Traditional Catholic Pieties

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I have a lovely book published in 1994 called Customs and Traditions of the Catholic Family.
It has a chapter by Maria Trapp about Living with Christ through Holy Week. In it is how they used to take pussywillows to church for blessing.
We, also, have put up a small shrine in our home. As a matter of fact, it’s getting to be the center piece of the home.

The devotions to the Holy Angels, Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, Infant of Prague are all daily spiritual exercises with us. Stations of the Cross at least once a week and the complete Rosary daily are included.

We try to make Adoration at least twice a week, normally with Mass and Benediction.

Being retired does make it easier to do many of these things, but a young married couple raising a family REALLY needs to do these too.

We raised 7 kids and didn’t do very well in practising those things I described, and for that I am truly sorry.
Joysong wrote: Most important next to the mass and reception of holy communion is personal prayer … not vocal prayer mindlessly recited, but the prayer of the heart that converses with Our Lord.
Along these lines I can heartily recommend, The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as a wonderful way of developing a mental/inner prayer life centered on the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

Originally written in 1846 by Fr. Peter J. Arnoudt, SJ, it reads somewhat like* The Imitation of Christ,* but is far more lengthy and comprehensive. The readings are set up in short chapters to be used for daily prayerful meditation/lectio. It’s certainly worth a peek if one is looking to develop an interior prayer life within a traditional context.

Especially note worthy in the appendix is a whole section of prayers to the Sacred Heart designed to be meditated upon during the different parts of the TLM!

Find it at:

Best, :tiphat:
Gratia et pax vobiscum,

Does anyone pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary? I find it a wonderful Office for non-clergy and non-religious. Anyone else?

Gratia et pax vobiscum,

Does anyone pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary? I find it a wonderful Office for non-clergy and non-religious. Anyone else?

I have done it, though I ended up switching over to Morning, Evening and Night Prayer from LOTH last year. The Little Office is lovely, though, and I still plan on saying it for the whole month of May each year in honour of Our Lady :yup:
Gratia et pax vobiscum,

Does anyone pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary? I find it a wonderful Office for non-clergy and non-religious. Anyone else?

St. Bernard: do you pray it? The Rotelle version?
St. Bernard: do you pray it? The Rotelle version?
Gratia et pax vobiscum,

I’m unfamiliar with Rotelle but it is The Hours of Our Lady prepared and printed in 1914.

Simply wonderful.

Here’s a little leaftlet that has a section on how: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Home: Its Purposes Its Rewards

Basically, you just ask a priest to come to your home and go through the ceremony. I was in Ireland for a family funeral a little over a year ago, and most every home I went into had the same Sacred Heart image hanging somewhere. I had the brief opportunity to stop through Knock, and found a copy of the same image in a gift shop there. There is a prayer on the bottom of the image that says:
It is also usual (at least in Ireland) to have a light lit under the Sacred Heart image. We had an electric one and a supply of candles in case of a black out.
Gratia et pax vobiscum,

Does anyone pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary? I find it a wonderful Office for non-clergy and non-religious. Anyone else?

I do! I’ve been praying it for about 6 months and find it wonderful as well! 👍
I do! I’ve been praying it for about 6 months and find it wonderful as well! 👍
Fantastic! What I really like about it is that it is portable and although smaller than the LOTH or Christian Prayer it still gives you the full 7 prayer Office a day. Simply wonderful!!!

Gratia et pax vobiscum,

I’m unfamiliar with Rotelle but it is The Hours of Our Lady prepared and printed in 1914.

Simply wonderful.

The Rotelle version would be the new post-VII text compiled by (Fr?) John E. Rotelle. It has been updated to be in accord with the new LOTH, and is therefore set up in that format rather than the older way.

I also have a copy of the pre-VII text, a small purple clothbound book with Latin on the left and English on the right published by Carmel Books. Like yours it appears to be from a 1914 text. I have been wondering about that version and perhaps somebody here can help me with it. Obviously, it is meant to be prayed in the Latin, but since I have no real knowledge of that language I have never really taken it up, and have instead continued using the Rotelle version. It is just too intimidating waking up facing Matins and Lauds in Latin, and so I fear that I would shirk my daily prayers. So, I wonder if people have ever prayed the English of that text, or a combination, perhaps the Psams and such in English and the other prayers, i.e. Deus in adjutorium meum intende, in the Latin? I do prefer the actual layout and prayers of the 1914 version over the Rotelle, but the language difference has kept me away.

The Rotelle version would be the new post-VII text compiled by (Fr?) John E. Rotelle. It has been updated to be in accord with the new LOTH, and is therefore set up in that format rather than the older way.

I also have a copy of the pre-VII text, a small purple clothbound book with Latin on the left and English on the right published by Carmel Books. Like yours it appears to be from a 1914 text. I have been wondering about that version and perhaps somebody here can help me with it. Obviously, it is meant to be prayed in the Latin, but since I have no real knowledge of that language I have never really taken it up, and have instead continued using the Rotelle version. It is just too intimidating waking up facing Matins and Lauds in Latin, and so I fear that I would shirk my daily prayers. So, I wonder if people have ever prayed the English of that text, or a combination, perhaps the Psams and such in English and the other prayers, i.e. Deus in adjutorium meum intende, in the Latin? I do prefer the actual layout and prayers of the 1914 version over the Rotelle, but the language difference has kept me away.

Excellent! Yes this is the one which I have. Great to see that you have a copy.

With regards to praying it in mixed mode. Absolutely I do.

I pray all my Aperi Domine’s, Ave Maria’s, Deus in adjustorium’s, Gloria Patri’s, etc in Latin.

Everything else is in the Vulgar Tongue…

As I learn more I move it over to the Latin. 👍

Excellent! Yes this is the one which I have. Great to see that you have a copy.

With regards to praying it in mixed mode. Absolutely I do.

I pray all my Aperi Domine’s, Ave Maria’s, Deus in adjustorium’s, Gloria Patri’s, etc in Latin.

Everything else is in the Vulgar Tongue…

As I learn more I move it over to the Latin. 👍

Awesome! That is exactly what I was thinking of doing. I thought perhaps I could increase my understanding of the basic Latin and yet perhaps avoid being overwhelmed by the whole thing. Many thanks for the info.

I had a nice find on Ebay this week that I’d like to plug. It’s a My Daily Psalter, by Kevin O’Sullivan, OFM, Franciscan Herald Press, 1963.

It’s all 150 Psalms arranged in the order they appear in the 1962 LOTH for each hour and day of the weekly cycle. Each Psalm has an introduction, and a personal lesson/reflection at its end, with an explanation of difficult verses after a each stanza or two. Here’s a peek at parts of Psalm 143:


Prayer for victory and prosperity
This psalm is a mosaic of pieces taken from other psalms. It praises God for all he has already does for one so insignificant as the psalmist is. Then the psalmist prays for divine aid against enemies, he promises a public thanksgiving when victory comes and finally asks for prosperity for himself and the people.

143, 1-11

Blessed be the Lord, my rock who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war;
My refuge and my fortress, my stronghold, my deliver,
My shield in whom I trust, who subdues peoples under me.
Lord, what is man, that you notice him;
the son of men, that you take thought of him?
man is like a breath, his days, like a passing shadow.

trains my hands for battle: My hands for the sword, my fingers for the bow. God had made him successful in battle, the ideas here and in verse 2 are taken from psalm 17 which is composted by David.
Lord what is man: In comparison with God, man is as nothing, his life passes as quickly as a breath, a shadow disappears. The psalmist wonders that God pays any heed to him.

Incline your heavens, O Lord, and come down; touch the mountains, and they shall smoke;
Flash forth lightning, and put them to flight,
shoot your arrows, and rout them;
Reach out your hand from on high, deliver me and rescue me from many waters, from the hands of aliens,
Whose mouths swear promises while their right hands are raised in perjury.
O’ God, I will sing a new song to you; with a ten-stringed lyre I will chant your praise.
You who give victory to kings, and deliver David, your servant.
From the evil sword deliver me; and rescue me from the hands of aliens,
Whose mouths swear false promises while their right hands are raised in perjury.

Incline your heavens: God dwells in the heavens, he asks him to bend towards earth and rout the enemies of the psalmist; lightnings are God’s arrows.
rescue me: From the waters of tribulation from treacherous perfidious foes.
victory to kings: Quoting from psalm 17 he mentions the victories given by God to David, asking for similar victories for himself.


That the psalms helped to preserve the knowledge of God’s mercies and the trust and confidence of pious Israelites in him, down through the ages, is evidenced here. This man borrows the words and sentiments of his predecessors and makes them his own. For us too the psalms are still a store house of religion, we can and should make their words and sentiments our own. It is for this reason the Church has appointed them as part of our daily prayers. They are inspired and inspiring.

I love psalmistry and it is an ancient part of our tradition, especially of our Catholic monastic heritage. This little gem is one of the better ways I’ve seen to incorporate the full Psalter for those living a secular vocation. has a couple of used copies for less than what I paid on Ebay if anyone is interested.

Best, :tiphat:
Tomorrow’s First Friday, yea!

Fr. Croiset in The Devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus recommends we try to keep Jesus before us through the entire day, in addition to attending Mass. One of the ways he suggests is to pray the Little Office of the Sacred Heart. The hours are very short and can be said in a minute or two. I found this a rich way of keeping First Friday’s consecrated to Jesus.

I know of one online source for the Office (in Latin/English) here:
Tomorrow’s First Friday, yea!

Fr. Croiset in The Devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus recommends we try to keep Jesus before us through the entire day, in addition to attending Mass. One of the ways he suggests is to pray the Little Office of the Sacred Heart. The hours are very short and can be said in a minute or two. I found this a rich way of keeping First Friday’s consecrated to Jesus.

I know of one online source for the Office (in Latin/English) here:

I really wish but, that they would provide psalms with the hours of these Little Offices. Though I suppose then that it would be too long. I wish I could get an Office for the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. I have a Mass and a very beautiful one it is: even has it’s own preface!
The Rotelle version would be the new post-VII text compiled by (Fr?) John E. Rotelle. It has been updated to be in accord with the new LOTH, and is therefore set up in that format rather than the older way.

I also have a copy of the pre-VII text, a small purple clothbound book with Latin on the left and English on the right published by Carmel Books. Like yours it appears to be from a 1914 text. I have been wondering about that version and perhaps somebody here can help me with it. Obviously, it is meant to be prayed in the Latin, but since I have no real knowledge of that language I have never really taken it up, and have instead continued using the Rotelle version. It is just too intimidating waking up facing Matins and Lauds in Latin, and so I fear that I would shirk my daily prayers. So, I wonder if people have ever prayed the English of that text, or a combination, perhaps the Psams and such in English and the other prayers, i.e. Deus in adjutorium meum intende, in the Latin? I do prefer the actual layout and prayers of the 1914 version over the Rotelle, but the language difference has kept me away.

Has anyone seen or used the Little Office of BVM prepared by Cardinal Bea? Apparently it follows the Traditional Little Office but provides variations according to the seasons (of the Traditonal liturgical year).
Has anyone seen or used the Little Office of BVM prepared by Cardinal Bea? Apparently it follows the Traditional Little Office but provides variations according to the seasons (of the Traditonal liturgical year).
I have never seen this one. Sounds interesting too. Do you know of anywhere it is available?

If I did, it wouldn’t be! 😛 😃
Well, it would appear that this will remain hard to find. I learned that it was published in 1953 and was called by the author “Amplior.” But, I have searched in all the ways I could think of and can find none for sale anywhere. I looked at AbeBooks, which is an excellent site for finding older books but had no luck. It definitely sounds interesting though.

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