Let me see…Rocks to living creatures is the issue. What experience, not speculation, can you offer to support that rocks evolved into living creatures? Can you demonstrate any life from that is inorganic?
There was invariably inorganic matter a few billion years ago (limiting ourselves to this planet). And we now have life. So…at some point in the past something happened, some process took place, that organised inorganic matter into matter that had the characteristics of life.
Now a few of us posting don’t believe in God so we’d say that the process must have been entirely natural. That is, with no divine intervention. You believe in God so you would say that He was involved in that process.
Now as to what that specific process was, we don’t yet know (well, unless you think it was all as per Genesis). We know how He organised the process right from the beginning of this universe up to the point where life appeared. We’ve worked that out. But non-life to life is a lot more difficult.
But if you want to say that God did it then everyone would be happy with that. Not that we’d all agree, but this is a Catholic forum. What else should one expect?
Now the $64,000 question is: Do you object to the search for the answer as to how the process worked? Because I can’t imagine why you would. In fact, the reaction I’d expect from any given Christian (who didn’t read Genesis literally) would be: ‘How you guys getting on with the investigation? I’m really keen to find out how God actually did it’.
But you seem not the slightest bit interested. And won’t admit to being someone who reads Genesis literally. Yet never offer any alternatives, despite countless requests. It’s all negative.
Beats me…