Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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Perhaps De-fund the Police could take off alongside De-fund the BBC? Appears the Bobbies (along with nosey neighbours) are just desperate for something to keep them occupied. 😏 Christopher Foyle would be amused.

Perhaps the public housing could do with some social distancing? 😖😷
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One credentialed auditor for every ten tables in Georgia.
“monitor”, not “auditor”. And, it looks like they’re merely the observers. So, yeah… they’re observing. What’s the problem?
Georgia is going through an audit that involves a hand recount. My understanding is that these individuals who are participating in the audit are referred to as auditors and not merely observing.

Read bullet point 3 in the affidavit of one of the auditors.

And while I have your attention you may want to view this Tucker Carlson episode on tech censorship of conservative media.

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We’re none of us free from bias, but I have considerable respect for the news gathering of the BBC. Likewise ITN.

The main broadcasters in the UK are at least legally bound to attempt a balanced view of current events.
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I assume you’re an accomplished research doctor with decades of peer reviewed studies under your belt? If not, I’m not sure why you are willing to make such dogmatic declarations… I sure as heck don’t have the arrogance to do so. I’m a nobody with no medical background. My provincial government AND my Archbishop have asked me to wear a mask when in inside public spaces. It doesn’t hurt me to do so. And obedience is always a Catholic virtue. Of all the hills to die on… this strikes me as a bizarre one.
But that’s fine… you have decreeed, with your superior expertise and definite authority that His Grace, my Archbishop, is a foolish sheeple… you are confident beyond a shadow a doubt that your knowledge of science and medicine exceeds that of pretty much every public health authority on the planet. Such is the hubris of the American Right… all over a tiny piece of cloth…which is somehow a hardship beyond the pale.
Just don’t get it. The mindset is beyond my comprehension.

Are all the public health authorities morons and wrong? Is my Archbishop a fool? If the answer is yes I don’t care. Truly. I don’t care. Because putting a little piece of cloth on my face occasionally out of humility and obedience is probably the lightest hardship I’ve endured this year.

For Catholics, there is nothing greater than holy obedience. Even when we privately disagree.
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Would you be averse to informed scandal mongering?
Nope. Scandals exist, and so do conspiracies. If the subject matter is serious. and the scandal or conspiracy against the public interest, then informed disclosure is good. Monger away.

But if the mongerIng is just the repetition of ill informed tittle-tattle or politically motivated blovation then I can do without, thank you.
The argument that the Democrats use to resist the recounts and pleadings regarding the election seem to be the same as Senator S.I. Hayakaw’s argument to keep control of the Panama Canal, “We stole it fair and square and we oughta keep it.”
The argument that the Democrats use to resist the recounts and pleadings regarding the election seem to be the same as Senator S.I. Hayakaw’s argument to keep control of the Panama Canal, “We stole it fair and square and we oughta keep it.”
We must not forget the threats and intimidation that go far beyond “argument.”

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i.e. anti U.S. Constitution
What constitutional law have you seen objection to?
“Objection” would be a strong word that the party would deny they do because of their strong “support” for the Constitution. Re-interpretation would be more apt.

They don’t deny rights to the unborn, they merely define human in such a way that the unborn are excluded from Constitutional protection.

Equal protection means equal access to viewing every ballot to be sure the count is fair and accurate, but for Democrat election officials and judges that means 20 feet or more away and just a few Rep monitors in a large room with dozens or hundreds of tables or shut out altogether due to Covid “restrictions” or selecting only only 12 Republican out of 176 recount workers. And anyone calling attention to irregularities is “racist.”

For Democrats at Harvard it means anyone who supported Trump or worked for him should be banned from campus.

I could go on but those who are looking are not seeing. Who am I trying to fool? In actual fact, they don’t even want to look, never mind see.
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Forgive me, I should have made myself clearer.

I do not hold those views that I wrote. I am merely quoting what others have told me. Again, I should have been clearer that this is what others have told me and are in no way my own personal views.

So no, I myself do not think that those who wear masks wear diapers on their faces and are sheeple.

I do wear a mask. I have to. I am immune-compromised so I socially distance as well.

When I must go out to shop for groceries or go to the laundromat, I wear a mask.
Oh, please… :roll_eyes:

I’m not a Democrat, but that is ridiculous.
They deny what is actually written and then say what is not written exists. Case in point, the 2nd Amendment. It is written as clear as the nose on your face, yet the Democrats do everything they can to limit that right as though that right is not even mentioned. Then with abortion where that hideous process is not mentioned anywhere in our founding law document, the Democrats have somehow found that “right” in it and want it available right up to birthing time. At this point they also care little about the 1st Amendment as well what with their “speech codes” and now with their desire to interfere in your worship of God.

Sorry, but I fail to see how they really care about upholding our governing document.
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My memory (which ain’t what it was) is that broadcasting IRA leaders speaking was banned by the Government and the broadcasters circumvented the ban by using actors’ voices speaking the forbidden words.
If so I sincerely apologize to @Sarcelle, but stand by my comments in regards to those who do hold such views!
Yes, I’m sorry! My comments are thus directed towards those who hold these views, rather than towards yourself. In my defense, I think it was quite late here when I read your post and responded, so I may not have been thinking 100% clearly.
So anarchists who want to destroy the country and reduce it to rubble should be given a say in the destiny of the country? If so, could you explain why?

Just making sure I understand your position.
This is why we have a republic and so many 100% central government types want a democracy.

there is a person here that agrees with that if 50%+1 agree to take everything the other 50% -1 have that is OK. If the majority wants it, then fine. That is as long as they are in the 50% + 1 wanting to take the others property.
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