Tv amazing race, any fans?

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SURPRISE, SURPRISE! The pablo family came in 1st. they took fast forward??

the panama jeeps are similar to the filipino jeep… lol…
the godlewiski family so lucky!! they were not eliminated… but of course no money to start the nxt race…
Why are all the other teams so against the Weaver family (team FL)?? I don’t get it, they haven’t done anything to anyone to warrant being yielded or all the snide remarks, especially when they had to go to Talladega for one of their tasks. One of the families said something to the effect that ‘this should make the FL team meltdown’. How heartless can you get? They lost their father and husband at a race track accident. I know it’s a race and I am all for good competition, but come on. And then who was the only team to offer assistance to the Godlewski girls who had no money? Team FL. What goes around comes around. Up until now, I really didn’t care which team won, but now I am rooting for team FL.
JC Nixon:
Why are all the other teams so against the Weaver family (team FL)?? I don’t get it, they haven’t done anything to anyone to warrant being yielded or all the snide remarks, especially when they had to go to Talladega for one of their tasks. One of the families said something to the effect that ‘this should make the FL team meltdown’. How heartless can you get? They lost their father and husband at a race track accident. I know it’s a race and I am all for good competition, but come on. And then who was the only team to offer assistance to the Godlewski girls who had no money? Team FL. What goes around comes around. Up until now, I really didn’t care which team won, but now I am rooting for team FL.
Did you see last night’s show? The Weaver’s didn’t come off so nice in it. It could be the editing, but it seems like all the other teams don’t like them (the other teams were gonna yield them too). I like the Linz family.
wisdom 3:5:
Did you see last night’s show? The Weaver’s didn’t come off so nice in it. It could be the editing, but it seems like all the other teams don’t like them (the other teams were gonna yield them too). I like the Linz family.
Yeah…when they were at the race track on last night’s episode, the Godlewski sisters said that they felt bad for the kids and they came over to see if they were ok. And when the sisters backs were turned, the Weaver kids were like, “they’re so fake” when they actually were being nice. I think they come off kind of bratty…“they don’t like us because we’re Christian” where the heck did they get that from?

The Linz family is still my favorite too. I think they’re funny.
Oh Cool!! I didn’t know there was a thread for The Amazing Race!!! This is the first one I’ve gotten into. I’m not sure who I’m for yet. I go back and forth between the Godlewski family and the Linz family. I feel bad for the Weaver family, but I think they dug their own hole by being so emotional and weird t/o this race.
I haven’t seen the latest show yet (DVR’d it) but I was thinking about all the stuff that probably goes on between the teams that we don’t see. I imagine at the pit stops the teams have some time to interact and perhaps that is where the Weaver’s have dug their deepest hole.

Yes, they do act a bit bizarre and perhaps overemotional, but maybe I can shed a little light on it. I don’t know the Weavers, but I live about 20 miles from them, so I am very familiar with what happened in the tragic death of their husband and father at the Daytona Speedway, it was horrific. When the ‘head’ of your family is ripped from your life, you do become somewhat irrational and VERY protective of each other and yourself, it’s an ‘us against the world’ scenario; been there, done that. They have had the added stress of having speedway officials in essence place the entire blame for the death on the victim. The family has since had to file suit, so they have had a difficult time of it.

I am not saying this justifies anything, I am just suggesting that there may well be valid reasons for why they are coming across as ‘different’. Knowing what I know has perhaps made me more sympathetic than I might normally be. I am not too sure they will, but I hope they win.

Here is a link to our local papers with just one of many stories regarding the death of Roy Weaver, if anyone is interested. If you want to read more, just type his name in the newspapers search box.
I am resurrecting this thread because…my team won!! Whoo hoo!! 😃 And you know, I picked Uchenna and Joyce last season as my favorite team and they won too. I guess I just have an eye for the winners 😛

I think the Weavers did it to themselves. At the stadium they were just sitting there, hanging out, I’m like, uh…are they still trying to win or what here?

Yay for the Linzes 🙂

Anyone else catch the finale? Next season starts in February.
Yeah… the linzs won… I already had gut feel that either the linzs or the godweski? sisters would win…

anyway, congrats to the linzs…
I can’t believe ya’ll are happy the linzes won.

Perhaps it is editing, but to me they came off as arrogant, insensitive, vindictive and rude. Sure it’s a competition. I just prefer some sportsmanship in competition.
I can’t believe ya’ll are happy the linzes won.

Perhaps it is editing, but to me they came off as arrogant, insensitive, vindictive and rude. Sure it’s a competition. I just prefer some sportsmanship in competition.
I thought the Weavers were far worse.
I can’t believe ya’ll are happy the linzes won.

Perhaps it is editing, but to me they came off as arrogant, insensitive, vindictive and rude. Sure it’s a competition. I just prefer some sportsmanship in competition.
I agree. I wish someone could explain to me when the Weavers became the bad guys. I repeat what I said, from experience, in a previous post. When your husband dies unexpectedly, you become VERY protective of yourself and your children and they of you. It becomes you against the rest of the world. So perhaps the Weaver family brought some of this mentality to the race with them which is what put the distance between them and the other teams.

The Weaver family ran the race to win, they did NOTHING to hinder any other team, which can’t be said of the Linze family. They, and other teams, DELIBERATELY did anything they could to hinder the Weaver family (TWO yields??? if they weren’t percieved as a threat, then TWO yields were just spiteful). As far as I am concerned, the Weaver family won where it counts, in class and good sportsmanship, not so the Linze family. I thought the Bransen family had stayed fairly neutral, but in the end, they were no better than the Linzes.
I think they yielded the Weavers because they obviously were a threat. They came in third, after all. And they had an alliance with the Bransons, so they weren’t going to yield them. Also I’m sure the Weavers would have yielded them if they had the chance. I think they sort of put up the wall between themselves and the other teams on their own. Other teams would try to be nice at the beginning and they’d just say they were fake, like they did with the Godliewski sisters, who were actually concerned about them…the Weavers would have lost 3 shows ago anyway if it hadn’t been a non-elimination round…

I think the Linzes were a great team. I’m so sorry that happend to their family, it’s a terrible thing, but the Linzes had to play the game. Nothing they did was unethical.

Ok, I think I care a little too much about this show 😃 :rolleyes:
I think the Linzes were a great team. I’m so sorry that happend to their family, it’s a terrible thing, but the Linzes had to play the game. Nothing they did was unethical.
I agree. I lost respect for the Weavers when they couldn’t handle being on an 8 hour bus ride and not know where they were going. They acted so weird. Also, she said herself that they kept to themselves, so they alienated themselves from all the other teams. I think that is quite obvious, because it wasn’t just the Linz family, none of the other teams liked them.

I loved the LInz family. Originally I wanted the Gagnon family to win, but then I loved the LInz kids. They were so close as siblings, hardly ever argued in 25 days, the boys treated Med so well and always encouraged her and each other, always had a good time, were so funny, and then they shared the prize money with their entire family, half to their parenst and the rest split between all 7 kids. I don’t know many people that would do that. Plus I lived in Cincy for 5 years, so that was close to my heart to.
Ok, I think I care a little too much about this show 😃 :rolleyes:
Me too. Its my fav show though. I know many people didn’t like the family edition but I did.
JC Nixon:
I agree. I wish someone could explain to me when the Weavers became the bad guys. I repeat what I said, from experience, in a previous post. When your husband dies unexpectedly, you become VERY protective of yourself and your children and they of you. It becomes you against the rest of the world. So perhaps the Weaver family brought some of this mentality to the race with them which is what put the distance between them and the other teams.

The Weaver family ran the race to win, they did NOTHING to hinder any other team, which can’t be said of the Linze family. They, and other teams, DELIBERATELY did anything they could to hinder the Weaver family (TWO yields??? if they weren’t percieved as a threat, then TWO yields were just spiteful). As far as I am concerned, the Weaver family won where it counts, in class and good sportsmanship, not so the Linze family. I thought the Bransen family had stayed fairly neutral, but in the end, they were no better than the Linzes.
It has been fun reading these post and knowing who won.

As for the Floriday folks, from the begining they made nasty rude remarks and then said they were Christians. Didn’t you see where they went into the park and told the ticket takers to lie to them. The ticket takers told them that the Weavers was talking trash about them or when they confronted the one boy, actually they ganged up on him, for yielding. The other yield they screemed out aren’t you sorry that you yielded us. The other two families helped each other even at the end. There were many more incidents that showed the lack of class and Christianity of the Weavers. I did feel that maybe they have not come to grips with their loss. I also thought the Mother was putting to much of a load on her son by making him the man of the family and cutting short his childhood.
Ooh, adrift, I forgot about the ticket thing.

Yeah, I don’t know if the Weavers would have gotten as far as they did without the son. He did all the hard stuff. Out of all the members of that family, I liked him most because he seemed mature and when the girls were constantly whining, he wanted to keep going. He really held them together, but, he can’t do everything himself.
I can’t believe ya’ll are happy the linzes won.

Perhaps it is editing, but to me they came off as arrogant, insensitive, vindictive and rude. Sure it’s a competition. I just prefer some sportsmanship in competition.
I’m not happy. I wanted the Weaver’s to win.
~ Kathy ~
Wish I would have seen this thread earlier. I just had to chime in about the Weavers.

If you are truly Christian-you don’t need to tell everyone. Your “little light” should shine through. There were many times they were not Christian like. They used it and their dad’s death as a crutch.

I loved the Bransons but was rooting for the Linz’s also. I thought both families truly loved each other and it showed.
Couldn’t stand the Weavers. The woman’s prayers always sounded like she was rubbing an ecclesiatical rabbit’s foot for luck. I liked the Linzes and the Bransens.
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