My understanding is, while a sequence of transitional fossils provides evidence of evolution, it tells us nothing about the process responsible for that evolution. There is no way to verify that the Darwinian recipe of mutations and natural selection was responsible for an evolutionary sequence of fossils - God could well have used such a method to evolve life, or God could have used a different method - I expect we will never know.
While neo-Darwinist theory provides the best available scientific explanation for the history of life on earth, that doesn’t mean it’s the truth. I don’t know how God caused life to evolve, but I suspect it was a supernatural process, in which case, science has no chance at all of discovering what that process was. When confronted with the power of God Almighty, the “best scientific explanation” for his works means nothing.
The Bible is about God’s relationship with man, so the history of the world before man was created is not important and is therefore presented in Genesis in a non-literal manner - so it’s possible to fit billions of years of non-human evolution into those verses. After man comes on the scene, the history becomes more literal. However, it’s possible that pre-Abrahamic history is presented less literally than post-Abrahamic history, so the date of Adam creation is a matter of controversy. Post-Abrahamic history seems less ambiguous - for example, Matt 1:17 is very specific about the number of generations from Abraham to Jesus.
Some scholars claim it is possible to pin-point the year of Adam’s creation - Orthodox Jews, for example, believe it was 5780 years ago; and the Catholic Church came up with a similar date. Personally, I think Adam was created (ie, he did not evolve from a pre-existing creature), somewhere between 5,000-10,000 years ago … but what would I know?
While neo-Darwinist theory provides the best available scientific explanation for the history of life on earth, that doesn’t mean it’s the truth. I don’t know how God caused life to evolve, but I suspect it was a supernatural process, in which case, science has no chance at all of discovering what that process was. When confronted with the power of God Almighty, the “best scientific explanation” for his works means nothing.
The Bible is about God’s relationship with man, so the history of the world before man was created is not important and is therefore presented in Genesis in a non-literal manner - so it’s possible to fit billions of years of non-human evolution into those verses. After man comes on the scene, the history becomes more literal. However, it’s possible that pre-Abrahamic history is presented less literally than post-Abrahamic history, so the date of Adam creation is a matter of controversy. Post-Abrahamic history seems less ambiguous - for example, Matt 1:17 is very specific about the number of generations from Abraham to Jesus.
Some scholars claim it is possible to pin-point the year of Adam’s creation - Orthodox Jews, for example, believe it was 5780 years ago; and the Catholic Church came up with a similar date. Personally, I think Adam was created (ie, he did not evolve from a pre-existing creature), somewhere between 5,000-10,000 years ago … but what would I know?
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