People who want to become American citizens, apply for refuge or to live and work here are not criminals. So No, they should not be locked up neither children nor parent. There are reasonable ways to control immigration but considering people who want to immigrate as criminals is wrong.
This is all pretty complicated in reality. The Ninth Circuit has ordered that the government can detain adults, but not children. Therefore, it is presently illegal to keep them together. Trump caved in to the pressure to reunite them, but it presented several problems.
Asylum seekers who come in the ports of entry and immediately claim asylum are not detained. They are vetted and then simply released into the population. They do, however, have case workers assigned to them to ensure that they show up for their hearings. Some wear electronic bracelets. Most of these do show up for hearings.
People who come in other than at points of entry are basically “sneaking in”. Some of those, when caught, (and only when caught) claim asylum. Those people are the ones detained by ICE because it appears the return rate for those who sneak in is very small.
So now, the government has no choice but to simply let them all go. They can’t be returned to Mexico, so they have to be released into the U.S. They do not have case workers or anything else. Few of the minors who came with them are little kids. Of the thousands of them, only 102 are under the age of five. Most of the children have no accompanying adult at all. Some do, but the adult is not related. some of the adults are criminals. Some of the minors are criminals. Some of the “parents” have already left voluntarily, leaving the minors behind who they said were “their children”.
So it’s a mess. There are those (and I’m one of them) who thinks the government should have been allowed to vet all those people and decide who goes where and with whom. But the media firestorm prevented that. To my understanding, they’re all to be released into the population. The government is trying to “hurry up” the vetting process, but I don’t think it’s working very well.
Finally, it needs to be realized that this all dates back to the Obama administration. Not blaming Obama, but it has been a tough situation for years. Initially, Obama separated adults and minors just as the Trump administration did. The illegal entry went down. Then Obama started feeling some pressure about that and devised a program where adults and minors could be kept together. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said the government couldn’t do that. So Obama just let them go, not knowing what else to do. That caused a “wave” of people coming from Central America to take advantage of it.
Trump tried to reinstate the “separation while vetting” policy, but we know the rest of that story.