Hi CR!
I’m sorry you’re ‘friend’ is hurting you like this. I have had my fair share of toxic friends, and what has helped me in times past, is knowing that a true friend wouldn’t hurt me. That is the bold face truth. Love doesn’t hurt, and friends don’t hurt others they care about. Now, granted, two people who care about each CAN HAVE AN ARGUMENT, and maybe say some things that are not nice to one another. There’s a difference between ‘playing someone’ and having arguments now and again with a friend, etc.
If she intentionally likes to play with your emotions–she’s not a friend…AT ALL. She has issues, and gets a kick out of hurting guys as part of them. I would tell her how you feel…honesty is the best policy. I would say–you know, I don’t like when you treat me like this, and if it continues, I don’t see how we’ll be able to be friends. See what her reaction is–if she gets huffy…say, I have to go now. Never know–she might just change.