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The question I’m addressing is “cause”. What causes SSA? What causes gender dysphoria? Science doesn’t know. As Catholics we have no basis in our faith to reject out of hand biological influences, just because the “pro-LGBTQI”, “pro-transgender” lobbies hold that view on that question, and attempt to use it to justify social changes we do have reason to reject.
“Cause”? It doesn’t matter. Not now. Transgender related laws like bathroom bills exist. Kids being given hormone treatments? I would not give anyone a hormone of any kind at a young age without rational support. Has the FDA approved dispensing hormones to kids? On what basis?

The question I’m addressing is “cause”. What causes SSA? What causes gender dysphoria? Science doesn’t know. As Catholics we have no basis in our faith to reject out of hand biological influences, just because the “pro-LGBTQI”, “pro-transgender” lobbies hold that view on that question, and attempt to use it to justify social changes we do have reason to reject.
Peer pressure? We live in an age of sexual idolatry. I knew a lady who “became” lesbian after her husband abused her and beat her up constantly. " I need a cuddle at the end of the day." And got herself into a situation with several lesbians she had huge problems extricating herself from.
“Cause”? It doesn’t matter. Not now. Transgender related laws like bathroom bills exist. Kids being given hormone treatments? I would not give anyone a hormone of any kind at a young age without rational support. Has the FDA approved dispensing hormones to kids? On what basis?

Remembering the Irish transgender brothers I posted the article on? They had had a psych evaluation before starting hormone treatments… Psychiatry has no morality
Remembering the Irish transgender brothers I posted the article on? They had had a psych evaluation before starting hormone treatments… Psychiatry has no morality
Are these hormone treatments approved by the appropriate regulatory body? On what grounds?

It will be HSE, she says while googling madly…Dear Lord; they have a whole forum !

I think you will find the answers there…

oh and yes. HSE our Health Service Executive… See
From the section on treatment of gender dysphoria,

The Endocrine Society found that 75-80% of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria before they reached puberty did not have the condition after puberty. Therefore, endocrine treatment is not recommended until after puberty.

I note that there are NO treatments identified other than assisting people to be able to live as the gender with which they identify (if their condition is sufficiently severe).

Chatting to a friend of mine, he tells me that parents he knows are of the view that this “transitioning” treatment saved the life of their child (I don’t know the age).
From the section on treatment of gender dysphoria,

The Endocrine Society found that 75-80% of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria before they reached puberty did not have the condition after puberty. Therefore, endocrine treatment is not recommended until after puberty.

I note that there are NO treatments identified other than assisting people to be able to live as the gender with which they identify (if their condition is sufficiently severe).

Chatting to a friend of mine, he tells me that parents he knows are of the view that this “transitioning” treatment saved the life of their child (I don’t know the age).
I did not read it all fully, but the mention of hormone treatment? That was what the ? here was…
I do not know why anyone feels Catholicism cannot cope with the idea of a grievous biological error (of some kind) affecting sexuality. Just about every other aspect of our mind and body fails in various ways, so why reject out of hand that such a mechanism may adversely affect sexuality? And to believe that whatever drives these conditions is correctable by psychological / psychiatric means is equally lame.

There is simply no reason that “orthodox Catholics” ought feel compelled to hold any particular view on the causes of these conditions or the sincerity of the people who endure them. It is a question for science and science does not know the answer.
Yes. Yes. This is correct path to understanding and compassion toward LGBT peoples. The brain is the most complex and least understood organ of the body, and yet we often treat as most simplistic when come it does to sexual orientation and gender identity.

In deliberation, I point out, however, that the scientific evidence is far more conclusive and persuasive than generally acknowledged when considering biological basis for homosexuality and gender dysphoria. I can speak to this if you wish.

Definitive scientific evidence is rare in the treatment of many conditions. What evidence we have must guide us to the most beneficial available therapies known, and continued study guide us to improvements in treatment. Those suffering cannot wait. Let us act with compassion and pray for their comfort and well being.
Thats just because we dont yet know how to best treat it, plus going ahead and indulging their disorder does not always work either, I believe Jenner is having regrets about his change.

The same would be true if we told schizophrenics to just give in to their delusions and treat them as if they are real, this would not solve their problems.
Jenner possibly having regrets does not mean all other transgendered individuals do. I myself know four, and all of them have expressed relief at finally feeling ‘right’.

Plus, in Jenner’s case, there could be other factors at play–she’s a celebrity whose fame was built on what she did with her body when she indentified as male. That could be playing into any regrets she may be having.
I do not know why anyone feels Catholicism cannot cope with the idea of a grievous biological error (of some kind) affecting sexuality. Just about every other aspect of our mind and body fails in various ways, so why reject out of hand that such a mechanism may adversely affect sexuality? And to believe that whatever drives these conditions is correctable by psychological / psychiatric means is equally lame.

There is simply no reason that “orthodox Catholics” ought feel compelled to hold any particular view on the causes of these conditions or the sincerity of the people who endure them. It is a question for science and science does not know the answer.
Issue is “conservative Catholics” passing off their beliefs as that of the Catholic Church’s.
And I should add that amongst the worthwhile commentary in this article, there is a bunch of anti-catholic tripe and hyperbole. You could probably call it “hate speech” given the way that term is used these days!
There are indeed some rather distasteful ant-Catholic comments.
From the section on treatment of gender dysphoria,

The Endocrine Society found that 75-80% of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria before they reached puberty did not have the condition after puberty. Therefore, endocrine treatment is not recommended until after puberty.

I note that there are NO treatments identified other than assisting people to be able to live as the gender with which they identify (if their condition is sufficiently severe).

Chatting to a friend of mine, he tells me that parents he knows are of the view that this “transitioning” treatment saved the life of their child (I don’t know the age).
Well, having read stuff published by the Endocrine Society they actually recommend puberty blockers at Tanner stage 2 and hormones at 16 and it wasn’t their studies, it was reviewing 15-20 year old studies by other people some of which had serious issues such as including anyone who was brought in, even people who identified with their birth sex and had some gender variant behaviour; when numbers include people who never identified not with their birth sex it is unsurprising that the number who didn’t identify as transgender was so high later on.
Yes. Yes. This is correct path to understanding and compassion toward LGBT peoples. The brain is the most complex and least understood organ of the body, and yet we often treat as most simplistic when come it does to sexual orientation and gender identity.

In deliberation, I point out, however, that the scientific evidence is far more conclusive and persuasive than generally acknowledged when considering biological basis for homosexuality and gender dysphoria. I can speak to this if you wish.

Definitive scientific evidence is rare in the treatment of many conditions. What evidence we have must guide us to the most beneficial available therapies known, and continued study guide us to improvements in treatment. Those suffering cannot wait. Let us act with compassion and pray for their comfort and well being.
Wondering quietly how you would define compassion in practical terms?
Yes. Yes. This is correct path to understanding and compassion toward LGBT peoples. The brain is the most complex and least understood organ of the body, and yet we often treat as most simplistic when come it does to sexual orientation and gender identity.

In deliberation, I point out, however, that the scientific evidence is far more conclusive and persuasive than generally acknowledged when considering biological basis for homosexuality and gender dysphoria. I can speak to this if you wish.

Definitive scientific evidence is rare in the treatment of many conditions. What evidence we have must guide us to the most beneficial available therapies known, and continued study guide us to improvements in treatment. Those suffering cannot wait. Let us act with compassion and pray for their comfort and well being.
Can you cite what “scientific evidence is far more conclusive and persuasive than generally acknowledged”?

If you want to know what drives “LGBT people” to their confusion St Paul stated it quite clearly in Rom 1:24-27:
( Ref: )

24Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts* for the mutual degradation of their bodies.v 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.w 26Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.x 28And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.

God bless
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