Gratias et pax vobiscum,
Share with me and one another Traditional Catholic Act of Piety which has been forgotten since Vatican II in many Novus Ordo Parishes.
I’ll Start…
One proper Piety which isn’t taught in RCIA anymore is Crossing ones’ self upon entering the threshold of the Church:
**In The Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit). Amen.
O Lord, in the multitude of Thy mercies, I will enter into Thy house, and worship Thee in Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name. Amen.**
Share with me and one another Traditional Catholic Act of Piety which has been forgotten since Vatican II in many Novus Ordo Parishes.
I’ll Start…
One proper Piety which isn’t taught in RCIA anymore is Crossing ones’ self upon entering the threshold of the Church:
**In The Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit). Amen.
O Lord, in the multitude of Thy mercies, I will enter into Thy house, and worship Thee in Thy holy temple, and praise Thy name. Amen.**