To be honest, I have no idea what you are talkimg about. One minute it’s gay activism causing a single association out of hundreds around the world to deny what you seem to think is evidence of homosexuality being a disorder. On what evidence you believe it to be a disrder perhaps we should check with the Sudanese Psychological Association or the equivalent in Afghanistan.
Then you class it not being normal. Which will come to quite a shock to the millions of gay people around the world.
If “millions” around the world having the “condition” is all that is required to make it normal, then having warts, herpes, leprosy, heart disease, myopia, cataracts and anemia are all normal. This demonstrates what precisely?
Now it’s sodomy laws. But please explain how you can express frustration at the disappearance of laws which makes criminals of people who have sex in a manner to which you disaprove and still have them ‘treated in a civil manner’. There appears to be a dichotomy in there someplace.
So yeah, I guess that’s what we are taling about. When what we perhaps should be discussing is how to show a degree of civility and compassion to people you insist on describing as abnormal.
Brad, civility and compassion are one thing, but endorsement is something else completely. What about civility and compassion towards those considered homophobic by the gay crowd? I mean there are millions around the world who don’t agree with sodomy and yet you aren’t calling for civility and compassion for them, are you? The bakers, photographers and innkeepers who do not endorse gay “marriage” are being harassed, mocked and sued to strip them of their livelihoods. Where is the civility and compassion in that? That knife cuts both ways, no?
I was told just yesterday that we ought not donate money or items to the Salvation Army because they are “against gays.” All the good work the SA does is worth nothing to this person, apparently, because the SA doesn’t agree that males or females putting certain of their sexual organs in certain places of other persons bodies for no reason except mutual pleasure is an appropriate use of those organs. It isn’t that the SA hasn’t shown “civility and compassion” to gays, it is the simple fact that they don’t accept homosexual sex as “normal.” I suppose, that would be in flagrant disregard for the fact that millions around the world do it, which OUGHT to make it “normal.”
Perhaps the SA should just accept that poverty around the world is normal and do nothing about it BECAUSE it is therefore acceptable seeing as it is just part of the human condition?
I don’t know about you, but I think this person’s prejudice against the SA would seem just as regrettable and unjust as anyone who doesn’t treat homosexuals with civility and compassion, since it doesn’t demonstrate much in the way of civility and compassion towards SA members.
Civility and compassion don’t imply obsequious agreement to the ideas and endorsement of the behaviours of those to whom we are civil and compassionate, do they? I would suppose that I could be civil and compassionate towards alcoholics, adulterers, obnoxious people, leftist politicians and rational rat pack members without having to agree with them about every crucial issue or everything they do, would I?