Tridentine: dying, isolationist movement?

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As I have said all along, the TLM and the Novous Ordo are theologically equal, but I find the TLM superior aesthetically.
Dying? I doubt that. I started attending high mass, but the church is 100 miles away. I figure one time a month is about all I can afford to attend.

I’m in my late 20’s. Do you know how many people said they would start going and asked me if I can take them? Friends of mine who barely go to church want to start going, novelty for them, time will tell. Older people want to go. My only problem is I hope the parish doesn’t get upset about once a month or twice a month appearances. I don’t know if that will make my priest mad or make the latin priest mad (the latin mass church is Roman Catholic and not a splinter group).
My bishop probably would never let us have tridentine mass here.
It feels like two different churches, the difference between tridetine and our mass.
I just wish I had access to a Roman Catholic church that said the 1962 mass every weekend. So do alot of my friends.
Yes, I can follow it, I have a lot to learn , but I’m passionate and can follow latin very well (an opinion I’ve heard about why I’m not worthy to attend).
It takes a lot of work to get a latin mass going, you need people to attend, learn the mass, get a good choir. It takes a priest that is willing to make a big commitment to himself, God, and his parishoners.
Yes, it is a totally different experience than the new mass. It is tradition, something lacking in today’s world.
Sorry to rant, thanks for listening.
As for not to upset the priest as being seen as a parish jumper, I thought I would approach him and have a talk with him. I think I will also do that with my priest in my hometown.
In response to: "2. It does not foster enough “community”, that is,
*people are unfriendly and don’t stick around after mass to *
talk with their brothers and sisters."

I completly disagree. The warmest communities I have been to are the Traditional communities. Of the four Traditional communities I have visited, three of them had socials after Mass, with coffee and the like. The people were like a family, and were interested in welcoming me. It was a modern day liturgist’s dream come true. I rarely experience such hospitality at the English Masses. Does this seem to be your experience, too?

3. The Tridentine Mass goers live in a “bubble”, that is, they are
isolationists and they do next to nothing to further
evangelization, which is why the Tridentine will eventually
die out.

The most populated parish in Dublin is the SSPX parish. The SSPX seminary in Minn. is filled. I’ve heard reports that it has the most vocations of any order. The FSSP seminiary is filled. Young families are flocking to these Masses.

4. The Tridentine is unwelcoming which is another reason why
it will not grow: Protestants and the younger generation
find no interest in it.

Again, see my response to number 2. Has he actually been to a Trid. Mass? Maybe you could bring him with you. He will be surprised, especially if he wears his collar. They really respect their priests.
JAMES 2:24 Your priest is right on. The Tridentines are a schismatic cult who do not reconise Mass in the vernacular, and regard the last three popes as heretics.
And the award for the most uninformed response goes to…
JAMES 2:24 Your priest is right on. The Tridentines are a schismatic cult who do not reconise Mass in the vernacular, and regard the last three popes as heretics.
I think that the novus ordo mass if done ad orientem, in latin w/gregorian chant, with the sprinkling rite in latin before mass, and using the altar rail would be very similar to the tridentine mass. I also think the novus ordo mass done this way has some advantages: more participation by the laity; readings in vernacular; eucharistic prayer said audible; and more readings.

i think this is what the mass was intended to be by the council fathers but has been distorted by hippies, femi-nazis, homosexual activists, and dissenters.
JAMES 2:24 Your priest is right on. The Tridentines are a schismatic cult who do not reconise Mass in the vernacular, and regard the last three popes as heretics.
Maklavan, There are many religious congregations in full communion with Rome who are allowed to say the Tridentine Mass. Bishops across this country are giving priests the indult to say the Tridentine Mass. These men, in full communion with the Church, regard are current Pope as Pope. There are some wacky groups out there, like, they are bad news…but many of these groups are fine.

Oat Soda,
The best part about your suggestions…every priest can do it.
(Unless, they are in Alabama, and want to broadcast what you suggest.)
So, why aren’t priests doing what they are allowed to do? Hopefully many many more priests will start. I’ve been to 3 of these Masses in 3 cities. It blows me away.
oat soda:
I think that the novus ordo mass if done ad orientem, in latin w/gregorian chant, with the sprinkling rite in latin before mass, and using the altar rail would be very similar to the tridentine mass. I also think the novus ordo mass done this way has some advantages: more participation by the laity; readings in vernacular; eucharistic prayer said audible; and more readings.

i think this is what the mass was intended to be by the council fathers but has been distorted by hippies, femi-nazis, homosexual activists, and dissenters.
The “Loud” eucharistic prayer* is borrowed from Lutherans. Also the “sprinkling rite” has completely different prayers in both Rites.Example below:
Traditional Prayer after aspersion[translated into ENglish]:
Let us pray
Hear us O Holy Lord,Almighty Father,Eternal God : and vouchsafe to send Thy hoyl angel fron heaven to guard, cherish, protect, visit, and defend all that dwell in this house Through Christ Our Lord Amen*
The “Loud” eucharistic prayeris borrowed from Lutherans. Also the “sprinkling rite” has completely different prayers in both Rites.Example below:
i don’t see the advantage of saying the eucharistic prayer silently. the sprinkling rite, as is the rest of the mass, has been distorted when it was translated into english (icel did a terrible job). like i said, if all the prayers were said in latin, it would be about the same. finally, the priest could say the gospel of john after mass as well. hopfully, the new translation will capture the beauty of the latin prayers.

the problem isn’t the new mass, the problem is how it is celebrated: the banal folk garbage music; horrible english translation; priest facing the congregation (which isn’t an advantage anymore because of microphones); destruction of the sanctuary; ugly modern churches. none of these things were called for by vatican II or the new mass.
The best part about your suggestions…every priest can do it.
in theory. the minute someone would complain, the bishop would make the priest do everything in harmony with the rest of the us church. it’s all up to the bishop. i blame a lot on the usccb.
Word has it Bishop Rifan will celebrate a Traditional Latin Mass at World Youth Day next year.

Guess this shows the Traditional Mass is dead. 😉
oat soda:
I think that the novus ordo mass if done ad orientem, in latin w/gregorian chant, with the sprinkling rite in latin before mass, and using the altar rail would be very similar to the tridentine mass. I also think the novus ordo mass done this way has some advantages: more participation by the laity; readings in vernacular; eucharistic prayer said audible; and more readings.

i think this is what the mass was intended to be by the council fathers but has been distorted by hippies, femi-nazis, homosexual activists, and dissenters.
are you kidding? the homosexuals LOVE the traditional mass.
are you kidding? the homosexuals LOVE the traditional mass
well, they tend to have good taste. either way, if i saw too many homosexuals at the tridentine mass, i probably would stop going.
I am currently involved in a discussion with a priest who thinks:
  1. The Tridentine Mass is a museum piece.
  2. It does not foster enough “community”, that is,
    people are unfriendly and don’t stick around after mass to
    talk with their brothers and sisters.
  3. The Tridentine Mass goers live in a “bubble”, that is, they are
    isolationists and they do next to nothing to further
    evangelization, which is why the Tridentine will eventually
    die out.
  4. The Tridentine is unwelcoming which is another reason why
    it will not grow: Protestants and the younger generation
    find no interest in it.
  5. It is useful in one instance: when liberalism is rampant
    in a diocese, it is sort of the “antidote” that people can
    seek refuge in.
  6. The tridentine seminaries attract “wackos”.
I really tend to differ with these statements, I think the Tridentine is growing, people are attracted to the mysticism and reverence and it is attracting the younger generation which is tired of complaceny and irreverence. Also, I believe it is a growing movement rather than a dwindling one due to lack of interest.
My problem is how do I show evidence of this to this priest?
Boy oh boy…
  1. The Tridentine Mass is not a museum piece. Point this priest to JPII’s Encyclical Ecclesia Dei which calls for it’s wide and generous use.
  2. More people stick around after Mass to PRAY! Why this isn’t being encouraged today is beyond me.
  3. Tridentine Mass goers are, on the whole, better catechized and in a better position to evangelize. The thing is that they will not sugar coat the Truth to make it more appealing to prots and the like.
  4. Read the book, “The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy” by Colleen Carroll.
  5. The real problem is that there should not be a need for an antedote for rampant liberalism.
  6. The same can be said of liberal NO seminaries. It is the liberal seminaries that are attracting the homosexual child molesters. It is the liberal seminaries that form priests that don’t believe in the Real Presence and think women should be preistesses. And, not so coincidentally, it is the liberal seminaries that are dying off a quick death.
Well, it’s not dying out where I attend. Our bishop turned over a run-down parish to the Institute of Christ the King, which only says the Tridentine Mass, and attendance is growing. Recently our priest had to add another Sunday morning Mass so now there are two Sunday masses, one low at 7:00am and the High Mass at 9:00am. Parishioners that attend are all ages and backgrounds. After 9:00am Mass is coffee and doughnuts. We have many groups to join,including Teens for Life, and even a yearly festival. Dying out? Hardly.
And the award for the most uninformed response goes to…

"and you win the award for the rudest most hurtful post of the day.
oat soda:
well, they tend to have good taste. either way, if i saw too many homosexuals at the tridentine mass, i probably would stop going.
I would say they are about a quarter of the assembly of teh one near me, including the guy down the street you just thinks its lovely.
I would say they are about a quarter of the assembly of teh one near me, including the guy down the street you just thinks its lovely.
is it celebrated by fssp? i know at the fssp parish i use to attend they wouldn’t feel comfortable unless they went to confession first, assuming you mean actively homosexual and not effeminate or masculine appearing people. i’ve never noticed anything like this.
oat soda:
is it celebrated by fssp? i know at the fssp parish i use to attend they wouldn’t feel comfortable unless they went to confession first, assuming you mean actively homosexual and not effeminate or masculine appearing people. i’ve never noticed anything like this.
doesn’t fssp have a little litigation problem with some misbehavior by their people?
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