Here goes Twitter again.
You really keep a tab on these threads and what is posted in each one. Missed that post.Inaction on Biden would only be relevant if it were also alleged that Biden violated a rule. This is like saying the police gave a ticket to thencar that was speeding, but did not give a ticket to the blue car.
Btw: there was some discussion of this in the election thread.
Nope, there are a few issues on which I keep tabs. Technology lawsuits are among them, and Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and Google are often the targets of these. I also keep track of the smaller claims that tend to lead up to these suits. The Epic v Apple case over Fortnite has been a good one.You really keep a tab on these threads and what is posted in each one.
He said a couple of things. First was the stolen tweet.Trump said that the election was being stolen. That’s what got him in Twitter jail.
Trump and the Trumpsters will not be silent. I think that Trump will continue to make Twitter relevant.I predict, and this is straight up my opinion. If Biden wins, Twitter will loose a lot of influence and money. For all they argue with Trump, it is precisely Trump who kept Twitter afloat.
From a 2018 Pew research study, 10% of Twitter users produce 80% of the tweets. I don’t think people are expressing themselves on it in quite the numbers some would have others think.I don’t think what Twitter censors or doesn’t censor has much if any effect in the grand scheme of things.
My wife seels Twitter and Instagrams largely as tools for being nosey and following gossip.Twitter seems to be a big “look at me” thing. It’s not unique in that respect - Instagram is the same way.
True, the way that one can limit posts to their own relationships is useful.By contrast, on Facebook, most people I know post almost everything “friends only” or “closed group”.
Here, I think I am out-of-step with the times. Knowing that someone is an influencer would make them less likely to be someone I would want to “follow” (as multiple senses of the word “follow” might be applicable here).I’m totally uninterested in people trying to be “influencers” although I know for some folks it means money in their pocket and that’s why they do it.
I guess it’s Biden’s fault he didn’t say anything that needed to be “censored.” (i.e., he didn’t tweet out false accusations)Here goes Twitter again.
Like with stopping vote count reporting,Here goes Twitter again.