I believe that the DACA should be given a very quick “path to citizenship,” probably consisting of little more than a swearing of allegiance to the United States. Since most of them have been here since childhood, they have (supposedly) had all kinds of education about American history and have (supposedly) passed the U.S. Constitution test that is (at least used to be and still should be) required to graduate from high school. So let every town and city get together a crowd in the town square or school gymnasium and or church fellowship hall, bring in the judge and a few Senators and Representatives and the Mayor and other town/city dignitaries, then let the DACAs profess their loyalty to their country (the U.S.), and then give them little American flags and full citizenship. And then let the whole town or city celebrate with them.
As for those seeking asylum, I think that their cases should be reviewed in the same way that asylum-seekers have always had their cases reviewed. Those who are deemed as needing asylum should be admitted into the country, while those who are not deemed as needing asylum should be sent back to their country.
I also believe that ALL immigrants into the U.S. should have a sponsor to help them become fully assimilated in this country That sponsor could be an individual–a family member (someone who is already in this country), or simply an interested person who wants to help and has received adequate training. Or the sponsor could be a church, an organization (e.g., a local chapter of the League of Women Voters), a union (e.g., UAW), a club (e.g., Cat Fanciers local chapter), a school, a retirement center, a sports team–anyone who is willing to take on the responsibility of helping someone find their way and become successful in a new land.
I was part of a church in North Carolina that sponsored refugees from the Dega nation (Vietnamese tribal peoples). It was a wonderful experience and if I had the same kind of generous, loving church with people who are willing to give 110%–I would love to do it again!
The U.S. is desperately in need of more people, and since it’s not likely that most American young people will have large families, I think it’s imperative that we seek to admit people from other nations–as long as they are coming here to become full-fledged loyal Americans. What i don’t want to see is immigrants coming to this country to start a “little country of their own” within our country. I certainly want them to hang onto their culture–their traditions, arts, fables and stories, festivals, holidays, and yes, their language–but I want to see them give it to all the rest of us to help the United States continue to be a glorious tapestry of all nations and cultures, but still ONE NATION!