Augustine’s views varied over time. He touched upon Genesis and Creation in multiple writings from different periods of his life. He left an unfinished commentary on Genesis. Augustine affirmed Creation ex nihilo or Creation from nothing by the Word of God. Augustine views on a literal six days were nuanced.stoplooklisten:
I suspect you are in error here. Augustine was a proponent of instantaneous creation in a lot less than 144 hours. A minority position to be sure, but one which more accurately reflects the Big Bang.However, the consensus of multiple sources in the Catholic Tradition including the early Church Fathers, St. Augustine, … have been consistently to affirm Genesis including completed Creation in six-days.
St. Augustine was converted and baptized by St. Ambrose of Milan whose views on Creation can also be considered and which will affirm the Church’s traditional understanding of six day Creation. Completed creation across six days followed by a day of rest seems to preclude ongoing “creation” by evolution across millions of years and still continuing today.