Hello all
This is my first time venturing into the Traditional Catholicism forum…I mostly hang out in the News section.
I’ve read through this thread to hopefully understand definitions, but I am still unclear. At my parish…
Liturgy - Mass of Paul VI
Music - usually organ is the only accompaniment, although I believe some woodwinds have been employed at times.
Language - mixed: Eucharistic prayer is in latin, with the exception of the Pater noster, which we currently chant in english. The rest of the Mass is in english. During our evening faith formation, we are all learning other latin prayers - Ave Maria, Pater noster, etc. Father Lappe takes to heart the call of our Pope to pray common prayers in latin.
Altar service - Boys only. This was instituted a few years ago, and they all where cassocks. We typcially have 4-6 at each Mass.
Vestments - Father’s vestments are different than most of the other parishes I attended in California and Colorado, but I have no idea how “traditional” they are. They look “traditional” to me, but I have no experience in that field.
Extraordinary Ministers - Yes, typically there is one for the Body and four with the chalices of Blood.
Confession - expected of all. Fr. Lappe even made a point on Sunday after the last holy day of obligation to remind people that they should not present themselves to receive if they did not attend Mass on the Holy Day and did not confess afterward.
I guess my point is we are not as loose as to be called a “Roman Protestant Service” as the one rude poster used the term, but I have no idea if we would be considered “traditional.” I know there are things that some of you won’t like - the liturgy itself, extraordinary ministers, for example, but I am pleased to be where I am, with a priest who is challenging the community to live our faith following the teaching of the Church.
BTW…I am a convert (1990) and our parish priest is only 35, so he most probably grew up in a non-latin praying “Novus Ordo” parish.