Trash bags of undelivered mail found outside a postal worker's home in Pennsylvania

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not due to mail in ballots, slow mail or missing ones.
AS I understand, this reasons you just pointed, can be used to fight the results. Now, this is something that Biden or Trump will use if needed to contest a close election. Not that only Democrats will use this. I see both using the excuses if they need to make a case.

The only way I see as of today, a clean result, is if there is a landslide result. Other than that, I have a feeling we will be hearing about Voter Suppression, Voter Intimidation, Votes not counted, Votes still being counted and the list goes on and on.

Landslide will be the only acceptable result.
Landslide will be the only acceptable result.
I see your point. I also think at a certain point the statisticians at a certain point in the count can make a determination unless it’s really really close! Even if everyone voted at polling stations, this would still be an issue…malfunctioning voting machines, hacking, breakdowns, etc. no system is perfect and all can be questioned if it’s close and one or the other decides to push it.

Here in Colorado, our ballots have to be postmarked by Nov 3rd. We have done mail in voting for years here so it’s not a new system for us. Anyone that improperly fills out ballots can only blame themselves for their vote not counting as the instructions are very clear and there’s a number to call with any questions. I just don’t think that adding mail in ballots overly confuses the issue anymore than regular voting could.

Delays to get it right should be acceptable to us. We might not like it but we all want to get it right and if needed, we will wait! We don’t have some constitutional right to know the result on election night after all!
I just don’t think that adding mail in ballots overly confuses the issue anymore than regular voting could.
Well, think of it like this. First off, I do not know the numbers, so I am making the numbers up. But here is what I understand.

Lets say Vote by person has a 5% of votes that will be discounted for what ever reason. Ok, that is only 5%. Now, add Massive mail in votes. Being fair, give it the same chance as vote by person. 5% will not be counted or what ever reason do not make it.

It is not 10% of the votes, but it is a larger percentage than just Vote in person.

We all want to be heard and out votes counted. But the more error percentage we add, the more people will not be heard.

Doctors have been clear that Vote by Person is safe.
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PattyIt . . .
Then why are Republicans and @Cathoholic so worried about mail in voting?
Because of the overt potential for fraud that is being opened up.

I am NOT worried about it for the votes.
I AM worried about it for the fraud or potential fraud.

I thought I have made that crystal clear?
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Yes, I understand that you have a fear of potential voter fraud. I’m just not sure there’s some reason for it that will actually effect the election unless the voting is extremely close where the 0.02% fraudulent cases make a difference. I made up that number…it’s probably even smaller.

So far, most fraud that has been found or highly suspected have been predominantly Republicans with a small smattering of Democrats. Excessive worrying about potentials will only get you falling down the rabbit holes of conspiracies and you’ll see potential fraud everywhere. Don’t do that to yourself! Next thing you know, you’ll be finding conspiracies everywhere beyond voter fraud. It’s just not healthy.

I agree that if the election is very close, there will be a lot of delays for recounts and scrutiny of ballots, but that just shows that the system is making sure there isn’t any fraudulent voting. If one side has a decided victory, small amounts of ballot issues won’t matter anyway. I’m going to sit back and just see who wins and by how much. I realize you probably don’t but I do trust the system to get it right. Perfect, no. It’s never been perfect.
PattyIt . . .
Yes, I understand that you have a fear of potential voter fraud. I’m just not sure there’s some reason for it that will actually effect the election unless the voting is extremely close where the 0.02% fraudulent cases make a difference. I made up that number…it’s probably even smaller.
I recommend looking up the phrase “hanging chad”.

Vote margins can be quite slim.

Any fraud is unacceptable.

The right always supports secure, honest elections many with voter ID.
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Any fraud is unacceptable.

The right always supports secure, honest elections many with voter ID.
Sure they do…that’s why they put up illegal ballot boxes at their churches. When journalists called the GOP to ask about them, they had no comment. They can’t even condemn illegal activities?

Sorry, I trust the Republicans about as much as you trust the Democrats. Which, I assume, isn’t much.

No average citizen in the US from either side wants a fraudulent election and we’re not going to have one! Or, are you also worried about potential fraud from the Republicans? You know…potentially?
PattyIt . . .
Sorry, I trust the Republicans about as much as you trust the Democrats.
Then join me in the call for natiinal universal voter ID.

PattyIt . . .
Or, are you also worried about potential fraud from the Republicans?
I have already complained about potential voter fraud from Republicans here on this forum.

You are proverbially barking up the wrong tree.

And there are many leftist Republicans.
But there are no Right Democrats. At least nationally.
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Then join me in the call for natiinal universal voter ID.
That only solves the problem of voter impersonation which is teeny tiny even within any voter fraud. Ballot stuffing/harvesting has much greater potential than impersonation and it doesn’t even rise to much of a problem except in certain people’s minds.

But, I have no objection to voter ID if the government makes sure everyone living in the back country or has transportation problems or is elderly or ill can get one. I have an issue with government demands without solutions to ensure it isn’t used to just eliminate certain voters.
Because you’re stretching the definition of voter fraud so far to fit your narrative it is no longer voter fraud.
Reminds me of how the term “fake news” was stretched from referring to false stories displayed as news to any story that reflected negatively on the current president.

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