Oh, I looked, and still looking. The “picture” is much worse through the eyes of an adult. No wonder that the Bible says that we should be like children. Which means, without critical skills, and accepting whatever an “authority” happens to tell us.Ah. Indeed, you have never have prayed for faith as an adult. This is a very common scenario with Atheists. Namely that their faith was shattered at a young age and since then, they have never looked at God from an adult point of view. The development of the spiritual (the combination of logic, emotions and memory together) can get stunted.
Very imprecise. If a being is described as “loving” and “caring” then one expects that being to behave in a certain way. Not just by ME, but every reasonable person. Words are supposed to have MEANINGS.You want God to fix things to conform to how YOU think they should be.
You bet. One of them must be discarded. And if someone behaves as an evil (or at least as an uncaring) person, then every logical analyzer will discard the adjective “loving”.This thought cannot be held on to at the same time with the thought that God is all knowing and loving.
What you try to do is called “argument from ignorance”. Just because we don’t know “everything”, we should give the benefit of doubt, and consider God as “loving”, even if there is no evidence of that.
The fundamental problem is that you attempt to use a different “yardstick” for “human goodness” and “God’s goodness”. Goodness is goodness. And that simply does not wash.
The “faith” you speak of is called “blind” faith. It requires one to give up one’s rational thinking. That is NOT an option. If God can be demonstrated in a rational way, everything is fine.There are two solutions (at least that I can think of) to that spiritual dilemma. One is to give up on God completely. The other is to have faith in God and look more deeply into why things are the way they are. There are many wonderful insights into God that can be gleaned by following the second path. And since the first is a dead end, why not take the road less traveled?