It’s nice to hear from you Peterson04. I’m glad you have begun to make prayer part of your routine. Any relationship worth maintaining requires some work and prioritizing and you’ve begun doing that with God!
And your wife is a blessing, to be supportive! And you are a blessing to her, no doubt in many ways, but don’t minimize the effect your spiritual journey will have on her! and the effect that you have or will have on the anonymous seekers who read this forum. You’re right, re: what you wrote about it not being easy to live a holy life. But the efforts are always worth it, especially knowing the ultimate benefit, and God helps us. Christ wants each of us to be new again, continually, and helps us through the Church’s sacraments and through His Word, and of course we need prayer, other people, and the free graces He gives us.
And your wife is a blessing, to be supportive! And you are a blessing to her, no doubt in many ways, but don’t minimize the effect your spiritual journey will have on her! and the effect that you have or will have on the anonymous seekers who read this forum. You’re right, re: what you wrote about it not being easy to live a holy life. But the efforts are always worth it, especially knowing the ultimate benefit, and God helps us. Christ wants each of us to be new again, continually, and helps us through the Church’s sacraments and through His Word, and of course we need prayer, other people, and the free graces He gives us.
My parish offers five Sunday Masses – 5 p.m. Saturday, three Sunday morning Masses, and 5 p.m. Sunday. Most of the neighboring parishes offer similar schedules. For practicing Catholics, Sunday worship is an obligation, so the Church does what she can to make this obligation easier for us to uphold.I have these images in my mind of what early Christianity was like. I can imagine these individuals so touched and moved by Jesus that they start new lives, and live in these communities dedicated to his teachings and Church, and I very much want that.** It’s just an ongoing effort to not slip back into my old way of life in which I am submerged in sin. I wish there was an easier way to transition as it were from the old life to the new, but perhaps that difficulty is necessary.** The majority of my friends are atheists, many of whom are alcoholics or habitual recreational drug users. My entire family is protestant with some rather ignorant and longstanding anti-Catholic bias. Yet here I am, waking up every day and praying and wanting to go to mass. I’m preparing for the bumpy road ahead, but I won’t lie, it is a bit intimidating. Still though, my heart tells me I’m doing the right thing, so I take comfort in that.