For years scientists argued that the features of the Scablands could not have been formed overnight. But this model clearly shows miniature versions of the canyons found in the Scablands. Just like the real ones, they look as if they were gradually eroded. In fact, they were carved out in seconds.
If so, and the flow went on for days or weeks, he’s arguing that it all happened in the first few seconds, and then erosion stopped for the rest of the week?
I’d have to see some evidence for that. And note that the features aren’t sharp fractures, but rather are polished surfaces. Try polishing a stone with a sledgehammer. Polishing does not happen with a sudden impact, but with repeated abrasions.
As you know, I expressed disbelief that any geologist would say something like that. I can understand why a “hydrodynamics expert” wouldn’t get it, but this sort of thing isn’t a mystery to fluvial geomorphologists:
**Dynamics of pothole growth as defined by field data and geometrical description
Gregory S. Springer Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
Stephen Tooth Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
Ellen E. Wohl Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA
This paper examines cylindrical pothole growth on streambeds using empirical analyses of field data and geometric constraints. Pothole depths (d) and average radii (inline equation) at three localities have the relationship inline equation = kd ɛ , where k and ɛ are regression coefficients (R 2 ≥ 0.72). Observed ɛ (0.57, 0.67, 0.85) translate to d increasing faster than r at all localities. The strong correlations and absence of potholes with very low or high ratios of depth/diameter suggest that small concavities act as pothole seeds and enlargement is quasi-systematic. Exploiting the power relationship, growing potholes can be represented as deepening and radially expanding cylinders. Absolute and relative distributions of erosion can be calculated for floors and walls using this geometrical approach. Volumetrically, more substrate is eroded from pothole walls than floors during growth for ɛ > 0.5. Among sample populations, as much as 70% more material is eroded from walls than floors (ɛ = 0.85). Wall and floor surface areas differ by 1 or more orders of magnitude for observed ɛ, and as a result, erosion rates are fastest atop floors. Differences in erosion rates may reflect the efficacy of erosion phenomena. Low-angle impacts of tools on walls presumably have low erosion efficiencies. Efficacies are presumably influenced by substrate properties, and floor and wall erosion rates are most comparable in the weakest observed strata, although substantially more material is removed from walls at this locality (ɛ = 0.85). Additional data is needed, but quantifiable relationships may exist between geometries, substrates, and erosion phenomena. **
What is your guy’s evidence for it all happening in “seconds?” And why doesn’t it match up with observed reality?