How can they get away with it?
****I’m so angry right now. I just came across this article today. So many crazy (heretical) things have been happening in our diocese. I’m finally getting a better picture in my mind as to why it’s happening. The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. I guess I just wasn’t that aware or concerned about these things until they started happening in my parish and ever since then I keep uncovering more abuses, heresy, and dissent. ****
I can’t understand why these bishops are allowed to get away with these kinds of things? Is it just that people don’t know what’s going on or is it that they just don’t care? I’m just hopeful the Cavalry (The Vatican) will rescue us soon. ****
****Ignore, Ignore ****
**Bishop Brown Delays, Cardinal Mahony Challenges Rome’s Liturgy Document **
**The language seems sufficiently **strong and clear. But not strong enough or clear enough, perhaps, for the diocese of Orange.
“This Instruction, prepared by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II … was approved by the same Pontiff … and he ordered it to be published and to observed immediately by all concerned” [emphasis added].
The diocese of Orange, it seems, has a unique definition for “immediately” and “by all concerned.” A June 11 memo sent to “Pastors, Priests, and Deacons” by Lesa Truxaw, directress of the diocese’s office of worship, admitted that the instruction, Redemptionis Sacramentum, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship on March 25, “can offer us the opportunity to reaffirm the centrality of the Eucharist and the importance it has for our lives.” However, continued Truxaw, the instruction (which mandates correction of liturgical abuses) “needs to be viewed in the context of the recently issued General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia, as well as the particular law of the Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America.” Truxaw noted that it is “helpful to remember that Instructions clarify the prescripts of laws, do not make new laws, and are an act of executive power and therefore of less juridic weight than a legislative text such as the General Instruction or of particular law of an Episcopal Conference.”
In other words, a congregation of the Holy See is inferior to a national bishops conference, a Vatican instruction (even one promulgated by the pope himself) is of little weight, and the clergy of the Orange diocese can with impunity blow it off. In fact, they are ordered to, by none other than the bishop himself. Truxaw continues that Bishop Tod Brown “is waiting for the deliberation of the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, the Bishops’ Conference, and subsequent consultation with the Diocesan Liturgical Commission to determine if any change is needed in the liturgical practices of our Diocese. *Parishes are not to make any changes in their liturgical practices based on Redemptionis Sacramentum until this process is complete. *If any changes are needed, the Office of Worship will assist you with details and appropriate catechesis for the faithful.” [Emphasis added.]
Michael Dunnigan, who works with the San Antonio, Texas-based St. Joseph Foundation, an organization dealing with canon law issues, told me he thought Truxaw’s memorandum “is not entirely clear.” To Dunnigan “it seems to imply that an instruction is in some sense optional and that a bishop may decide for himself whether or not to follow it.” Citing canon law, Dunnigan said that an instruction is “a norm that clarifies the meaning of a law and that specifies how the law is to be executed.” As such it “is binding on those whose duty it is to execute the law.
“Bishops have the responsibility to execute the liturgical law of the Church and, accordingly, the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum is binding on them,” Dunnigan said.
Please read article in its entirety by clicking on link
****I’m so angry right now. I just came across this article today. So many crazy (heretical) things have been happening in our diocese. I’m finally getting a better picture in my mind as to why it’s happening. The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. I guess I just wasn’t that aware or concerned about these things until they started happening in my parish and ever since then I keep uncovering more abuses, heresy, and dissent. ****
I can’t understand why these bishops are allowed to get away with these kinds of things? Is it just that people don’t know what’s going on or is it that they just don’t care? I’m just hopeful the Cavalry (The Vatican) will rescue us soon. ****
****Ignore, Ignore ****
**Bishop Brown Delays, Cardinal Mahony Challenges Rome’s Liturgy Document **
**The language seems sufficiently **strong and clear. But not strong enough or clear enough, perhaps, for the diocese of Orange.
“This Instruction, prepared by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II … was approved by the same Pontiff … and he ordered it to be published and to observed immediately by all concerned” [emphasis added].
The diocese of Orange, it seems, has a unique definition for “immediately” and “by all concerned.” A June 11 memo sent to “Pastors, Priests, and Deacons” by Lesa Truxaw, directress of the diocese’s office of worship, admitted that the instruction, Redemptionis Sacramentum, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship on March 25, “can offer us the opportunity to reaffirm the centrality of the Eucharist and the importance it has for our lives.” However, continued Truxaw, the instruction (which mandates correction of liturgical abuses) “needs to be viewed in the context of the recently issued General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia, as well as the particular law of the Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America.” Truxaw noted that it is “helpful to remember that Instructions clarify the prescripts of laws, do not make new laws, and are an act of executive power and therefore of less juridic weight than a legislative text such as the General Instruction or of particular law of an Episcopal Conference.”
In other words, a congregation of the Holy See is inferior to a national bishops conference, a Vatican instruction (even one promulgated by the pope himself) is of little weight, and the clergy of the Orange diocese can with impunity blow it off. In fact, they are ordered to, by none other than the bishop himself. Truxaw continues that Bishop Tod Brown “is waiting for the deliberation of the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy, the Bishops’ Conference, and subsequent consultation with the Diocesan Liturgical Commission to determine if any change is needed in the liturgical practices of our Diocese. *Parishes are not to make any changes in their liturgical practices based on Redemptionis Sacramentum until this process is complete. *If any changes are needed, the Office of Worship will assist you with details and appropriate catechesis for the faithful.” [Emphasis added.]
Michael Dunnigan, who works with the San Antonio, Texas-based St. Joseph Foundation, an organization dealing with canon law issues, told me he thought Truxaw’s memorandum “is not entirely clear.” To Dunnigan “it seems to imply that an instruction is in some sense optional and that a bishop may decide for himself whether or not to follow it.” Citing canon law, Dunnigan said that an instruction is “a norm that clarifies the meaning of a law and that specifies how the law is to be executed.” As such it “is binding on those whose duty it is to execute the law.
“Bishops have the responsibility to execute the liturgical law of the Church and, accordingly, the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum is binding on them,” Dunnigan said.
Please read article in its entirety by clicking on link