Trying to form my conscience on this issue

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Well the Canadian Conservative party’s last leader at least said he was personally against abortion and he’s Catholic so it seems they are who I should look at going forward. I voted for him in the last election because it surfaced that Trudeau the Liberal leader dressed up in black face a few years ago and embarassed the whole country.
I am not a moral theologian. You may wish to ask your priest, or look to which party a pro life group would support.

Abortion is legal in all 50 states. On another thread, someone said that the US Surpeme Court does not legislate - to which my response, under my breath was “that’s nice”, as it is crystal clear that the Court did legislate with Roe and subsequent decisions.

Stare Decisis militates against a complete overturn of Roe; what is more likely is what is euphemistically called “death by a thousand cuts”, where more and more recognition is given to states trying to regulate abortion. The SC rarerly overturns a prior decision completely.

As to Canada, any law can be changed; laws are as immutable as the populace determines them to be.
Given that it seems that neither would do anything abortion, I think consider some of their stances on other issues that you think are important for Canada. Just consider abortion off the table and think about who you would vote for.

I guess I am kind of an issues person who believes very strongly in what is good for the nation as a whole on the federal level, and so on. As I vote in the uS, abortion is preeminent tho 😉
Fortunately, you are not the Church, who has not told us that it is sinful to vote for members of parties who support abortion “rights.”

Stop passing off your personal opinion as Truth.
Oh I wasn’t aware abortion was legal in all 50 states is that a recent change? For some reason i thought it was a state by state issue still. We get US news channels here but they don’t talk about this.

I looked it up Roe v Wade was in 1973. Kind of feel like I’ve been living under a rock for not knowing about this. I only recently started voting and i hadn’t thought about these things before.
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Actually many many priests are saying that it is sinful. Its actually a pretty hot topic right now.
This came up in a discussion today, and I don’t recall the name of the priest who came out (apparently on public media - possibly YouTube) saying no Catholic should ever vote for a candidate who supports abortion; his bishop (according to the conversation) tried to keel haul him, and apparently Bishop Strickland came out and said the priest is right. I know of the first two’s interaction, but can’t vouch for Strickland’s comments.

In any event, lurking in the background is the IRS issue of taking sides in a church or church related activity. Perhaps we have moved beyond the weaponization of the IRS of recent memory, but the rule is still on the books as far as I know.
Depends on whether its in agreement with the Ten Commandments and the other Dogmas of the Church.
What I don’t understand is this. If a candidate said, well I support white people to kill any person of color they want if they deem it not convenient to have them around AND that’s not just my belief but I’ll work to make it accessible and affordable and I’ll work to achieve that. what other positions would they have to have to make me overlook that!?

See it isn’t just people are pro choice it’s that they are saying they will actively help more people kill babies. So if they promise to do that and you vote for them…
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I took three cases against the IRS and won all three; and then decided it was not going to be a significant part of my practice. I am not afraid of them, but then, I am not the one who might end up losing a non-profit status.

Again, nothing in the IRS rule that I recall would stop a priest from publicly stating that abortion is an intrinsic evil; but they might want to do so other than from the pulpit, or in the Church parking lot or in the hall.

As in, use YouTube. There it is more likely to result in a variation of cancel culture, not action from the IRS.
What I don’t understand is this. If a candidate said, well I support white people to kill any person of color they want if they deem it not convenient to have them around AND that’s not just my belief but I’ll work to make it accessible and affordable and I’ll work to achieve that. what other positions would they have to have to make me overlook that!?

See it isn’t just people are pro choice it’s that they are saying they will actively help more people kill babies. So if they promise to do that and you vote for them…
Well when you put it that way it makes perfect sense to me. I think I’m starting to get the picture.
It’s always a good idea to find out a candidate’s position BEFORE you vote.
This happened before I converted also. I hadn’t thought about any of this at the time. I was a miserable sinner. I thought i had confessed everything i needed to at my first confession but clearly not 😦
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