Tridentine Solemn High Mass

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well, I went to my first Solemn High Mass on Sunday at 5pm at St. Mary Mother of God church in DC. It was AMAZING. There was Gregorian chant and singing by Christendom College. It was so beautiful. There was incense and everything. The interesting thing was when, during the second half of the Mass, 6 or 7 altar servers stood with candles before the altar rail(like inside the altar rail). I haven’t really read about that and was wondering what the symbolism was of that. It was a beautiful Mass, and of course the priest reread the epistle and Gospel before he began his actual homily. With the Missal, rereading of biblical readings, etc., I don’t see why the Mass needed to be reformed, and I REALLY hope that more Tridentine Masses are offered around the world. They really capture the essence of the statement “the Mass is Heaven on Earth”, and that the church is truly a temple of God.

Also, is the Asperges(sp) part of the Mass(or before the Mass) still exist? I actually was waiting for that. Is that where they sprinkle holy water on everyone? Is that omitted now, or what? I thought it would be included in a solemn Mass.
well, I went to my first Solemn High Mass on Sunday at 5pm at St. Mary Mother of God church in DC. It was AMAZING. There was Gregorian chant and singing by Christendom College. It was so beautiful. There was incense and everything. The interesting thing was when, during the second half of the Mass, 6 or 7 altar servers stood with candles before the altar rail(like inside the altar rail). I haven’t really read about that and was wondering what the symbolism was of that. It was a beautiful Mass, and of course the priest reread the epistle and Gospel before he began his actual homily. With the Missal, rereading of biblical readings, etc., I don’t see why the Mass needed to be reformed, and I REALLY hope that more Tridentine Masses are offered around the world. They really capture the essence of the statement “the Mass is Heaven on Earth”, and that the church is truly a temple of God.

Also, is the Asperges(sp) part of the Mass(or before the Mass) still exist? I actually was waiting for that. Is that where they sprinkle holy water on everyone? Is that omitted now, or what? I thought it would be included in a solemn Mass.
1.) Gregorian Chant is often part of the Novus Ordo Mass.

2.) Incense can be used during the Novus Ordo Mass.

3.) The Rite of Sprinkling exists within the Novus Ordo Mass.
that wasn’t what I was asking though. And yet, I knew that and still prefer the Tridentine Mass, yet will attend the Novus Ordo occasionally.
Crusader said:
1.) Gregorian Chant is often part of the Novus Ordo Mass.

2.) Incense can be used during the Novus Ordo Mass.

3.) The Rite of Sprinkling exists within the Novus Ordo Mass.

4.) Latin can be used within the Novus Ordo

1.) It’s never used.

2.) It’s never used.

3.) It’s never used.

4.) It’s never used.

I suppose I could go on. The Traditional Latin Mass is the future.
I suppose I could go on. The Traditional Latin Mass is the future.

The 1970 Missal is by no means perfect; it has within it a number of flaws (most especially, the near-infinite “options” that a priest can employ that make this Mass such a travesty in 99.9% of its celebrations).

But the 1962 Missal was far from perfect too, and needed to be reformed. Such reforms were under way since at least the pontificate of Saint Pius X, and were supposed to have reached their culimation at the decrees of the Second Vatican Council.

Vatican II was not convened for nothing, and I doubt that it is God’s will that Sacrosanctum Concilium be relegated to the dust-bins.

What is really needed is a “reform of the reform,” the creation and promulgation of a Missal that is both traditional, and faithful to the spirit of Vatican II.

Just my humple opinion.

Also, is the Asperges(sp) part of the Mass(or before the Mass) still exist? I actually was waiting for that. Is that where they sprinkle holy water on everyone? Is that omitted now, or what? I thought it would be included in a solemn Mass.
Back to your question:) , at the church I attend, there is always the Asperges at the beginning of the High Mass. And yes, the priest sprinkles Holy Water on everyone! I don’t know if it can be been omitted or optional or what, it’s just always done at the High Mass where I attend.
Jim ov Cov said:
4.) Latin can be used within the Novus Ordo

1.) It’s never used.

2.) It’s never used.

3.) It’s never used.

4.) It’s never used.

I suppose I could go on. The Traditional Latin Mass is the future.

Actually, a mere 12 blocks away from where JRJ26 worshipped, is a Latin Mass following the Roman Missal with a Gregorian Choir. It is well attended (better than the Tridentine Mass at St. Mary’s). I’ve heard their is some chance the Tridentine Mass at St. Mary’s will be eliminated or moved as the parish is experiencing a vibrant growth and the parishioners are requesting additional masses following the Roman Missal.
well, I went to my first Solemn High Mass on Sunday at 5pm at St. Mary Mother of God church in DC. It was AMAZING. There was Gregorian chant and singing by Christendom College. It was so beautiful. There was incense and everything. The interesting thing was when, during the second half of the Mass, 6 or 7 altar servers stood with candles before the altar rail(like inside the altar rail). I haven’t really read about that and was wondering what the symbolism was of that. It was a beautiful Mass, and of course the priest reread the epistle and Gospel before he began his actual homily. With the Missal, rereading of biblical readings, etc., I don’t see why the Mass needed to be reformed, and I REALLY hope that more Tridentine Masses are offered around the world. They really capture the essence of the statement “the Mass is Heaven on Earth”, and that the church is truly a temple of God.

Also, is the Asperges(sp) part of the Mass(or before the Mass) still exist? I actually was waiting for that. Is that where they sprinkle holy water on everyone? Is that omitted now, or what? I thought it would be included in a solemn Mass.
The asperges is up to the priest, but it is very beautiful, especially the prayer asking the church’s guardian angel to protect it
Crusader said:
1.) Gregorian Chant is often part of the Novus Ordo Mass.

Please define “often”. With the example you give it would seem that to you the word means “so infrequent as to be practically non-existent.”

It would be much more correct to say that Gregorian Chant can be used in the Novus Ordo Mass but unfortunately very, very few parishes do.

A better question is there ANY church in the world that uses Gregorian Chant in the Novus Ordo?
Jim ov Cov said:
4.) Latin can be used within the Novus Ordo

1.) It’s never used.

2.) It’s never used.

3.) It’s never used.

4.) It’s never used.

I suppose I could go on. The Traditional Latin Mass is the future.

Well, this is not quite correct. I’ve actually gone to a church for about 16 years that has the Novus Ordo in Latin.
A better question is there ANY church in the world that uses Gregorian Chant in the Novus Ordo?
Yes. Why must such extreme arguments always be used in this debate?
Also, is the Asperges(sp) part of the Mass(or before the Mass) still exist? I actually was waiting for that. Is that where they sprinkle holy water on everyone? Is that omitted now, or what? I thought it would be included in a solemn Mass.
The Asperges is not a part of the Mass as it occurs prior to the Sign of the Cross by which the Mass begins. At least where I attend (and perhaps this is the norm) the Asperges is only administered on Sundays.

On Sundays between Easter and Pentecost, the Asperges is replaced by the Vidi Aquam.
that wasn’t what I was asking though. And yet, I knew that and still prefer the Tridentine Mass, yet will attend the Novus Ordo occasionally.
Right on! I hope you find that the beauty and reverence of the Tridentine Mass will help your faith and your love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
I attend the Novous Ordo because there is not much else around here, but I would LOVE to attend the Tridentine Mass. It saddens me that the Mass changed. It existed for hundreds of years and helped counless Saints and conquered countless lands, yet for some reason the church changed it to the Novous Ordo, and I can’t for the life of me understand why they would do that…The attitude of the church is what needs to be changed, not the Mass. We should conform to the Holy Mass, not conform the Holy Mass to us.
Perhaps the Eucharist is the only thing that keeps me going to Mass.
Please pray for the Holiness of our church.
A better question is there ANY church in the world that uses Gregorian Chant in the Novus Ordo?
Mine does. Heh heh.

With incense

With Asperges

With LATIN!!! YAY!!!

And, to reiterate what has been said many times before

The 1962 high mass is beautiful and deeply spiritual, even if I don’t get to sing along with guitars and tambourines 😉
I guess it all boils down to why you go to Mass in the first place. I have never attended a Tridentine Mass. I don’t attend Mass to “feel” anything. I also don’t attend Mass for the external environment that is presented or the aesthetics of the church building. I attend Mass for one reason and one reason only…because God is good! Regardless of the homily, the music, the lack of music, the incense or lack thereof, the altar, the risen Christ on the cross, the tabernacle in a side place, the screaming children, the creaking pews, the Brady Modern church building with green carpet, I attend Mass because God is good and deserving of all my love. For this reason, I am never disappointed when I attend Mass because it is not about pleasing me but about me being pleasing to God.
For the record the Asperges are only done at Solemn High Mass, on Sundays. So far as I know, they’re a requirement at Sunday Solemn High Mass. They are not to be done at other Masses. (In the Tridentine Rite.)
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