Even if we as faithful Catholics endorse all of Trump’s positions and policies (which is a big if), and even if we agree that abortion is a terrible evil and that Trump has done objectively good things in regards to abortion (which he has)…I really struggle with the idea that someone who has lived a public life so objectively at odds with Catholicism could be singled out as a “champion of the light” as the archbishop seems to be implying here. Don’t get me wrong…God can use anyone…but doesn’t a “champion of the light” imply someone who is also a saintly role model???
Trump’s public life has been riddled with sex scandals, inappropriate remarks, divorces (including his current objectively invalid marriage to a Catholic), nasty insults, lies, close associations with criminals…even if he has and is doing some things that are very good, such as restricting legal abortion, I cannot comprehend the idea that he is our “champion of the light”, much less how a bishop can see it that way.