Trump signs relief & funding bill

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If we want to define “the left” and “liberalism” that loosely… then I would also argue the American founding fathers were raging liberals, who rejected sound Christian concepts of monarchy and tradition in favour of secular, enlightenment ideals…
Projecting the contemporary American political dichotomy of right vs left into the past, as you appear to be doing, only goes so far…
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Projecting the contemporary American political dichotomy of right vs left into the past, as you appear to be doing, only goes so far…
You project things into the future not the past.

You follow the reality of the movement from the past to the present.

Leftism literally began at the French revolution where they called themselves Leftists.
If we want to define “the left” and “liberalism” that loosely… then I would also argue the American founding fathers were raging liberals, who rejected sound Christian concepts of monarchy and tradition in favour of secular, enlightenment ideals…
Very true. I mean the Founders of the US explicitly rejected Christianity in many cases. A solid chunk of them weren’t Christian at all, and two or three were likely atheists.

Silentwitness is right about one thing though - you can’t project into the past. You retroject into the past, and that is precisely what he’s doing.
Guess you didn’t get the memo from CA administration.They prefer we end these past few days on a positive note. . . .
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There you go again with you baseless disparaging comments…
None of which are true…
Well JB has stolen significantly more it seems with his corrupt ties to China.
My only regret about this forum shutting down is I won’t be able to say I told you so,when this Nation is taken down the drain by the progressive elite Dems .you have know idea what’s coming g your way,my way,all of us will rue the day that JB was allowed to steal his way into the WH
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you have know idea what’s coming g your way,my way,all of us will rue the day that JB was allowed to steal his way into the WH
If this country can survive Calvin Coolidge, the Civil War, the War of 1812 (the first major crisis that nearly led to the destruction of the nation!), the Great Depression, Jim Crow, and World War II, it can surely survive the minor political differences between Democrats and Republicans for the next four years.
Minor is an understatement
The political differences between the Republican and Democratic Parties are extremely minor when compared with differences during the 1810’s, 1850-1860’s, 1890’s, and 1960’s.

The two parties are almost comically similar. If they weren’t so similar, there would be ideological fights that go beyond which judges get selected.
You jest,right? The squad are the faces of the Dem party.They are fiercely leftist progressives. Not sure how you missed that.
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