I am of the view that abortion is murder, but I do not advocate revolution to bring about a change in the law.
Shutting down the government and demanding that states cede their autonomy in this one area is against our Constitution, and is, IMO, the act of a lawbreaker. If a President did this, I believe that Congress, including pro-life Congresspeople, would call for impeachment, and I think that they would be correct to do so.
The United States is not a nation in which an illegal revolution is required to bring about change.
What needs to happen in the U.S. is a spiritual renewal (or revival, if that word is more comfortable to you). Christians need to live out Jesus’s admonitions to love God and love one another with all our hearts. We need to be living “pro-life” in our daily lives–respecting others, helping the poor and the disenfranchised with practical help that will not only help them survive, but help them to rise up out of their circumstances. We need to be singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord, and letting our lights shine in this very very dark world. We need to be demonstrating daily the fruit of the Spirit, and we need to be using the gifts of the Spirit.
And we need to be working through the proper channels to bring about a change in our laws. I think that we need to be constantly lobbying our politicians and urging them to please consider learning more about abortion and voting pro-life on various bills. And I especially think Democrats need to play hard-ball with their politicians and write or call and tell them “I will not vote for your because of your pro-abortion votes on various bills (and name those bills), and only when you begin visiting pro-life organizations and actually LISTENING to pro-life people will I even CONSIDER voting for you again. I will be voting for the pro-life candidate (whatever Party).”
Numbers mean a lot to politicians. If vast numbers of Catholic and Protestant Democrats did this kind of hard-ball, we would see Democrats at least be courteous to pro-life lobbyists and perhaps even hear them out, and do some reading and maybe visit some Pregnancy Life Care Centers in their district and learn about the pro-life POV.
But so many Democrats can’t see past Pres. Trump’s uncouthness, or they are still convinced that Democrat policies are better for the poor and the disenfranchised and the minorities, and that the Republicans are all rich fat cats who oppress the poor, disenfranchised, and minorities. How foolish.
Shutting down the government and demanding that states cede their autonomy in this one area is against our Constitution, and is, IMO, the act of a lawbreaker. If a President did this, I believe that Congress, including pro-life Congresspeople, would call for impeachment, and I think that they would be correct to do so.
The United States is not a nation in which an illegal revolution is required to bring about change.
What needs to happen in the U.S. is a spiritual renewal (or revival, if that word is more comfortable to you). Christians need to live out Jesus’s admonitions to love God and love one another with all our hearts. We need to be living “pro-life” in our daily lives–respecting others, helping the poor and the disenfranchised with practical help that will not only help them survive, but help them to rise up out of their circumstances. We need to be singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord, and letting our lights shine in this very very dark world. We need to be demonstrating daily the fruit of the Spirit, and we need to be using the gifts of the Spirit.
And we need to be working through the proper channels to bring about a change in our laws. I think that we need to be constantly lobbying our politicians and urging them to please consider learning more about abortion and voting pro-life on various bills. And I especially think Democrats need to play hard-ball with their politicians and write or call and tell them “I will not vote for your because of your pro-abortion votes on various bills (and name those bills), and only when you begin visiting pro-life organizations and actually LISTENING to pro-life people will I even CONSIDER voting for you again. I will be voting for the pro-life candidate (whatever Party).”
Numbers mean a lot to politicians. If vast numbers of Catholic and Protestant Democrats did this kind of hard-ball, we would see Democrats at least be courteous to pro-life lobbyists and perhaps even hear them out, and do some reading and maybe visit some Pregnancy Life Care Centers in their district and learn about the pro-life POV.
But so many Democrats can’t see past Pres. Trump’s uncouthness, or they are still convinced that Democrat policies are better for the poor and the disenfranchised and the minorities, and that the Republicans are all rich fat cats who oppress the poor, disenfranchised, and minorities. How foolish.
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