Trump Authorizes ‘Total Declassification’ of 'All Documents’ Pertaining to Russia Hoax, and Clinton Email

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Trump Authorizes ‘Total Declassification’ of 'All Documents’ Pertaining to Russia Hoax, and Clinton Email

Trump Authorizes ‘Total Declassification’ of ‘Any’ and ‘All Documents’ Pertaining to Russia Hoax, and Clinton Email​

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Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images


6 Oct 2020

President Donald Trump on Tuesday night tweeted that he has “fully authorized” the “total Declassication” of any and all documents pertaining to the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” Trump tweeted. . . .
Now that it’s been proven that the only Russia collusion was with the Democrats, why aren’t twitter and Facebook banning discussion of the hoax connection to Trump? Twitter snd Facebook only ban talk damaging to Biden, like the NY Post Hunter Biden issue.
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Now that it’s been proven that the only Russia collusion was with the Democrats, why aren’t twitter and Facebook banning discussion of the hoax connection to Trump? Twitter snd Facebook only ban talk damaging to Biden, like the NY Post Hunter Biden issue.
Dream on. FB has an almost Pravda type relationship with the DNC.
tax returns
Notice that nobody even asks Nancy Pelosi, 3rd in line for the Presidency, to release HER tax returns (Pelosi refuses).

There is a perpetual double-standard regarding the media’s treatment of Trump compared with how they treat the Democrats.the Democrats.
1cthlctrth . . .
There is a perpetual double-standard regarding the media’s treatment of Trump compared with how they treat the Democrats.
Great point.

Absolute perpetual double-standard!
puer.dei . . .
OMG, I missed her announcement that she’s running for President!
OMG, I missed any announcement that anybody running for President (OR being President) has to submit tax returns!
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You mean the ones not required??? Just the ones the opposite side would like to have so they can twist and skew???
Poor old Romney turned his over and a big deal was made that he tithed 10% to his church and he was so wealthy he couldn’t relate to the average man! Oops!
Notice that nobody even asks Nancy Pelosi, 3rd in line for the Presidency, to release HER tax returns
OMG, I missed her announcement that she’s running for President!
Pelosi is perhaps the 3rd most powerful person in America. And, if the left carries out enough corruption, she could become President if Democratic-Party-governed states slow-walk their election returns and failing to recognize any fraud.

Again, a double-standard.
I think, given the latest news we’ve heard about Joe Biden’s income, I think we should see Joe Biden’s tax returns. Did he claim all that money from China, Russia, and Ukraine or not?
One reason Trump needs to be re-elected is to go after the swamp that protects its own corruption.

A vote for Biden would send us back decades regarding this very important aspect of western politics today.

The political elite needs to have proper controls put on them for the good of us all.
I think that the declassification didn’t happen and (maybe) a court ruled that a twitter rant is not a declassification order.
Can he declassify his tax returns first perhaps?
He submitted his tax returns to the IRS as required. They have been pouring over his returns for years, but have never charged him with any impropriety. Unless you believe that the IRS has failed to do it’s job properly, why do you need to see his private tax returns? I’ll admit that I have no interest in seeing them, as I doubt I would understand them at all.
He submitted his tax returns to the IRS as required. They have been pouring over his returns for years, but have never charged him with any impropriety. Unless you believe that the IRS has failed to do it’s job properly, why do you need to see his private tax returns? I’ll admit that I have no interest in seeing them, as I doubt I would understand them at all.
I’d like to know who he owes money to. I’d like to know what his sources of income are.

I’d like to know what he’s hiding. Yes, releasing taxes is voluntary. Why didn’t he volunteer?
Why didn’t he volunteer?
Maybe because the media creates existential issues out of anything and everything Trump says? Why give them ammunition? Also, I wouldn’t want to share my personal financial information with the world, would you?
Also, I wouldn’t want to share my personal financial information with the world, would you?
If I was running for office, probably at the national level - Senate, House, etc, I’d consider that to be table stakes.

You have to fill out those financial disclosure forms anyway. So, your finances aren’t secret at that level.
If I was running for office, probably at the national level - Senate, House, etc, I’d consider that to be table stakes.
Why? It’s none of my business. Releasing tax returns was a political ploy that people now think is some kind of requirement.
You have to fill out those financial disclosure forms anyway. So, your finances aren’t secret at that level.
Yes. Exactly. Anything that the public should know about a candidate’s finances is already public knowledge. Again, anything else is just politics.
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Well it looks like Biden didn’t claim all his income on his tax returns. But it just may have been difficult to find a line to put all that money on. The IRS does seem to cover everything but payoffs from foreign officials may be one they haven’t added yet.
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