Now I don’t have any transgender friends (at least I don’t think so). However if I were to have one should I call them what they have “become”. I mean If a girl were to “turn into” a boy should I address them as he/him even though for God they are still female?( I dont think this is put I. The right section)
The soul of a person is made in God’s image, and after His likeness. Therefore, nothing God has made is a mistake. Neither did God in creating all in the natural order, lack being what it was to become. As he created and called each to be. Including one’'s gender. God gives a gift in creation. For He made them male and female. Man cannot perfectly live before God without a woman. And likewise, a woman cannot live without a man. Why? Because, the image of God so mandates it. Man is not complete, for that is when he see’s Eve, saying, “Alas! Bone of my bones. Flesh of my flesh.” As Jesus stated, “the two shall become one.” And, “What God has put together, let know man put asunder.”
Now, how does this all make sense with the illustration of someone who is transgender? Easy, the person placed into life with the intrinsic characteristics of not just being human, but with that leverage in God’s existence: made male and female - a man and a woman - in His image, and after His likeness - a pure gift of Himself, that the two exist. For, as Saint John the Apostle’s Gospel illustrates: God is love.
A girl born to a man and a woman, might feel like she is a boy later on in her life, or might had been questioning from early on. However, consider, as she becomes a woman, her physiology is placed with the gift in the pro-creation of life, to bear a child. Wherefore, a man plants his seed to give life. Thereby, when someone changes the cosmetics with physiological layering (i.e. cosmetic), their attributes appear on the outside to have hanged. However, the DNA (indicating them as male or female) will remain the same throughout their whole life. In as well as, if he was born a male, he cannot bear children. And, if the person was born a female, cannot ever give life, or plant a seed in that union. Thus, what God has so placed and put together between a man and a woman (i.e. the child being born), let no man put asunder. And that would mean neither the gender characteristics they were born with. For God gave them that. It’s His gift.
So, what does this have to do with transgender friends? Love them. Simply put. If God made them a boy in life, then though they might be emotionally scarred, or for whatever turmoil they suffered as a child, or for whatever reason they decided to do what they did, treat them as a human being, for a start. And then, as time progresses, treat them for who they are, rather than what they are. If they can learn to love themselves. And, to learn to love how they were originally created, that would be a miracle. For in God’s graciousness, they’d be filled with so much hope and love for life.