Trump issued some pardons today

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"A tabulation by the Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith found that of the 45 pardons or commutations that Mr. Trump had granted up until Tuesday, 88 percent aided someone with a personal tie to the president or furthered his political aims — a pattern that Mr. Goldsmith said Mr. Trump appeared to maintain with Tuesday’s pardons.

“They continue Trump’s unprecedented pattern of issuing self-serving pardons and commutations that advance his personal interests, reward friends, seek retribution against enemies, or gratify political constituencies,” Mr. Goldsmith said. “Like his past pardons, most if not all of them appear to be based on insider recommendations rather than normal Justice Department vetting process.”"

Well recently there was a federal execution of a person who committed felony murder (he didn’t commit the murder directly but was with the killer committing another crime).

The Blackwater pardons killed a group of civilians.

Arbitrary and capricious.
Unfortunately Americans won’t care. After all they were ‘brown people’.

Merry Christmas America!
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And with such pardons, Trump has broken yet another norm, that is, the judicious issue of pardons based on merit, mercy, and compassion, and NOT based solely on political connections. Even Nixon did not issue pardons to his cronies.
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Well recently there was a federal execution of a person who committed felony murder (he didn’t commit the murder directly but was with the killer committing another crime).
I find it absolutely extraordinary that the federal government has scheduled the execution of Lisa Montgomery for 12 January, just eight days before Trump will leave office. I cannot imagine why anybody, even Trump, would want to execute Montgomery. What can it possibly achieve? Experts who have examined her have found her to suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, psychosis, complex PTSD, dissociation, temporal lobe epilepsy, and brain injury (and she was possibly additionally born with foetal alcohol syndrome). Numerous family members also suffer from severe mental health problems. Montgomery was repeatedly raped and beaten as a child. She was forced into prostitution. She survived two abusive marriages. It is also alleged that she was inadequately represented at her trial. What does Trump stand to gain by having her executed in his last days in office? Surely Montgomery is, on the contrary, an obvious candidate for commutation.
The Blackwater pardons killed a group of civilians.
The details of the Nisour Square massacre are horrific. I cannot comprehend why anybody would think that the perpetrators should be pardoned.
Even Nixon did not issue pardons to his cronies.
Nixon was a crook, but he was a crook who seemingly retained some sense of decency and dignity.
They continue Trump’s unprecedented pattern of issuing self-serving pardons and commutations that advance his personal interests
I feel like that is descriptive of his entire mode of operation in office.
This one is absolutely horrendous.

Pro-life my aunt Fannie.

Khashogghi and his family deserve justice.
Would you have preferred a humdrum, boring presidency? With Trump, from start to finish, it has never been boring.
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This little boy is named Ali Kinani. He was 9 years old.

He was killed by being shot in the head.

Nicholas Slatten
Dustin L. Heard
Evan S. Liberty
Paul A. Slough

These 4 men received a pardon. For killing civilians, among which are this little boy. Shot in the head.

Nicholas Slattery was convicted of first degree murder.

That’s who the president is. He’s not interested in human rights, or human life, or justice or a consistent ethic.

It is a lie to say Trump has been the most prolife president ever. This young boy doesn’t matter to him.
Neither do the bounties that Putin placed on the lives of American troops in Afghanistan. The right was in an uproar about Benghazi, so why not this?

Trump is neither pro-life nor anti-life. He has no moral compass whatsoever. He is not immoral per se, but rather amoral. He will do whatever he considers ultimately to his own benefit, regardless of whether it happens to be moral or immoral.
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It is a lie to say Trump has been the most prolife president ever. This young boy doesn’t matter to him.
Yes, the murders were an outrage and the pardons are an outrage.

Pretty much sums up the impeached Trump presidency.
They worked for Blackwater.
Blackwater was founded by Erik Prince.
Erik Prince is the brother of Betsy Devos.
Betsy Devos is United States secretary of education.
Political affiliation.
Would you have preferred a humdrum, boring presidency? With Trump, from start to finish, it has never been boring.
Personally, I’m ready for some boring. It would be so nice to wake up in the morning and not wonder what’s on the overnight damage report.
Betsy DeVos: she seems like a nice woman and I have nothing against her personally. I don’t even know her. But talk about someone who is not up to the job and incompetent!
Among which was this fellow who killed unarmed civilians including women and children.
Excuse me, Mr. Trump is the Most Pro-Life President Ever™.

You better figure out how this action is Pro-Life, and get to defending it quick. Snap. Snap.
Blackwater was run by Erik Prince, the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
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