Toxic friends

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Thanks everyone for the good advice. Mods please close this thread cos it has apparently started a fight and I didnt mean for it to thanks.
Norseman -

I’m willing to bet that I am old enough to be your mother, I’ve been through my angry young phase.
So whenever anyone who disagrees with you, and provides a logical presentation to refute you, instead of responding in a logical manner, you say he/she is going through an angry phase? Nice reasoning skills. You did not respond to my points about St. Paul and the catechism, but you yourself resort to labelling!
attempting to punch holes in what I say is not that productive.
Neither is finding or creating offense where none exists and berating the OP like you did. You owe him an apology.

Whether you like it or not, “toxic” is a commonly used clinical term now.

And by the way, in logic, if A or B and you want to prove A, disproving (aka “punching holes in”) B will prove A.
MODS please close this topic. Some how it started a fight. I didnt mean for it to. Please close it.
Friend, it takes two to fight.
Partially true. The aggressor starts it (either verbally or by throwing out false accusations such as the lonely have to work on their spiritual lives); the defender finishes it. 😃 😃

I know I came on strong and may have seemed angry to you (and it is partially due to the fact that you are trying to force on us some inaccurate personal interpretations of scripture), but it did accomplish two admissions by you:
I never ever ever ever ever never ever said that this young man should continue to date this young woman who was mean to him.
You are a considerate young man.
Mission accomplished.
Norseman -

I’m willing to bet that I am old enough to be your mother,
Out of curiosity, how old are you? From your posts, I would analyze that you are in your 50s or 60s and either divorced or never married. This might help to understand your viewpoint on the “loneliness” issue.
MODS please close this topic. I will be sure I dont post anything like this here anymore. And I say again I was not calling her or anyone else “toxic” I calling the way she was acting “toxic”
Hey bro, please don’t let her scare you away from here! As a priest at a talk I was at Friday night kept repeating (to the point we could have started a drinking game), “sometimes you have to call a spade a spade”; yet there will be those who, whether it be due to naivete or improper catechesis, think it is more important to worry about the “polite niceties”, or those who do not understand the male side of the equation.
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