Trying to form my conscience on this issue

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Yes you are right after rereading it i would take out “only” so it reads as long as that’s not the reason you’re voting for them. That was what I originally meant to say.
No one cares what “lots of people” think.
but these threads always turn into people sharing what their individual conscience tells them to do rather than answering the question.
This argument applies to you as well. The “Lots of people” I am referring to is people who are trying to give themselves an excuse to be able to vote for someone who supports abortion rather than someone who does not. As vz71 expressed:
So while you should consider all the issues on the table at election time, abortion is the preeminent one.
Therefore, if your choice is Biden or Trump, well you are out of luck, because Biden supports abortion and Trump is working to end it. Its the exact reason why the Dems are freaking out right now because every day we get closer and closer to making abortion illegal again. So as a Catholic…
As far as I’m concerned, that’s the end of the matter
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This is the problem I have the the CCC, there seems to be wiggle room according to your interpretation.

What is “formally cooperated”?

What is “full knowledge” as compared to just knowledge?
What is “deliberate consent” compared to consent?
You clearly already know the teaching, so please do tell me… what “other reasons” justify endorsing a candidate supportive of unconstrained, state-funded mass murder of innocent life?
Care for the poor, the sick, immigrants, and the imprisoned, care for victims of various kinds of violence, care for the Earth and the environments within it, etc. are all reasons others have brought up as to why they will vote for more left-leaning candidates instead of right-leaning ones.
All of which are meaningless without life itself.

That is why abortion is considered the preeminent issue.
Which is why the Church itself has said we may never vote for someone who is pro-choice.

Oh wait…
If you did it unknowingly, then I wouldn’t worry about it. You might want to talk to your priest, though, to receive reassurance in this area. This is just my opinion.
Has the Church said we must always vote in favor of said preeminent issue, no matter what else that candidate or their opponent supports?
Has the Church said we must always vote in favor of said preeminent issue, no matter what else that candidate or their opponent supports?
No, the church has not.
But as already stated, there is no candidate running for office in this country that has demonstrated such a disregard for human life in other areas as to override the preeminent issue.
No, the church has not.
Then your argument falls flat there.
But as already stated, there is no candidate running for office in this country that has demonstrated such a disregard for human life in other areas as to override the preeminent issue.
A personal opinion clearly not shared by many even on this very forum. One could say inaction on climate change, poverty, or immigration crises constitutes mass disregard for human life.
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A personal opinion clearly not shared by many even on this very forum.
Preeminent issue.
Abortion is the first consideration, and the most heavily weighted.
One may try to convince themselves that the other issues somehow are of greater importance than life itself, but that is ultimately a dishonest endeavor.

One would have to have evidence that these other issues are killing more people every year than abortion.
A task that is ultimately fruitless as there are no real statistics kept for all of them.
Preeminent issue.
You keep saying that, but it obviously isn’t convincing anyone. Perhaps you should stop doing so?
Abortion is the first consideration, and the most heavily weighted.
But a 100 pound weight is still outweighed by 500 1 pound weights.
One may try to convince themselves that the other issues somehow are of greater importance than life itself, but that is ultimately a dishonest endeavor.
According to your personal opinion.
One would have to have evidence that these other issues are killing more people every year than abortion.
A task that is ultimately fruitless as there are no real statistics kept for all of them.
One could say inaction on climate change is far worse than abortion as there is no reason to be born without a hospitable planet to live on. Or that there’s no hope for the unborn of immigrants if they aren’t given safety and a place to live. Or that the poor are driven to abortion because they have no money to care for children.
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