique since at least 1952 for both the United States military and fo rU S intelligence agencies. Accordingly it has been allowed by every administration since Eisenhower. So tell me why has it become an issue now?
Bob those headlines were flashed around the world. Forbes, CNN, etc these are not anti US publishers. Additionally you can look at
*State Department legal adviser John Bellinger III, who led the US delegation to Geneva, yesterday expressed disappointment in the panel’s results. He said the committee went beyond its mandate in calling for Guantanamo to be shut down, and complained that the panel had discounted much of the arguments the US presented during the hearings.

’'We acknowledge that there were very serious incidents of abuse," Bellinger said. ''We’ve all seen Abu Ghraib. There have been numerous other allegations. There have been other incidents. We have investigated those. We’ve held people accountable. But as I said at the time, you know, clearly our record has improved over the last few years."*

or one of the Guantanamo reports

or other Guantanamo reports at
A tortured prisoner may lie just to spite you for torturing him. Lead you on a goose chase to nowhere.
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