Trying to form my conscience on this issue

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I know I risk creating a fire storm with this one but I recently read the Catechism of the Catholic Church section on abortion. Does knowingly voting for a pro-choice candidate equate with “Formal cooperation” in an abortion? I’m Canadian and I don’t want this to turn into an American politics thread. I’ve never knowingly voted for a pro-choice candidate and never participated in an abortion but now that I know that I have voted for a pro-choice candidate in the past is this something I should confess to my priest? Thanks
That’s the dilemma I’m having. None of them personally. But dwelling on the question makes me deeply sad.
Personally, I would use my formed conscience to arrive to the conclusion that I personally would need reconciliation if I voted for any candidate that supported a mother’s choice to murder her child.
Personally, I would use my formed conscience to arrive to the conclusion that I personally would need reconciliation if I voted for any candidate that supported a mother’s choice to murder her child.
That’s how I’m starting to feel also. I didn’t knowingly do it so I hope that reduces culpability.
Does knowingly voting for a pro-choice candidate equate with “Formal cooperation” in an abortion?
No, it does not.

Voting for such a politician because of that position would be wrong.

Besides, you have an incorrect understanding of formal cooperation. That would mean you actually facilitated an abortion, like paid for it, performed the abortion, had one yourself, own a clinic, etc.
but now that I know that I have voted for a pro-choice candidate in the past is this something I should confess to my priest? Thanks

Because you didn’t commit a sin.
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I don’t have to even think about the question.

My twin daughters were born 9 weeks and a day early; they weighed 3 lbs. 5 oz. and 3 lbs. 6 oz.

They are whacking babies who are twice that weight.

There is no one on the face of the earth more innocent than a bay in the womb. Why is it that liberals have raised the issue of abortion “rights” to the level of a secular sacrament?

I am not so naïve as to presume that overturning Roe vs. Wade would bring an end to abortions - it would simply put the question back to the individual states. But any attempt to limit the time period for an abortion, require doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital, and any host of other regulations which states have attempted to put in place are treated as a great sacrilege to this vial and evil murder of innocents.

And coupled with that are the outright lies which to this day get repeated ad nauseum, among which is the line “the woman has the right to control her body”. For all the sweat, blood, tears and anguish the liberals put into crying “racism” at the slightest possible hint of a comment that might possibly be sketchy, they have gone a far far greater step in dehumanizing a new child. It is the ultimate of cancel culture.

And hell will freeze over before I vote for any politician, local, state or federal who will not stand up and say abortion is wrong. And that includes all the gutless wonders who mealy-mouth “I am personally opposed…”
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Is someone who sells weapons to an evil warlord (who knows that the warlord is evil) complicit in that warlords crimes?

In a similar way, those who knowingly sell their vote, their electoral power, to someone who they know allows the murder of innocents are also complicit. If you cannot see that clearly, I don’t know how else to convince you.
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Thank you for the passionate reply. I agree that abortion is a problem. Unfortunately abortion is already legal in Canada and all major party leaders have said they aren’t going to reopen the debate. Does that mean I just shouldn’t participate in the election or do I pick the lesser of two evils?
If the candidates are about equal on the issue of abortion, pick the one you think will support the best policies for your country’s society.

The Church cannot really set out firm lines for this, because the Church looks at all the nations of the world and also throughout history.

As long as you do not vote for someone because of their support for abortion (or other immoral things), and you disregard that support for a proportionate reason, you are fine, as Pope Emeritus Benedixt 16 wrote to the USCCB a few years ago (possibly before he was pope).
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