Trump tweets Archbishop Viganò’s open letter published by LifeSiteNews: ‘I hope everyone…reads it’

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The average Catholic doesn’t even fulfill their Mass obligation. I doubt they’ll care, nor understand it.
The average Catholic doesn’t even fulfill their Mass obligation. I doubt they’ll care, nor understand it.
Not only that, but Trump’s Catholic base just loves this letter. I’ve already seen the reactions to it all over social media.

“Average Catholics” aren’t paying attention, and the liberal Catholics who read America magazine and Fr Martin weren’t going to vote for Trump anyway.
I found the letter frightening. Each day there is a new thing that a year ago I never would have imagined happening. Never in my wildest dreams would I have though vigano would write a letter to the president basically detailing the apocalypse and then the president would tweet it out. It’s so surreal. This is not a condemnation or judgement on the letter, the writer, the content, or the president. It is just hard to know how to digest the times we live in right now. Could Viganò be right? It sounds like conspiracy nonsense on the surface. But look around at the smoke filled skies, the riots, the power grabs, the sheer mayhem that would have been laughed out if Hollywood if it were a movie, and add to that his sheer credibility on the abuse scandal and I have no idea what is going on. I treat vigano, Taylor marshal et al like the national enquirer. Mostly tabloid gossip, but every once in a while…
Eh, I’ve been hearing about the apocalypse since I was a child in grade school. There were nuns who thought it might be coming down the pike when a big earthquake or something occurred, and would share that thought with us, probably to get us to behave. I went through a phase of being scared of nuclear war and thinking maybe Christ would come on a cloud all right, a mushroom cloud. My mother, who was not the patient sort, said he wasn’t going to be coming back on anything man made and anyway nobody knew the day or the hour and we need to Trust God. Now that I am old like she was when she wsa saying those things to me, I can see her point. Yeah, there might be an apocalypse, but those of us who trust God really have nothing to fear. It shouldn’t be used to scare people or as a political football though. That’s just my opinion.
I do agree with some of that. But be often thought ( before this year) that wwII was more apocalyptic than anything we would see. But now I’m not so sure. While people have been running around since the beginning of time screaming the sky is falling. One thing is for certain, as sure as Jesus rose, there will be an end.
Well, based on approved private revelations and Pope Leo, I thought the 20th century was supposed to be the great battle between Satan and God for control of the world. Now it doesn’t mean Satan has gone to sleep or given up as of now, but the 20th century is indeed over, and here’s hoping we don’t see the likes of it again…two world wars, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, mass death all over the place, and nuclear weapons…
While people have been running around since the beginning of time screaming the sky is falling.
I accidentally read this the first time as “White people…”
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Even if we as faithful Catholics endorse all of Trump’s positions and policies (which is a big if), and even if we agree that abortion is a terrible evil and that Trump has done objectively good things in regards to abortion (which he has)…I really struggle with the idea that someone who has lived a public life so objectively at odds with Catholicism could be singled out as a “champion of the light” as the archbishop seems to be implying here. Don’t get me wrong…God can use anyone…but doesn’t a “champion of the light” imply someone who is also a saintly role model???
Trump’s public life has been riddled with sex scandals, inappropriate remarks, divorces (including his current objectively invalid marriage to a Catholic), nasty insults, lies, close associations with criminals…even if he has and is doing some things that are very good, such as restricting legal abortion, I cannot comprehend the idea that he is our “champion of the light”, much less how a bishop can see it that way.
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I also wonder what Trump thought of Vigano’s condemnation of ‘masonic ideals’ since Trump is an advocate of Norman Vincent Peale and his masonic ideals?
Lol. A misread that surely is a sign of the times. Yeah. Most likely the end of our world will happen to all of us when we die. There could be eons and eons of time before the end comes. Or it could be tomorrow. I’m just as skeptical of the person who says it definitely won’t be tomorrow as I am of the one who says it will be. But the Bible said to be mindful of the signs. And this current time is stranger than anything I could ever imagine. If the NYT front page tomorrow showed trump shaking hands with little green men, I’d just shrug and mumble “figures”. And if those same nuns that delivered rhetoric to you growing up last year called you and described 2020 to you, you would have laughed and hung up the phone!
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Well just imagine what the Christian community in Damascus thought when St. Paul—who had been an unrelenting foe of Christianity, a persecutor, responsible in his own words for murder—came into the local synagogue claiming that Jesus had appeared to him, blinded him, had completely changed his mind such that he, Paul, was now firmly resolved to be a Christian, AND that Jesus had sent him to be cured of blindness.

You can imagine the Christian at the synagogue thinking, “This guy can’t be for real. Why would I trust him? He expects that I’ll fall for this? Jesus hasn’t appeared to ME and I’m a great Christian, but He appeared to THIS creep? What about my brother-in-law who was sent to the salt mines on this guys’ testimony? How about my sister who was left penniless on the street and became sick and DIED? Jesus was right to have blinded him —I can’t believe He actually HEALED him too!”

I don’t think St. Paul had an easy time convincing people that he had changed. And I don’t think that he became ‘perfect’ either. I’m sure that he ‘gave as good as he got’ especially at the first as he started trying to become more Christ-like. I don’t think he always succeeded.

I’m not saying that Mr. Trump is perfect but one thing we always note about Christianity is the paradox. For example, in order to be ‘the highest’ we must first be the ‘lowest’. The shame of being hanged on a tree led to the greatest glory of the Resurrection.

The cowardly Peter became the brave leader of all.

Other saints changed too. The carefree and wayward spendthrift Francis became ‘Il Poverello.”

The pleasure-loving Augustine became the steadfast shepherd.

No, it wouldn’t surprise me to have a deeply flawed person chosen to hold the cross and uphold the gospel. It’s happened before.

God tells us, “My power is made perfect in weakness.”
Sometimes people convert from political motives and the conversion becomes genuine. This happened to the Viking King Guthrum and the Wendish King Pribislav
Those are valid points…but from where I’m standing, he continues to exhibit morally poor behavior on a number of fronts. Yes, that doesn’t mean God can’t use him, but it still makes me uncomfortable with lauding him as a “champion of the light” or “of goodness”. During the 2016 campaign, he also quite clearly said that he hasn’t asked God for forgiveness and doesn’t see a need to do so. I don’t think the comparison to Saul to Paul is really quite fair.
Funny, I was watching Dr. Taylor Marshall’s reaction to this on Youtube video (Taylor Marshall isn’t normally my cup of tea but when looking for reactions to this, his video was one of the suggestions, so I clicked on it).

He’s fawning over how great this is for Catholics that Trump tweeted this out, but in the same video, basically admits that Trump probably did this because he realised Biden isn’t much of a Catholic, so there’s a big Catholic vote out there he could get for himself by pandering to them a little. Weird logic as to how that’s supposed to make Catholics feel great about Trump’s tweet.

He also tries to give the impression in his video that Trump knows about Vigano. He talks about how Trump being aware of Vigano and his importance in the Catholic Church is massive.

I doubt that Trump knows anything about Vigano, other than that he wrote a letter to him, praising him a lot. Trump often likes people who praise him.

On another note, while Vigano is full of praise for Trump in his letter to him, those who have read it, also know he wrote the following.
On the one hand, there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money
With perhaps the exception of wanting to ‘demolish the family and the nation’, that sounds like a pretty accurate description of Trump.
I found the letter frightening. Each day there is a new thing that a year ago I never would have imagined happening. Never in my wildest dreams would I have though vigano would write a letter to the president basically detailing the apocalypse and then the president would tweet it out. It’s so surreal. This is not a condemnation or judgement on the letter, the writer, the content, or the president. It is just hard to know how to digest the times we live in right now. Could Viganò be right? It sounds like conspiracy nonsense on the surface. But look around at the smoke filled skies, the riots, the power grabs, the sheer mayhem that would have been laughed out if Hollywood if it were a movie, and add to that his sheer credibility on the abuse scandal and I have no idea what is going on. I treat vigano, Taylor marshal et al like the national enquirer. Mostly tabloid gossip, but every once in a while…
From Vigano’s letter:
In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies.
This is essentially a gnostic rendition of Christianity. The doctors of the Church, including Augustine and Aquinas, were committed to the theology that evil does not exist, that it is an absence of good.
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