Trump issued some pardons today

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How ugly of you. I don’t want to be banned from CAF during its last few days, otherwise I’d tell you exactly what I think of you, given this statement.
Then PM me. I’m a big boy. I can take it.
“A tabulation by the Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith found…”
I would be interested to see this same study for Clinton, Bush, Obama, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

I have a feeling it would look much the same.

Think about it. To get the pardon, the president must be familiar with the names at least…which means someone had to mention it…which means it is likely someone with a tie somewhere.
If he can pardon mass murderers of civilian women and children, all without judicial review, there’s no bottom.

I wonder who else he’s gonna pardon?
I would be interested to see this same study for Clinton, Bush, Obama, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

I have a feeling it would look much the same.
Well, you are wrong. No other president has gone around the clemency commission to this extent and no other president ahas pardoned this number of cronies. Trump has no concept of conflict of interest.
You have the study on other presidents?
Let’s see it.
I can remember the pardons of the five presidents. I remember when Scooter Libby got off and when Ford pardoned Nixon and Iva Toguri D’Aquino. Nixon did not pardon his fellow travelers and a whole passel of them ended up in the slammer. I think Cap Weinberger got a pardon, too, like Jimmy Hoffa.

There have been notorious pardons:,28804,1862257_1862325_1862317,00.html

… but Trump takes the cake. He shows that he thinks he’s been treated unfairly. It is pathetic.

But somehow you think it authoritative that Trump was the worst?

You need evidence. Without such, yours is simply calumny.
Wrong again.
  1. My memory can be authoritative.
  2. What I say could be speculation but not calumny. There’s nothing malicious or inaccurate about calling out Trump for his evident failings.
What I say could be speculation but not calumny. There’s nothing malicious or inaccurate about calling out Trump for his evident failings.
And yet…
other president has gone around the clemency commission to this extent and no other president ahas pardoned this number of cronies.
Trump has no concept of conflict of interest.
You are squarely in the realm of opinion based calumny.
Where is the evidence?
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Where is the evidence?
That Trump has no concept of conflict of interest?

You have a point, we have no way of determining whether or not he has a concept of it. We do know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump doesn’t care about conflicts of interest. The last four years prove that. Spending tens to hundreds of millions of tax payer money at his own properties, using government time, money, and personnel, to promote his businesses, giving plumb jobs to family members, granting pardons to personal friends without prior clearance from the DOJ, the list goes on and on.

Conflict of interest, like the lives of people conceived in rape and incest, are meaningless to him.
"A tabulation by the Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith found that of the 45 pardons or commutations that Mr. Trump had granted up until Tuesday, 88 percent aided someone with a personal tie to the president or furthered his political aims
I would be interested to see this same study for Clinton, Bush, Obama, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

I have a feeling it would look much the same.

Think about it. To get the pardon, the president must be familiar with the names at least…which means someone had to mention it…which means it is likely someone with a tie somewhere.
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Did he give any reasoning behind the Blackwater pardons other than it’s payback to political donors?
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