In terms of catholic morality, all ranked choice is, is instead of picking the lesser of two evils, you line up all the evils from least evil to most evil, the morality doesn’t change in this system.
From a political standpoint, it seems the most logical but is highly confusing which will lower turnout, voting takes minutes as opposed to seconds, and it requires voters to actually know who the candidates are, every single one. This system would not work if people shirk half their ballot which people already do, and the need for knowledge of all candidates increases shirking. I read multiple scholarly articles on this, it’s in concept great but in practice unbelievably flawed.
Proportional representation is the best thing if people want more choice, they will get more influence. But this system can’t be two-party, as you know in your comment, so in the US this system wouldn’t work unless we fundamentally changed our entire electoral system